Estoc Trials - Test Wars - WEEK 5 *with KO clarificatin*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. It's frustrating to read: "Why weren't we informed of this earlier....where's our notice?"

    Why do we need a warning? This is a trial. Things have been changed and tested and changed and tested. Every time KAW_admin makes a change, there is the reoccurring group of over-hyped, doomsday prophets.


    If something inhibits cheaters from cheating, I'm 100% supporting of it.

    If you speak out against it, regardless of your reasoning, you seemingly are trying to protect the exploit.
  2. id like for you to tell me how we are cheating? what do we do that affects the outcome of a war? we dont use any tracking systems, nor would we ever.
  3. Willy I got no issue with them plugging the hole it's bull clans doing this cheat

    My two issues are
    1) be more clear on rules for this week and why changes were made( which they did Ty kaw admin)

    2) this goes back to exploiting the system
    These players are harder to trace so they won't be punished in any way at all yet another exploit was discovered and those players got the hammer brought down on them yet a 3rd exploit players given free refunds for builds

    All I'm saying is a little consistency used by the devs either find a way to figure out who was doing this and take action or treat every exploiter of the game the same

    I warned last exploit they were setting a president and would have to follow thru well bows ur chance ata either get these people or fix damage u did to other kingdoms u can't have it both ways
  4. And there we go. Loveable willy defending devs lack of discussion and change that has led to so many complaints and reversal of policy recently and lots quitting game.
    And of course if we don't agree we are the cheaters right?
    Serious accusation can you back it up ?
    Doomsday prophet. Hmm new alts name maybe. But nah. Just fed up with the game being ruined by a few idiots and tactics wrecked by crying over losses. Especially when its one to two losses. And the amount of time spent asking for these wars in the first place. But as I said what the heck.

    So what's the guild answer devs. And future plans. How about a heads up and discussion on how to progress see if people can understand your reasoning or offer improved or worse idea.
    Mine will be worse no doubt 
    Ban the cheaters willy. Or didn't you get that part. Ban me too? You ever prove I use bots or script good luck you have a career in liable and fraud 
    Btw should of had belle write the original post. Better opening from her.
  5. Minione,

    I never accused anyone of cheating. The update said some clans were pulling data which is not displayed somehow. The update said thus was against the rules. If what you are doing is not that, then I am very sincere in my statement that I could see how such a report is helpful. On the other hand, if it is how you generate this data, then KaW Admin is the one saying it is a violation.


  6. Lame excuse on page 3 Devs. Please be more professional,with a multi B dollar Co. U suck with noobs on thread responses
  7. Doomsday

    Stop acting like ATA owes you something. You and I are arguing points on the forums of this game because we love it, I don't always agree with changes, but I keep playing, because I know the rules will change, its in the TOU that they will change, without notice, and at no specific time am I owed anything.

    And stop accusing me of being lovable.

    I can't help that. :lol:

    I more insinuated, I never actually accused. Albeit, false accusations are against TOU, it was a mere generalization. Cheaters always try to defend their loopholes.

    Those who have stood and defended exploits I have always blasted, so my consistency remains.

    So, reading into this, you either:

    • A. Really don't have any idea what kind of cheats exist.

      B. Know what exists, but are trying to candy coat it.

    For what I know, and what was explained on this thread, ATA cannot decipher a way to pin it to you, so they are nipping the problem at the root, which if you don't support that, you are essentially saying "Eh, whatever, let em' cheat."

    Which, I have no support for.

    So, hypothetically, if I cannot prove you use bots or script reading tools, that makes it OK? "Or didn't I get that part"?

    No. No I didn't. They ban cheaters?! Holy ****! Thanks for the explanation, Dr. Skippy!

    Cheating sucks. When someone can access something and it gives them a significant advantage over an opposing clan, it is wrong.

    ATA is closing another loophole....In a trial war, mind you, an unfinished version, and explaining why to you on this thread....

    And you want what...3-4 weeks heads up, to what, find another tactic? Blow it out your ass. It's unnecessary whining on a thread that you could actually portray constructive ideas to developers.

    Belle wouldn't explain anything. She would tell you all to shut the **** up and deal with her changes. Consider yourselves lucky. :lol:
  8. Devs suck ass. End of story. We all know it as this is just free candy and $ in da pocket from noobs that pay top dollar in their pocket. They never listen to the players that have been here for 2 yrs (almost 3 me). Devs only care about the $ in pocket. End story

  9. So many ends to your story.

    To your point, what is the purpose of a business? To give away free stuff, and what...not seek profit? Sounds like a recipe for success to me.
  10. Fully support Willy's comments. If you don't like it...quit..go play plants vs zombies. Quit complaining, bunch of whiners that want their cake and be able to eat it too.
  11. Belle thank you for the ez to understand explanation! I was totally lost before your post!

    As for everyone who is wondering about the clans that are useing this form of cheating my guess is they are going to have a hard time winning this weekend! And for that I thank you devs!

    I well be watching the wars closely seeing who wins and who has a out of the blue lose... It will be an intreasting weekend... vary intresting...
  12. Well this should be interesting actually, putting a little twist on not seeing plunder or actions. Ty Devs for keeping it real and the update .
  13. Willy
    Insinuated ? You accused.. Now where's your proof?

    Cannot pin it to you?
    False accusations as you say are against tou. Now either prove it or apologise for the slander

    Wow the wit I'm entitled to my view of the changes. Ata owe everyone that plays and pays their livelihoods actually. A little communication more than one day before a war is not much to ask.

    How many changes have people like me argued for. Better rewards fairer system dozens of positive changes.

    Know what cheat exists and ata can't pin it on players.
    Belle explained to everyone actually far more eloquently than kaw admin did. If they original post had been a day or two earlier so everyone knew more than a day before Friday wars is that too much to ask? Really.
    A discussion on proposed changes so we have a chance to discuss any concerns I'm advance.
    But then discussing those points is not allowed by yourself unless we all kiss devs ass and agree with you.

    Preventing cheating is paramount to the survival of the game

    We all know that and I would never a crept cheating or tolerate it any clan I'm in. Get a clue as to who you are dealing with.
    Serve my country for 7 years to be accused of cheating by in a game. totally pathetic and you know nothing of who you are dealing with.
    Just shows you have no dignity trying to damage the reputation of honest people throwing false accusations about.
  14. So did the devs completely ignore this part of ToU? YOU MAY NOT "use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other device to retrieve or index any portion of Kingdoms at War"
  15. @Belle and me I'm lazy to read? 
  16. P.S: I vote Belle as new ATA employee in charge of media relations and damage control

    kaw_admin please consider. Some of your answers could be better formulated
  17. Excuse typos big thumbs typing and walking not the best combo. Important correction "would never accept". ^^^^
    Agree with divinelu about belle. Like or hate her. she is always far more capable of explaining changes and mechs better than most.
  18. @Belle I think kaw Admin should have got you to write this thread. I Understand it now after your explanation of how it"s done or should I say exploited. Thanks .
  19. I don't get how updating plunder roster is an unfair advantage??? Please explain that to me. It's available to both opponents so
    What is unfair????
  20. @ Skippy

    If I accused you of cheating, please report me, as ATA or a moderator would tell you....I didn't, so move on from that line of accusation.

    Your chosen profession and military service, as honorable as it is, means nothing to me when it comes to integrity.

    I did my time, been to Iraq and Afghanistan...does that mean I am to not be subjected to the normal scrutiny any other player here would receive? No it doesn't.

    Now back to the OP, and the points needed to be made, why do you feel you need sufficient warning in a trial war?

    Evidence of cheating, and the implementation of measures to prevent it were done. Stop acting like it is a "mistake" or you were slighted by it.

    It is a good thing this has happened IN MY OPINION.