Estoc Trials, The Rancor Wars - SEASON 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. The times suck for EUROPE also does the EE lvl start in week 0 preseason?
  2. I love how dramatic people get in forums. The Devs aren't stupid people, they can read. But it's hard to answer anyone when someone says, "UK has zero good times to war. We're screwed again." and then the next post says, "Thanks Devs, UK only gets 2 good times to war." and then another post says, "In UK, we got 4-5 good war times. Thanks Devs."

    So obviously some people are big babies and have to be so dramatic and lie and say everything is awful while some people are being more honest and saying that they did get some good times. It's just a game people. Calm your tits lol
  3. pls change the war time for sgt..nearly all war start at the is helpfull for the south east asian kawer to have a little late war like 12 pm or some thing.thx devs
  4. Is war 10 still on? Coz there's a war now and gmt is at 11pm?
  5. Ok why are uk and European kawers complaining?
    Because most of us have to get to work or school if devs keep the schedule they posted most players in these regions will have to stay up half the night.
    We like this game and we want the same chance as other regions to get a shoot at the equipment. US tz gets 7 out of 10 wars.
    I could understand 60/40 sure but 70/30 that's just giving us europeans the finger and stealing our time and money.
    We know it's a game and we'd like to be able to play it even if we have jobs or school.
    Times that fit Europe: 6pm-8pm and 9am-6pm.
  6. Please change time for Europe. War 2,4 for exemple better start at 7-8pm
  7. •I am very happy you don't lose EE for leaving clan. Agree need to be able to kick mid war if player is inactive or being a total dip ****.
    •I think order of rancor equip is only fair
    •Tz need to be made fair for all tz not impossible for a few. Of all complaints expressed, I think this change will make the most happy. If all wars in USA were after midnight I'd be pissed off too. Prob rage quit
    •ER-Rudimentary - hilarious.. I laughed sooo hard.
    •Suggestion: All wars be 1 hr wars unless at a time that most have 4 hours to be 100% engrossed in game. It takes two hours b4 war to really prepare, write rosters, wc to plan and split and study opponents..etc. those who don't spend time to prepare well are prob not doing that well. Many show up last minute and don't bother to prepare cause they have busy lives which impacts the entire clan. Or they are distracted cause of long war times and don't perform as well as they want too.

  8. Plz change timings. Many asians are playing this game but they cannot participate because of thos timings . Thats complete favouritism devs!!! Not fair....
  9. HELLO HELLO. Europe here. You heard of us devs. ******* joke❗❗
  10. Week 0 ends on my b-day :D
  11. After looking at war schedule it seems the war times have been done so that ppl can't use blood lust and veil of darkness for two wars only 8 and 9 are under 12hrs apart.
  12. Just make it the same timings as end of season 2 and put back those 2 missing EU friendly wars that u left out from season 1
  13. The times for Europe are a very junk thing, all for the American. This is not fair devs, even if I win all the three wars that I cpuld do I will never have the rancor level 50
  14. 7 out of 10 wars start after midnight and are followed by a normal weekday for European players.

    This seems to be a bit lopsided, people in Europe that work or go to school are left with max 3 wars a week and all in the weekend.

    So please consider changing 1 of the weekday wars to 7pm GMT or even 8pm GMT. Thanks.
  15. War 2 and War 4 needs to be one or two hours earlier...then all is good for european players...atm european player can't do weekday wars coz all are late...please fix it devs...but i think if we talking here or not you don't will hear our wishes...
  16. Remember, even two wars in plus availed for Europe, much more dollars for you. Wars in week end and friday are good,please change some weeks war
  17. Any chance of getting times amended for sgt time zones either after midnight or during the day when people have jobs and schools to be at. I know you try to make it fair for all but this is a bit crazy!!!
  18. PDT getting 4 7pm start times. I know they are prob the ones who have the highest amount of people playing but there are a heap of others playing around the world that want a fair crack aswell!!!!
  19.  move war 10 back to original time if European times were not bad enough already
  20. Hi devs I know its probably pointless posting cause let's face people have being saying the same thing for fourteen weeks with little to no response from yourselves. Any way if your going to insist on pushing forward with an absolutely crap algorithm an season two, can you atleast meet the kawmunnity (mainly European ) in the middle and adjust the war times. Now I'm not stupid and realize you are probably taking what you think is a smart business decision as the highest percentage of kaw players live in the America's however you have a just as loyal a set of customers in Europe that due to your anti European schedule will be unable to take part in the vast majority of your midweek wars. Now fact is sign up considering the amount of clans in kaw is extremely low and by going with the schedule you have chosen your alienating the European members of many top, loyal and committed ee clans, which in many cases will lead to alot of these clans regularly having to miss wars because they cant make the numbers. Worse still is the smaller newer clan your screwing there opportunity completely by alienating members of there limited roster's. Now I like the rest of your customers know admitting mistakes isn't your strong point but please for the sake of what has the potential to be an amazing and fun season for many, adjust the schedule. Thanx in advance.