There are several issues still to be addressed by the Devs. I was in the 1st Beta War and the last. In the last i had 4th highest actions and 4 ko's and received 12 mith while others around me received a much greater number Even had I not left the clans in order to rejoin my own, i would not had progressed beyond level 1 EE due to the time span between wars I was able to participate will have to schedule your wars throughout the week. The turnout was poor, but you consider how many of us who like to war that joined other clans for the opportunity and you can easily see how small a percentage of clan participation you really had. I know i'm repeating what others have said but you have to fix EE and let it be a part of all system wars or let players keep the EE. As a hansel and only having achieved level 1 EE i saw absolutely no change in plunder. This is not encouraging...and as others have stated, hansels are needed in wars. For your new war system to be successful you really need to implement these changes. I applaud you on the changes and the matchups so it is much more fun...but that so far is the only incentive for me to war. When you consider that it cost me twice what i earned either in gold or mith then it was not worth it. These are corrections you need to make before moving forward with the new war system. As I am repeating what many others have need to listen as you asked for the feedback to make the war system great.
@Mithril payout complainers. There are a few threads in the strategy section you should go read. The synapsis is that mithril payments are based on plunder and the type of successful actions you perform. In general, the quantity of payout is speculated to go from attacks, assassinations, steals, scouts (highest to lowest). The implication is that if you scout away all war, you won't get much. If you attack and assassinate the whole war you will make a killing. Looking at the payouts I received, I nearly always made more mithril than I spent, and the surplus also covered pot costs, and a tidy profit. If you learn to play the game mechanics I would bet your payout would increase.
@iProphets aka dondadas comment of whining. Not whining. Giving honest feedback. And damn right ima spy bitching about gold. New t5's and new items and new pots make some people a hard nut to crack. I like bfa to help boost my stats so I can steal leaderboard targets. Plus the whole point of EE to an osw clan is the increase in plunder for potting up and strip funds. If spies don't get the advantage of plunder then take it away from attack builds too or give it to spies also. I want to be able to earn faster strip funds and be able to pot up just as quick as attack builds can. I have no attack build acct to take advantage of the added plunder. I rock a spy as my main and I want the same bonus given to attack builds. Devs have already put spies at a disadvantage overall with their bully mechs. Why further that disadvantage with their new EE rewards?
And let's not look at the present problem with spies not getting the added plunder bonus. Let's look 6 months down the road. If i make 6t by then an attk build getting the plunder advantage will make nearly 9t. No way for a spy to be able to keep up with the bfa if attk builds get nearly 50% more gold for winning estoc wars. Which again is an obvious disadvantage to spies. Especially as we are already at a plunder disadvantage because attack builds already make a ton more than spies do before adding the bonus from EE plunder gains
@fluffy ur point is only directed to pure spy's witch ur not you can attack ebs and make a lot of plunder to pot up and use EE advantage
And also iv notices spy's have higher chances to get equipment drops and make more money per haunting then attack builds
And some of the best osw clans are mostly spies. ISS, NA, VOODOO, Protake just to list a few. And this leaves us all at a disadvantage now but leaves us at a much larger one in the long run. And you can call it complaining, whining, crying etc. Call it a firetruck for all I care. But the facts are there and can't be denied. The new system war is meant to encourage players to war via EE bonuses. I believe in order to encourage all builds to war then all builds need to receive the same fair compensation for there time and effort. And with the new "tower build" spies are the only way to KO most big players who have tower builds. Which means spies are a vital part of the new EE wars. So why do we not get to add pots/bfa to our kingdoms just as fast as an attk build?
@Rick. No. I do not get to take advantage of the plunder bonus from EE. I make 1m plunder each attack and it goes down. What is 42% of 1m. Not a damn bonus at all. A joke
The Tower Builds you referenced sacrifice a good deal of their net earning potential Fluffy. You have to pick your poison, there are pluses and minuses to every build strat.
Oh Yeah, And about the EE bonus - we have training clans - where we're teaching the future big builds of kaw, and they sometimes need our help - if only for 10 minutes. It really is not fun at all that we can't slip out of our clan for 5 minutes pop into theirs - help them finish their battle and go back home without losing 2 levels of hard-worked for EE. What about a 2 or 4hr limit outside of clan - need to get back or then you lose a level. This is all in the interest of taking care of our own and raising the members that continue to make this game happen. Today I lost 2 levels of EE to help one of our junior clans finish a battle. We finished it with 30 seconds on the clock - I was out of the clan for all of 8 minutes. - 2 EE lost but a sacrifice as an owner I was willing to make for my players. Think about it devs. -=Merlin=- -=The Towers=-
And yes I agree. Spies get better drops. But until they release drops for haunts then it is pointless to me. And if they don't give me the drop EVERY single eb then again not fair. Because attack builds get the plunder gain from every single attack. And still get the added drop rate. If they gave spies the plunder advantage and not attack builds you would be here giving your feedback on the issue not me. And I'd be right there in your corner with you fighting for your rights as an attack build.
And I agree with you that attack builds make more but we also risk more most attack builds carry out trills in allies not myself I carry more in pots while most spy builds carry no allies and risk close to nothing besides defensive pots in OSW/SW
On the subject of EE benefit to spy builds, I agree there is none. Perhaps the solution to this is a reduction in the percentage rewarded by each EE level, and instead of applying it to either plunder or ally bonus, apply it to total gold won
Idk even known where to start... How about with "the new tower build". Let me educate all you nooblets. Long long ago in a land far far away there was this thing called a tower farm. You would build all def towers and be a spy farm or all spy towers and be an attack farm. People made an uproar eventually and kaw implemented the changes that give "tower builds" their DTW hence killing tower farms. This is over two years ago. All you sillies are just now figuring out the mechs of it and call it new. Ain't nothing new about it. You all are just now starting to catch on is all it is. It's definitely not some superior build or anything like that. Gamehenge hit the nail on the head about it, and to add to what he said, all builds have their ups and downs. None any better than the other. It's all about how you play them. have any idea what a walking contradiction you sound like? Crying about the incentive to war is the EE reward yet claiming to be a war clan. If you're in a damn war clan, they shouldn't need a stupid reason like EE to war. Also to add to your little spy/war clan story. Most OSW based clans aren't spy based. Just the ones that know being a spy is much easier to play in osw(but not near as fun)....perk of a spy Spies have never need allies to make max gold in steals. How many threads have been started about that needing to be implemented? Another perk of a spy Idk where you're getting your data. Not only did my hansels make more plunder prior to EE than my hitters did, they make more now too. You keep talking about Haunting... Haunting isn't even paying me best per hour now thanks to ATA putting all those new pots for sale that drop in those bigger ebs along with the bronze bars(which my hansels receives daily doses of). And I am getting tons more drops on my hansel than my hitters. Same with Mithril payout as I spoke earlier. Someone in this thread mentions the payout order is based (from most Mithril reward to least) attack - assa - steals - scouts. Now that may have been the case prior to this new system(in fact I'm sure it was) but its not now. Last war all my hansels received 40-60mithirl...from 4 hours of war...all with less than 125 actions(most of which being assa). I had one hitter make Mithril in that range and it took me double the actions. looks like another new perk for being spy. KaW even says they are adding some new stuff with Mithril. Who knows what that could be but it doesn't seem fair to all those hitters that spies are earning Mithril much easier. Spies have always had way more advantages over hitters. Hitters have always cried about it. Now hitters get something spies don't and you lot all cry about. Back years ago when I went spy I didn't do it for the gold. You did it to be your enemies worst nightmare. Ohhh another thing....why is my one attack build hansel able to beat 3-4mil def hitters?? That doesn't seem fair to hitters either does it? Kaw you should also fix that lol.
We don't need incentive to osw proph. ISS is always in war. But to do the new system wars yes I believe we need incentive. Yes spies get better drops. In ebs that do the drops. So should I leave my clan and come to yours since it seems your clan can complete the bigger ebs? But then I have to leave my clan. And I can't because I lose EE if I did. Basically I am mad about it because I figured the new war system would be good because we could win a few wars and run haunts in the background and get an added plunder bonus to help us earn strip funds/pots for stripping with. Our tight knit group isn't big enough to run b2b FOD. Especially always being involved in some conflict or another. As a hansel i expected to be able to dump troops on haunt and gain a plunder bonus while continuing to war with my spies. And scorpion king lol that was probably one of the dumbest post I've read. Change my build lol. Not really feasible to go attack. But pinzy for your caps rage
One last comment on your rant fluffy, iSS, NA, VooDoo, ProTake, I'll Even Add AAH to that list.....none of those clans have yet to have EE awarded to them actually only one even attempted a try. So why you mad about it if your clan has yet to even give it a shot?
Why not feasible? It's cheap as hell to change build now. And yes your clan is more than capable of doing FoD. I've done it many times in clans smaller than ISS. Hell I've done it with only 15-20 people active in the eb. Your clan makes it clear to kaw they are pvp focused and could careless about ebs. If the Ee reward and making gold from ebs is your priority then yes, by all means you should leave your clan and join one with a similar view to yours.
In order for you to lose EE fluffy, your clan must first take part in one of these wars...and win. Something they haven't done yet. You're arguing based off of what ifs.
Yes proph we most likely could complete FOD if we recruited a couple more people and focused solely on completing FOD. Granted. But we can easily complete Hauntings while still completely wrecking another clan. And we haven't joined EE because... 1) this is the beta and we aren't joining for testing. Why join in a war, expend our pots/time when we know it has horrible bugs that need fixing? 2) we knew from the get that we would gain no benefit from the EE being as the only eb besides ambush we do is haunting and we get no drops, which is the only ability the EE would actually give us. So why would we join a EE war and invest our time/pots in it if we were not going to be compensated with the plunder bonus which again would be the only perk besides myth payout that we would be able to utilize. We are not a b2b eb clan. So we don't have the pots/free time to waste only to receive bragging rights. That is pots/time we would have to take away from our osw's we are constantly in. CONSTANTLY. Not saying regs aren't a war clan because personally I respect you and wulf and regs in general as great warriors. But y'all have numbers that we don't and are able to complete whatever eb you want at any given time. our small family doesn't have that advantage We actually 24/7 365 osw. Always in osw. We play the game more true to it's nature than any clan I can think of besides yafi. And now we are going to get left even further behind as a spy clan if we can't take advantage of the added plunder. You look only at your situation proph and are being close minded. Not every clan runs like yours. I'm just asking that it be looked into so that we get the same advantage without having to conform to the ways that everyone else decides to play. We are not an eb item clan. The drop bonus is good and well for clans that are eb item clans or have the strength and numbers to complete the larger ebs. And not everyone has as many Accts as you proph. You don't care because your spies are all Alts to I'm guessing a big attk build. So it makes no difference to you. But if the bonus was applied only to spies you would be wearing my shoes and standing in the same mud I am on my side of the fence