Estoc Trials, The Rancor Wars - SEASON 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. please i beg you... go back to Season 1 matching system.... this system seriously SUCKS!

    plz take a close look at todays matches.. they are really really bad !
  2. seriously...Devs you are stupid if you even remotely feel your match up of tuc vs poc makes even a slightly fair match. thanks for wasting time again. next time we match poc im done with this game. quit wasting my time
  3. You coulda had our mismatch made in devs world of rising hawks. Oh well another season for the hawks
  4. Guys i dont think devs will reply to any of our posts in this thread. They have abandoned this one. No matter how much u cry out loud, devs are giving a deaf ear to it. Catch them on the new threads :p

    Happy Kawing :)
  5. If ghs can hit big players .. big players should be able to hit back. U want all of kaw to become ghs? Some of us are trying to war here. Please make necessary adjustments. Other then that so far I am happy with RW Season 2. Ty :)
  6. Whats with the unfair advantage with war times? No working person or schoolie in asia has a chance at a week day war!

    All your thinking of is lining your pockets with $ with wars times that produce the most revenue instead of times to make this a balanced playing field for all.
  7. @kaw
    Here is a idea to make better matches. Whoever cast wave gets put into a system. The higher cs/bfa/bfa get match up against each other. Lowest cs/bfa/before against each other. And so on. You can possibly have most of this wars where everyone can hit 100% of the other side successfully. Each different clan gets the maximum of 29 random people. No one has to worry about leaving the clan there in. You have more people signing up, meaning more cash in your pockets. Just a rough idea for you to get more balance match ups
  8. Wasn't there something about free equipment for week zero? Did I hallucinate that?
  9. At the risk of this post being a total waste of calories, I'll say it anyway.

    Devs, your match up algorithm is ass busted. It's not a little bit broken. It's totally rooted. I could pull random names out if a pickle barrel and achieve better outcomes.

    It may seem pointless drilling down to individual cases, but check the last Rising Hawks vs WAR Honour. Taking nothing away from RH clear organisation, commitment and strategy, they also have circa 4x the BFE and around 9x the BFA.

    What the hell?? Seriously. Delete the branch of code devs and start afresh or go back to a 6 month only revision and work on that. ATA needs to stop hiring analysts from the short bus and start properly engaging the grey matter.

    Idiots. You've been spamming us for an iTunes Store rating. I'll be happy to oblige.

    Just get better guys. Surely it's not that hard.
  10. Please correct your timings!! If war 9 is 11am GMT that would be 2 hours time not 1 hour as it is now!! We are BST at the mo. if you insist in GMT then it should read 12noon GMT. No wonder people miss wars!!
  11. Sorry 10am GMT. Now you have me confused.
  12. So like ... this?
  13. Maybe need some repair at war schedule
  14. I hope you are working just as hard in making KAW running faster on iOS7. iOS7 makes KAW run slow. Please help speed it back up. Makes it hard to war.
  15. War times are just terrible for gmt
  16. Tell me war crystals can be bought with gold ?
  17. Why is at least one of the wars at a inconvenient time again for gmt its unfair on some of us, we do have jobs you kn○w!
  18. Why is it we had a whole summer of trials then another week 0 of trials and you now are changing things mid season again? The feedback was clear this didn't work and you pushed forward anyways. Clans have changed to play in this stupid matchup system and now you want to change it again during the middle of the season. And now their are more and more no matches it seems and less time for us to get Rancor to get the equipment we have spent so many xtals testing your war system.

    Please explain why you wait until the season starts to try to tweak the system again that the feedback was to get rid of to begin with?

    Do you guys just really enjoying ignoring everyone and watching everyone still spend money on the game as you give crap back?

    All serious questions I really want to know. It isn't just a rant, just really confused as why any company would think this was the way to manage their customers.