Estoc Trials, The Rancor Wars - SEASON 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. Devs u suck I have to eather wake up stupidly early or stay up stupidly late for wars all this season you have not done anything to help us u.k players out I'm sure you could make the war times better for us all seriously I can't even do war 1 damn u
  2. The timings for war starts in season2 are not as time zone equitable as season 1 - if your listening devs please adjust 1 or 2 start times to maximize participation opportunities
  3. Wow. I can do two wars a week with these times assuming that RL does not get in the way. Way to go Devs. UK screwed again 
  4. I will ask again, will you please allow us to kick the inactives halfway through wars?
  5. If you take away losing EE for moving from clans, your taking away a sort of punishment in which leaks lose EE levels when kicked by admins/owners. I read a thread once where a user suggested allowing the clan owners to vote, instead of catering to the masses. The wars have created even more of a Merc'ing atmosphere. Everyone flocks to the winning clans...EE was originally created to promote clan loyalty....Now what's the purpose? Its just another award for winning but unfortunately will be given to leaks in war, and cannot be taken away...Why not have a reward for those that routinely perform at the top of their game . Perhaps award EE levels to those that perform top 50% of wr w actions? If we cannot kick leaks during war, and EE cannot be lost then you're taking away an owners ability to 'take away' a players ee for not performing. Just a thought... If your going to do this will you please let us kick the leaks halfway through war, to give us a better chance or even to not allow leaks the reward of EE?
  6. Have you thought about gmt uk players at all with war times? Clocks still 1 hour so no weekday matches if you work to earn money for xtal!
  7. Is estoc edge protected when we leave our clan during week 0 too (pre-season week) ? Our will we still loose one lvl of edge if we leave our clan on Monday ?
  8. Hi kaw Admin, the Times are Horror for Europe! During the Week i cant warring any War. Pls fix it!
  9. For uk War 2,4,5,9, and 10 look good. That half of the wars.
  10. Uk is gmt 1, which puts week wars end at 1 am. Central euro and east euro is gmt 2, meaning that war ends at 2 am. Thus, warring during the week is impossible if you have a job and intend keeping it
  11. Thank you devs for your hard work preparing for season 2. We are happy to see the order of rewards has been adjusted appropriately. In the future please review war times so they may be more friendly to U.K players.
  12. @rupert,
    what about people who missed s1 for some reason and are ready for s2 when the reward system is reversed? It's not like devs will change last times equipment rewards so it is only fair if they do it for s3
  13. OH WOOPIE the epic fail we all expected. Dtw dts still in effect, and nothing done about Ghs. Congrats devs on weeks of testing all to not fix the biggest issue the community has expressed their concern over for the past weeks. Good job once again on not listening and doing whatever you want, have fun watching the same clans exploit their way to victory.

    And 7-12 minute kos, way to not listen some more. dont know how many times ive seen 10-15 min or even 2 min randoms, why even bother suggesting anything?
  14. why r times the same

    Cant we change up the times for each time zone. Same wars same times...why? Move the second half times an hour up or down ...why do they stay the same? 1030 on Monday should be 930 on Thursday or even more .. have to half's for war times..the same all week just prevents a better mix of clans.
  15. Not sure what that last line meant but was supposed to say half the week one time second half another..instead of the same all week.
  16. Bad War times for European time zones AGAIN - why can't it be a 50/50 split ?
  17. Because wayyyy more U.S players play this game.
  18. why all 1h wars are in the middle of the night for european time zone ?
  19. Devs , why can't you just stick to season 1 time?
  20. Quote kaw_admin: " But by popular demand you will not lose Estoc's Edge for leaving a clan during Season 2 only."
    Why you'r changing that now only for Season 2? Popular demand has been here for long time and not only demanding like 9y kids but also arguing with facts why such rule is/was a big non-sense(may say stupidity).
    Wasn't this non-sense rule implemented to "improve the clan unity"(sic!). What's the difference between trials and Season 2 now? You "improve the clan unity" during trials using players as free testers(not free for them, real money are used to test your bugged system) and now you "destroy clan unity" removing the rule only for Season 2?
    If such rule is stupid remove it at all, from trials too. Possibly apologizing for the many clans and friendship(yeah, virtual friendship but good enough) you have destroyed.