Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6 *UPDATE Mon 10pm

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    BFA effects someone's strength for dtw/dts.
    BFE does not.

    If they are weighed equally(which it seems is not the case) why would bfe not be factored into dts/dtw mechanics? Both are a static #.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    By the way - I love the 5 minute advantage. Makes warring less stressful (to find a great tracker) and makes the entire team much more important. (As they all have to sweep)
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Overall devs I must say this weekend I have seen more evenly matches for my clan other than war 6. I don't know what you did differently or what might have caused the matchup but we were a bit stronger than our opponents. They faught well won't take anything from them but you was wanting feedback so here it is war 6 mismatch in our favor.
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    The matchups these past two weeks (Weeks 8 and 9) have been significantly imbalanced - to the best of my recollection, BFA and build statistics both heavily favoring the opponent clan. I'm not sure about relative equipment bonuses strength, but we're being given a heavy handicap in the other two strengths.

    I'm also not a fan of the 1-hour wars when combined with 8-13 minute KOs, they're too rushed.
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Dear kaw developper

    First at all thank u so much doing kaw community that nice ;) u do amazing job

    The new system of war are great, really great i like the idea of 5min advantage, after trying each kind of i war i think the best will be 1h war with 5min advantage (not too boring spamming too long target),

    we got pretty less ko and can sko better when ye don't lead on ko
    only one disadvantage : player use this system by doing like turtle ... Come out of ko by atk/stl then sko fast -> they earn many plunder and we only got time hit them once ... It's hard to get them

    2nd disadvantage of war but i don't
    Think u can do anything abt it: some device are faster than other, easier to sko or hit fast on pc than on iphone, android worst for me ... Too low

    Then u'r matchup from week 1 to week 7 was amazing, (some were outmatched but we can't get always lucky ...)

    Week 8-9 was ?plenty of question ...?!?
    How a clan like us who was able to win many war even if we were weaker than other team get outmatched our 6 war ... ( we calculate and we were between 20-70m cs difference ... 20m is ok but 70m is monstruous, as u know 70m cs more than other team will give advantaged team to take LARGE much plunder on us (you will say we try equilibrate bfe/bfa stats on algortihm ... But that won't work ... Cause bfa/bfe wouldn't gove us more plunder by hit on enemi ... So u advantage some clan to get many player really high with low bda/bfe to get matched up against medium clan with high bfa/bfe ... For me it's a bit strange ....

    How can u explain some
    Clan were outmatched near all 12 war of week 8-9 and lost most of war (and those clan win many war on week 1-7)

    Then i say all match ofnear all team, i saw plunder is really tight to each other ... Thats look's nice on statistic but not on investin war, as we were outmatched we need be more attentive off all mobe oponent team ... And thatms what happened to some great war clan who were outmatched many time ...

    I know u wanna equilibrate war by including bfe in matchup algorythm and it's right for warrior but i got one question : if bfe include in matchup algorithm, what utility of bfe against bfa ? Bfe is like a reward for great (lucky) eb warrior or great war warior( paladin or unique stuff) -> but u killthat reward who could give us a bit better than other

    Then : if u include bfa/bfe/stats/influence in war u shallinclude too bonus from clan and why not bonus from achievment ... And even more why not pro-pack ? All of that are advantage winning on hard and hard work in kaw ...(or exploding our credit card) bye this player will get new stuff only because they are unique and not because they can give advantage for us ... I think that's bad ...
    Player wont found interrest on chasing for paladin/rancor item ... Because they sefve nothing more to outmatchted us more.

    If u feel other player are unlucky get eb item
    Lower than paladin just try doing otherwise ... All paladin item are really axed on atk ... Why aren't u try doing some eb stuff who give great defencive bonus (not as great as paladin but 10-20% weaker seems correct ...)
    Sorry for my bad english i try do my best to u understand me as well as i can

    Have fun and i hope u will take note of that

    Happy kawing all player who got patience to listen me
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    YAY! A EE tournament would be GREAT! And get special equip. If you know what I mean. @Kaw_Admin
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    BFE should be factored a lot less, BFE is a reward many have worked really really hard for. Now we are being punished for working hard for that reward
  8. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Hmmm so what you are trying to say is that you are going to introduce lvl 2 before season 2 and mess up your match making that was already making severe mismatches due to new lands. Not sure if I support this.....
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Hey devs,

    I think the match making has certainly improved, however, there are still numerous fundamental flaws.
    In either 1 or 2 hour wars, a 3player advantage is too much, 2 is very tough, but 3, it's a rare day when the small side wins that (and if they do it probably lies with poor execution on the larger sides behalf more often than anything else).
    GH still pay crap. But earn a vastly disproportionate amount from their opponent, dtw/dts is not a fix for this.
    I really don't like the 5min advantage, random is better (although I'd prefer the season 1 method), as it just becomes an absolute spam fest and I just cannot find that fun.

    Having said all that, apart from where we've had 3 players less, generally the matches have been pretty decent. For example, War #3 this week we were outmatched in strength, though I think it's certainly within parameters of what's acceptable, and war #6 we slightly out matched our opponent on strength (though we had a cpl of much smaller guys that they did), but again I think within acceptable parameters.
    So on that basis, if you can fix a cpl of those gaping flaws and bring back a decent number of 2hr wars (or make 1hr wars more interesting), then I think you can sit back and have that Cigar you've been holding onto.

    Thanks for listening,

    MurDer War. Council
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Hiya Devs! So some feedback….
    On the positive side of things: We love the random regen time (especially the advantage). This allows some randomness into the war, and makes things more exciting. We love the options of one or two hour wars as strategies do change for those wars. We agree with IMF’s previous suggestions on page two (regarding one hour wars). We also agree with the DTW/DTS hit ratio for match ups. It’s refreshing that Leader Board players can now be accepted into a clan to war, where as previously it was challenging for them to find an EE war, as most clans wanted to keep the BFA levels low.

    What I believe needs to be looked at however, is the potential success rate of the actions in the Match ups. Clans may have a high hit ratio balance and are matched, but often the chances of being successful in those actions are much lower when looking at BFE & BFA. As previously mentioned in the thread, please factor BFE ranges into the match up equation. Equipment for Season One winners was well deserved and earned, no doubt, and I do not wish to take away from that advantage. We would just like it balanced more. Not sure how this is done, that is for you guys to figure out.
    Furthermore, the member range of 26-29 is reasonable, but perhaps the member count needs to be matched exactly. If a clan has less members, allow the owners of the ‘match’ to have the option to either have the bottom members sit out of war (be reimbursed for mith), or a No Match option. A three person advantage can be a large factor in a two hour war.

    In closing, the effort you have put into creating this war system is much appreciated. We have fought most of the wars over the past 9 weeks, and we have lost a fair share of them for various reasons. Some our fault, some odds stacked against us. I continue to be proud of every one of our members that wars week over week when odds sometimes seem stacked against us. We have GREAT respect for those clans that continue to participate in the trial wars. Together we can make the Estoc System better in hopes that more clans will participate in the future.
  11. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Devs what about some 10v10,20v20 wars? Does surely will get more sign ups.

    And we got fairly match no complaints here, but there where a couple wars I saw that where a little bit one sided
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Well said IMF and zo . Successful hit ratio really needs to be taken into accout IMHO .

    Just thinking out loud here but for the most part , we are usually actively warring, meaning not in ko regen, for what, 15 minutes per hour of war? Maybe 20? ( we've been on the losing side a lot lately so haven't been up much). Anyway, if devs are trying to promote activity and pvp over ebs, why not try a regen system that is only active for EE wars? In this system troops would regen at faster rate, or i guess would have a set minimum when coming out of ko, which would allow us to participate for longer periods. this would also enable you to lower ko periods. An example would be that after ko , your troops auto regen to 25/30/35% whatever . Ko time can be between 5-7minutes, say advantage 5 auto at 7. But no matter when you come out you are still at that auto regen %. would mean more hitting, more activity , and less time sitting around watching the ko counter. This also gives clans with time keepers to have a reasonable window in which to catch someone coming out of KO.

  13. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    How about 90min wars?
  14. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Hi devs thanks for asking, as to matchups i feel the test wars have been much better than season 1. It seemed to me that in season 1 the really good clans were getting matched up w noob clans all the time. As i was in the noob clan most of the time i know :lol: ,the test wars have been much better imo of having more equality between clans. No doubt this comes from u including bfe in matchups, speaking of which, is there anyway u can look at each kingdom and determine wat the most bfe they can have in each slot and use that for matchups? In a game that is basically mashing buttons, being able to change equipment was one of the very few strategies the game offered, and is missed by me if no others.
    Lastly, is there anyway u can add an extra day to war schedule, there r only so many hours in a weekend,especially during the summer, it would be nice to get more than two wars a week in, other than that great job trying to work with the community.
  15. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Great job devs! Such an improvement over season 1. Matchups have been much better, and the new ko system has created much more dynamic wars. I also like the different time lengths as they each lead to different tactical techniques.

    All that said I'm really not sure about the dts/dtw thing. I hate not being able to hit those damn guild hansels....

    Keep up the good work, looking forward to season 2 
  16. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Please bring back season 1, that worked. You need to trash everything you did in the last 9 weeks
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    I'm thinking 15 minute set KOs with 1 minute advantage... And schedule would be similar to season 2, 1 war Monday-Thursday and 2-3 Friday-Sunday. Best time for most people I think is 10-11 pm EST. also I like the 1 hr wars, but throwing in a couple 2 hr wars as well would be nice. 5PM EST wars are convienient for me also... Thanks!
  18. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    So from what i read people DONT wamt bfe included which would give a.more even fair match?

    but would rather NOT have bfe included so it makes it easier to dominate people.

    I think we all can read into what their realy saying. Just because you WORKED HARD for your bfe doesnt mean you deserve the dev to hand you a clan of noob to hammer on.
  19. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    Thanks devs for all the efforts trying to create better matchups and providing more interesting wars. After participating 9 weeks of the test wars, I'm providing the feedback as below:

    1. Mismatch in terms of no. of players and CS. To overcome the problem, the weaker clan can be given an option to add 1 to 3 more players within a certain range of cs/bfa to make the gap smaller.

    2. To encourage more participation, clans losing the wars should be given more miths than what they spend so that all the warring clans are rewarded in some way that ppl won’t stop warring because they are afraid of losing wars and getting nothing back. Pots and xtals are not cheap as we all know.

    3. Random ko time with advantage. It gives an unfair advantage to the clan turtling in the war and also encourages blind sweeping which basically has nothing to do with the strategies or skills. One hr war with ko advantage is the worst IMO. If you want to keep one hr wars, please get rid of the random ko and keep the regen time at 15mins as Season 1. Overall we don't like any random ko times. A fixed regen time of 15 mins is the best.

    4. Matchup –Matchup is getting worse as compared to season 1. We were outmatched in terms of both bfas and cs for the last two weeks. There was not a single matchup favoring us. CS wise, the worst one is about 60mil cs. BFA wise, we had a matchup where oppo’s total BFA tripled ours with also one more player and 50mil more cs. We won most of the test wars but that doesn’t mean the matchups were fair. The details in numbers can be provided if required. In general, the matchups in season 1 are much better. You mentioned that you used “hit ratio” to do matchups in your new algorithm. May I know whether your hit ratio is based on a ratio of successful hits or just that the ratio of the players not dtw or dts for the other? If it’s the latter, then I have to say it’s very much different from the successful hit ratio. There are cases you can hit someone and fail all the time.

    5. DTW/DTS is not working correctly. A GH with towers can pretty much hit anyone but could be DTW for some. This change just favors towered gh clans more.

    Those are just my 2 cents. Thanks for listening. Looking forward to seeing some good changes for the upcoming season 2.
  20. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 9 - War 5/6

    How big are you factoring in BFE? Not my place to say but take a look at SOTRA's recent wars. A very good EE clan getting huge mismatches.. I know they probably average 350 mill cs bfe usually each warrer..does bfe really make up for some of their matches being that out close of reach? Bfe can't make up raw stats.