Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Why do you keep insisting on keeping the dts/dtw mechs in during war? Use them to match up if you think it helps (which it hasn't) but remove them during war. It's more of a nuisance than anything.

    Also why would you keep same algorithm as last weeks wars? It made for some really disparaging matches. CS is huge factor when warring and when there is 50mil-100mil difference in CS it's pretty much one sided no matter what you say about dts/dtw mechs, they don't work they way you guys intended them too. Season one matchups were much much better.
  2. Tbh i really like the 1h wars, win or lose, it offers you more excitment than a 2h (2h have there advantages too). Its fast paced, always have to be aware of whats happening, i brings the team to a tighter unit. I disagree that you dont have tactics during 1h wars as we, and i know a many others that have a team strat. Also 1h wars
  3. More free time for those with a family, work and any other commitments. So good job devs on keeping them in, doing a great job.
  4. I really hope we see new KO times next week. Afterall, this is supposed to be trials, but we have seem very little trials, at least with KO times. We've asked for a vote, and it has fallen on deaf ears. We've asked for a smaller window as a compromise, and yet it has fallen to deaf ears to this point. I would like to hear a response back from the devs on their reasoning on why new KO times are not being explored. As far as match ups, the match ups seemed to have gotten better until the introduction of new lands. Before that, I rarely saw matches above 30-40 mil cs differences. Last week featured wars with 70 mil disparities. Looks like back to the drawing board or tweaks to be made. I would like to thank the devs for their effort in trying to deal with match up issues. But please answer us as to why u are so stuck on this random or advantage window of 5 mins. Ty
  5. I keep asking; please let us kick inactives during war, maybe halfway or something. Real life emergencies can happen sometimes leaks can occur, and when they do it can be very frustrating. It would be nice if we could kick leaks halfway through the war. Please consider this
  6. Set ko times please. The random and advantage are boring spam feasts. Also why should anyone get an advantage for failing and getting ko'd or worse hiding from a war by sko?
  7. Hmm still no fixed ko times out of your 6 wars. Guess that's another week of not warring. Ty for listening to us devs.
  8. Listen to those who actually war. Regardless of what you end up with at least try other things. We have had this same war setup the past few weeks and these are still deemed trials.

    Btw I support a fixed Ko system

  9. This is also some very helpful feedback and we appreciate the suggestion.
  10. As we said in the post, we'll be sharing the data after this weekend about why we are running the wars like this and what we've seen on our end in terms of signups and performance.
  11. These 10am est wars are perfect.
  12. Kaw admin

    I applaud your work in the matchups. I think your math will show just how hard it is to factor everything this game has stat wise into as fair a matchups as possible.

    The dts / dtw is an outside the box idea on helping match ups and I believe you thought it would help the GH advantage (at least I hope you did because otherwise it has not been addressed at all).

    There is no need to change how much they plunder, but you HAVE TO ADDRESS how little they give up when attacked. Please respond if you plan on testing ways to correct this.

    I never understood why they were allowed to be built in highlands in the first place? It is a starter building - just eliminate them from the highlands and be done with it. Thanks for reading
  13. Kaw Admin

    Could you please explain why prestige mechanics have changed? Sometimes it goes up 1 point for win other times it doesn't move. But for a loss it's always -3 which is totally different than season 1.

    Could you please clarify the stipulations for gaining prestige for winning wars and what exactly has changed with it!?
  14. Transparency is about on pat of a politician still... Where's a little data to make us feel warm and fuzzy.
  15. Couldn't agree with Rude
  16. What's with all the hate of KO advantage? It's been a factor of keeping wars close in matches that should have never happened. KO advantage also offers a new twist of strategy and welcomes different styles of play.

    Calling it a spam fest doesn't really seem to be fair, as having 4-6 ppl sitting on pinned targets is also quite the spam fest. I enjoy KO advantage over the 'traditional' falling asleep for 12 minutes while either us or opponent are pinned personally.
  17. Couldn't agree MORE with Rude! 
    These "spam-fest" wars are utterly frustrating and giving a choice I'd not waste my time with them. So please bring back more 2hr wars. Pretty please. ****, I'll even put cherries on that bad boy! C'mon! 
  18. I disagree - I think 1 hr wars are great. Plus it also allows CS differential to be wider as any well organized clan can compete. CS is not as big a factor. However in 2 hr wars - CS and bfa differential becomes a bigger factor. As the smaller clan will most likely have no chance at winning. 1 hr with advantage gives more clans a opportunity to be competitive.
  19. Kaw Admin

    I would like to echo what has been said. I respect that you are trying to make these wars fun for all. My main concern continues to be the Guild Hansel's. They are overpowered in wars. If you plan on keeping them in the wars make them pay more when hit.
  20. As far as the lag issues....Still not resolved on Android that's for sure .. I could go on , but as the previous post have already pretty much summed it up .