Estoc Trials - Test Wars - WEEK 5 *with KO clarificatin*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. @ willy
    The only resin I respected you is because you also served something I know from past discussion.
    Losing that respect here. When you use the word you when quoting in reference to cheating you are making an allegation.
    Should be more careful how you phrase things then if that wasn't your intent.
    Quit turning this into your personal witch hunt and address the issues. Its a shame this move was needed and implemented at short notice.
    It's a shame you don't understand the people that didn't cry about the cheats deserve warni g that you most probably my got in advance so they could discuss future tactics with more than a days warning.
    If you do t get that it's a poor reflection. Best preparation wins wars. Not last minute planning. All I asked was for advance notice to gamers to plan and discuss. But that's not allowed in your opinion. Why so objectionable to free discussion on how to progress the game and why changes are needed. This one changed a lot of tactics. Not just. Those used by cheaters who will still work out another cheat no doubt forcing more change. Messing things up further.
    Not all change is good. Yes this may be needed. That doesn't make it a good move to all of us that didn't cheat the system.

  2. Did you even read Willy's responses to you? Willy, you had a good explanation, and Imma let you finish, but lemme break it down for Dark Knight

    First: They didn't give advance notice for a few reasons.

    • That would have given people more of a chance to find another loophole to exploit.
      It's the Estoc Trials Test Week. They don't even have to do these, but they're choosing to do so for you, the player base.

    Second: No doubt this changes strategies. But if you notice in wars, we no longer try to get close enough to bash someone's skull in with a rock. Why? Strategies have changed. Your turn to adapt.

    Third: Cheaters deserve to be punished. However, rather than going around banning individuals who might be innocent, (remember, innocent until proven guilty) the developers have chosen to put everyone on even footing. If the best war clans win with preparation, maybe you should have spent those hours you spent arguing, preparing for the new wars. Oh wait, you needed an alibi in case you lose. Pathetic.

    Fourth: That was a ******** move, throwing out that you served your country for seven years. That doesn't exempt you from anything, least of all scrutiny about cheating on a video game. Not that I'm saying you do cheat. No doubt you'll take this out of context to make me look bad, but whatevs.
  3. IT'S A TRIAL!!!!!!!!

    They already stated they will be changing things. I don't get why you need "time to discuss it with others".

    Try it, and discuss then. What is so hard about that concept that you're not hearing me?

    I should be careful about what I post, don't accuse?!

    Skips, I am one of the most careful posting OCD nutbags in the forums.

    Not only didn't I accuse anyone, I actually went an additional step and put "seemingly" in the sentence, so that I wouldn't have to argue about the whole rule book on accusations.

    Get it through that grunt brain...if I accused anyone, I wouldn't still be here debating, would I? Think about longer than you normally would.

    Blame the idiots that can't win EE wars with fair and honest tactics. But in this "trial war" we need to get all of the illegal kinks out of the way, to pave the way for fair war systems.

    You cannot obtain that without making changes.

    You don't need more than a couple of days notice, just adapt. You of all people should get that. You don't need more than an hour or two with council to come up with another strategy.

    It's a fake war game, dude. Live a little.
  4. Please leave the equipment alone, no need to balance it, all the back k n forth changes are making it not fun to war. Random ko times and such aren't so fin either. Last season was fun, let's keep it that way let those who earned good equipment use it to their advantage, isn't that the whole point of good bfe
  5. Lmfao superman. Another dumb post. When I lose I will let you know. Don't need an alibi for something I don't do at least not very often and I can handle losing in a game without going crying to devs because my clan lost the odd war.
    And FYI for your info like willy I'm damn proud to of served like so many players and would never accuse them of cheating. That's ata's job to name and shame. Not a player that can't prove anything

    A balanced fair game is essential but with the setup we have that wont ever happen and this again is just going to be what next.
    Discuss what else will follow and how that prevents fair play. Next we won't be able to attack other players as one player may use a bot.
    Are there further security issues devs aren't telling us. Where's the thread on that for devs to reassure customers?

    Willy a few hours to discuss sure for half arsed tactics I like more prep for all time zones than that.
    Also after recent changes and the backlash created surely its not hard to understand prior discussion could prevent a lot of ill feeling and communication issues. Or do we need more players quitting in frustration?

    Understand asking for discussion isn't against tou.
    And yup you are OCD as you lock onto one part and and have skipped over all the other issues created.
    I always try the changes. Doesn't mean I have to like them or the fact we are returning to turtle system that is played out with initial offload and 1-2 xtal rushes.
    Does this address an issue of some cheats yes. Does it disrupt decent honest trackers? yes.
    Does it address imbalance in builds and equipment gh for example. No.
    So huge drama for a few cheats that ruin system for everyone else.
    Real life's great btw ty. Wouldn't be so busy doing typos left right and centre if I could spend hours replying on forums.
  6. Ok. It's a called "TRIAL". How can you be sure that same issue wasn't on the non-TRIALS wars, the so called Rancor Wars? Those wars that gives those shiny OP equips...Just curious.
  7. Dev. I hope u brung back the dtw n dts brcause as a guild hansel, we are very very small in build. So the bigger builds will have the advantage n we are at a disadvantage as the chance of failing hits will be higher. Please consider a change
  8. This forum thread set the world record for kaw admin interactions in a thread. .very impressive...thanks
    My final Form hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha good luck Kaw monsters in War.
  11. Really... you guys can't think about a good strategy, so you try to get other clans to give up their (good) strategy?! Sorry but you guys just totally ****... sorry if u can read it from context...
  12.  I refuse to waste my time on this 
    Good luck all, let me know how next season goes
  13. Can we have 1 hour wars? They were fun and less taxing
  14. I wish we could have more of a variety in the X2 Epics.
  15. I am not a fan of this ko system why not just have people come out after 3rd regen kinda like old system and clans with skill can still track?
  16. We need to talk about time bots
  17. These wars have lost all of my respect...sorry...let us know when you bring back pwars ;)
  18. So far TGIA - three good matchups. Did not review the numbers so i don't know statistics wise (CS/BFA/BFE). But the wars have been fun even though we r only 1 for 3.

    1 thing I am tired of is - ppl getting awarded for failed actions. Devs - please dont award a KO on a failed action. Very lame! if u fail - u should not be awarded.

    And I am not a big fan of the new War Roster - but i understand ur reasons.

    And 5 mins with 5 minute advantage - too short. I perfer 10 with 5 min advantage.

    My two cents. :)
  19. Lmfao the plunder updated the same as it did before
  20. Meh , im having fun , good matchups frm what ive seen .