Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 8

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Why do all the wars have variable ko times? I am no longer interested in these spam fest turtle wars. I for one won't be warring until there's a fixed time again.
  2. 2nd week with no significant changes... looks like this is how season 2 is gonna go in my opinion..I'm cool with all this except the 5 min window.. most peeps come out at 8 min anyways so its no big deal to me..especially in the one hour wars when every hit can either win or lose war for you.. good luck this weekend EE players
  3. Well no one will war if the new builds don't get released soon and many are waiting for the towers to become available b4 warring. Mismatch heaven this weekend.
  4. The casual warrior will try and build. The dedicated will still war. Wars may slow growth some but not much if you can bank properly. Been warring nice December and I'm lc but I did a LOT of build changes too. Dtw Dts seems like weak way to try and fix gh issues. Keep working on it. Get us a better system, not complaining, just asking for what I think we all want
  5. Come on Devs, compromise a bit, 15 minute ko with 3 minute advantage, random KO 12-15 minutes. At least run these times for a weekend test. Thanks
  6. Has there been more participation in the 1 hour wars vs 2? I know more can commit to less time overall, but it really takes a lot of strategy out of play. Seems you are favoring them so just wondering:)
  7. Your matchup system is flawed and will continue to be flawed until you incorporate a "successful hit ratio" factor. Based on current system a roster of hlbc accounts with average one tril in allies could be faced with a roster with 10 ally LB players. YES it may have a 100% hit ratio, but successful hit ratio would be significantly lower. This does not solve the current matchup problem. It enhances it.
  8. And let me just add that I don't expect to be able to hit every player in the game. The LB players worked hard or paid a lot or both to get where they are. But the fact is that for a decent matchup EACH PERSON ON BOTH SIDES SHOULD BE ABLE TO BE ATTACKED SUCCESSFULY BY AT LEAST ONE PERSON ON THE OPPOSING SIDE.
  9. Sort out bfa some still buy allies after match up to the extent they jump 8 places. That is an unfair match! But you appear to be getting there 
  10. This week of wars will most likely look like this

    3 clans signed up
    3 no-matches

  11. WAR 1 SIGN UP NOT STARTED YET??????????
  12. warthog strafe run war roster
    28 members

    SUBTOTAL 111,681,093.000 CS TOP 10 - 82,674,303 CS

    A 22,778,522.000 D 27,979,505.000 SA 24,206,860.000 SD 36,716,206.000

    Spartans of the underworld war roster
    29 members

    SUBTOTAL 157,887,386.000 CS TOP 10 - 100,724,825 CS

    A 39,301,524.000 D 42,304,153.000 SA 26,648,540.000 SD 49,633,169.000

    Now please tell me how this is a fair match..
  13. Since when did wars have to be fair? I don't remember Germany whining "you were all much bigger than us, boohoo."
  14. I don't remember the Germans having a world war on a bloody iPhone app either.

  15. When will war 4 start signing up???
  16. Smaller window on advantage is stupid. We want you guys to actually do some work instead of just timing everyone with 7 people sitting on them. Devs leave advantage the way it is. It works and puts variety into the war
  17. These wars all weekend have been awful match ups. The CS difference is insane. Devs need to fix the algorithm they use.
  18. We've had 1 out of 5 reasonable matches. Gg algorithm ;)
  19. Nice war silver.
    Algorithm - ready, set, terrible.

    Get it together and get back to an algorithm that wouldn't place someone ranked 23 in one clan, 74th in the other clan, just cs wise alone. Y'all a joke lately. Seriously.
  20. Epic fail devs in regards to war 5, it was a great war but they were nearly x5 our size,I would be interesTed as to how you came up with this match and how,we were blatantly out gunned,you constitute this as a fair and equal match? The algorithm is worse than ever your abilities to match fairly severely flawed,all Respect to silver,theready a great clan,but I'm thinking you guys (devs ) do not have a clue what you are doing.