Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE Mon 10pm

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Dear devs!

    I second it - please take a look at some top clans recent wars - They war roster is assembled mostly from GH (up to 80%), most heavily towered to allow them hitting big guys, but at the same time to be shielded from returned fire by DTW mechanics.
    They would plunder 100m per hit, while big guys would not gain much if they even are able to hit back.

    For me it is an exploit of the system where top clan successfully wins wars with 19 GH (low CS - very high BFA/BFE) where GH grabs the plunder but can't be attacked back - or gives hardly anything back if hit.

    Another huge problem - very low percentage of total player base participation in EE Wars

    ATA needs to address this issue promptly! There are ways to motivate a larger participation in the wars via incentives or reducing the cost of warring.
    It is not acceptable that only a handful number of players do participate in EE - I would say less than 1%? Something needs to be addressed and done in here!

    I see the following solutions to help:
    - The Mithril rewards for lost battle should be increased
    - Gold payout should be awarded similarly to EB.
    - Eliminate xtaling in wars to give chance of warring (and winning) to those who can't afford to buy xtals.
    - offer additional lands purchasable
    - make aqua obtainable only via wars or trade it for xtals - all eb clans will have to participate in wars to enhance their equipment.
    - introduce timers on equipment enhance levels - let say they would drop one level every week, however eliminate the possibility of equipment enhancing failure.

    This would definitely make EE more attractive to wider range of players - even those who can't afford xtals.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Sounds like the smaller cs clans are harder to match? maybe from bfe being a huge part of there muscle? i do have to say our war 5-6 matches were spot on although we really got a huge lead on war 6 because pour planning on there part (posted targets on there walls)
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    quite fun and enjoyable
    is there anything you can do to fix ios screen load time as its horrid compared to droid!
    As this needs be adressed before season two i feel
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Kaw_admin: ''That's a good idea though in practice it might be hard to do as this will further restrict the number of matchups. Instead we are going to focus on getting more signups so the incidents of this happening are very rare"

    I was just looking at participation stats from when you first started publishing them, sometime at the start of season 1 it seems, and it does not appear that participation rates have gone up at all, although I'm sure you have all the information at your fingertips to conclude whether or not this is the case.

    And if you think that increasing participation rates is key to improving the experience for everyone, which many people do, do you all have anything in mind, given that all suggestions have been completely ignored, and only one I can think of that you have addressed.

    And that is the suggestion that losers get some reward too, which you ruled out on grounds of 'principle'.

    And before any you clowns say Vanished Paladins is a reward, please be smart enough to explain how casting 14miths and getting 12-13 back mostly counts as a reward.

    And as for people for actually earn miths by not casting, you'd have to ask the devs why they have put in a system that often rewards the exploiters and punishes the people who actually try.
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    My suggestion on the match up:
    - totals combine stat should be under 30 mil different
    - totals bonus from ally (BFA) should be under 500 mil different
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Hi devs, as a clan we have done a total of 48 wars in these trials so we have some experience with them. I'm not sure what you would consider a good match, but over 50% difference in end plunder would not be good in my book.

    24 of our 48 wars had more than 50% plunder difference with quite a few over 100% difference.This means that no less than half of our wars have been complete blowouts, either for us or for the opposing team. And in all these wars, we knew the outcome at the start, win or lose.

    From our analyses, in the latest trials with the 'hit ratio' for matchup, it seems that LB arent taken into account properly. Yes the smalls can hit them, but they all fail. So that may make a 100% 'being-able-to-hit' ratio, but in a war that means nothing if 100% are fails. And in some wars the strength difference has just been too much, with overall cs, BFA and BFE being significantly higher or lower for one of the clans.

    Both of the new KO test setups are making wars less about teamwork and tactic and more about spamming targets over n over again for an hour; u cant report opens in cc coz they will have sko'd by then. Wars may seem closer but the outcome is still the same and it is just less fun. The random KO times are worst, taking away all strategy by a forced entering the war at a set time. If anything, chose random Ko's with players' choice but with a 2 minute window in stead of 5.

    The 1 hour wars are fun coz they take up less RL time and require a different mindset and tactic from the 2 hours wars. It's a plunder fest but those can be quite exhilerating.
    We would however suggest that clans can start ebs until right before the 1 hour mark. A lot of clans can do a haunt in less than 30 minutes and if we wanna start a haunting with 1 minute to spare and fail it, it should be our choice.

    Please make everyone be able to hit TVP eb, and only have mith rewards for the war participants. The wait for non-warring clannies is very long after a lost war.

    Lastly, war participation is dwindling fast with the release of T6 and these ongoing trials are getting expensive with xstal use. We have been participating but it becomes less and less. We hope the trials will soon be season 2 or we get war xstals or something coz participation needs to go up.

    Thanks for giving the EE war opportunity, we overall really enjoy warring.

  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    i know. You can offer equipment no one else can get to make you powersful. Then make it useless in wars.

    Ooops already done that and numbers dwindleing fast
  8. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    [quote"kaw_admin"]Remember that tomarow we are going to post up an analysis of the 9 weeks test wars.[/quote]

    When will be announced?
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    bb fail sorry
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    Suggestion: See that clan Wathog straf run clan I think they might have hacked look I think in there clan they have osw to hit so they make money for pots to hit the other clan what's this if all the hand of gods that has to be bannable to many of the same names also no way they make so much when they only have like 40 guild builds in that clan when big players aren't and still Hand of gods so I think take them out of the race right there no one can battle them and win even if the other clan is begged and active almost every clan going against them lost its ridiculous so I think change that then and THERE ok so if they keep winning all the integer people that go against them can't win to grow and get mith and things cuz they f that game so bad
  11. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    Legendary, go away. Please.
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    We feel guild Hansel should be addressed. Not necessarily nerfed but the pay out needs to be increased.

    Having come up against clans that contain 17 GH in their roster and a few very large players, it is near enough impossible to win. A guild Hansel with the same bfe and less bfa (atk stats of 66k) was attacking and successfully hitting some of our players one war who had 1.7m static defence... That in its own right Os completely stupid.

    I understand you can ko guild hansels with ass and scts however when a clan has 17 of them it is near enough impossible to gain plunder in the first place, especially in 1 hour wars. This means they can sit low and plunder a clan, getting 50-65m a hit where as the opposing clan cannot make squat. They can make maybe a few billion a war and just ko'ing them
    Will not equate to anywhere near the plunder they make each war.

    In our opinion, in the past you have been very quick to jump on the tower flaw yet this one has been allowed to go on for far too long.

    We also are not keen on the amount of movement in rosters seen in some of our wars, this is coming through ally trading. Not necessarily increasing bfa but swapping allies with each other in the same clan to completely swap roster around. This seems against the spirit of waring and this has happened before and during war at times.

    Maybe also grey out the ability to name change mid war as well.

    I do not intend this to come across as a rant but merely as some of the things we have seen in the past that you may wish to address to better players war experiences.

  13. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    Coulden't agree with you more.
  14. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    I think because the devs have left it so long to address it would not be fair on the players who have dropped build now.

    I haven't dropped build myself because each week devs have said they were going to address the issue but then decide not to do anything. Knowing my luck I would drop build and they would nerf it.

    It would now lose players way to much money so increasing pay per hit seems the only solution.
  15. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    Yes, and personally the DTW/DTS is a pain for GH. With decent BFE the GH's can hit stronger users than the "system" thinks. Alot of GH problems -,-
  16. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    Exactly what I said about warthog to many guild builds hit to big if players with not ots or dtw just like my long rant said and the guy that posted after me no I will not but big mike and other guy I agree with you
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    i do so hope they make guild hansels pay less and plunder more.

    There is no problem with gh and its up to each clan how to use each build.

    Why dont the devs just give each clan 29 logins to the exact same build and equipment as each other that way everyone is equal. Well thats what you all are asking for.
  18. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE*

    After speaking with my clan admins, i have the following feedback:
    1) if u are going to continue to do dts/dtw (and it looks like you are), please make the following true:
    if someone is dtw for me, i should be dts for them. this way gh cant hit those that cant hit them.
    2) since u locked bfe because u are matching based on it, u should lock bfa also. you said u would enforce those taking advantage of bfa being allowed to move, but you have not punished a single clan. knowing kaw, i know that some have taken advantage of this ability
    3) tighten the matching for cs ratio. even though clans may have bfe and bfa, that does not mean facing a clan that has 100mil of cs more is a fair fight. on several occasions we have matched with clans that have 75mil to 100mil more cs. this is not a fair fight as we calculated bfe and bfa and we still were down by 50mil cs. i would rather have more no matches and have more equal matches than face clans where we are either the extreme underdog or the extreme favorite. i mean look at the blowouts. alot of matches are one sided lately.

    4) prestige calc has some issues. if we lose, we always lose 2 points. if we win, sometimes we get 1 point. most of the time it doesnt go up at all.

    thanks for the fun test wars. i look forward to season 2!

    Killers United
  19. Yes, prestige is a joke, either fix it or remove it completely.. We won 4 out of our 5 wars one weekend and ended up going down 4 prestige points over the total 5 wars as a result. 3 of our wins gained 0 prestige and 1 gained 1 prestige point... Our loss lost us 5 prestige points... It does seem that devs only now deduct 2 points a loss but are still rewarding 0 or 1 for a win
  20. @SI

    Prestige is going to reset for Season 2. Every clan who currently has prestige will reset to 1,000