Estoc Trials - Test Wars - WEEK 5 *with KO clarificatin*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - WEEK 5

    By plunder delay, do you mean the clan's plunder or individual plunder? Thanks in advance of clarification : )
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - WEEK 5

    Remove scripts and bots. What about everyone with a pair of eyes that can count who is active for the enemy and cannot now see who is shooting them essentially.
    Comparing it to real war move you are asking people to war blind unable to see who is shooting them. Without everyone having to report every inc action and totally clutter cc.
    Do you war kaw_admin??
    Because some of your changes make no sense. Sorry but cannot support that move it just damages tactics and use of resources for every clan involved.
    If a clan has inactives then that's their problem. If people are using bots find a different way to deal with the cheating garbage.

    Guild hansels as prior stated are easy to stop the exploit. All builds pay a minimum level until their natural pay level exceeds that amount.
    Encourages people to war as they earn more per actions and Hlbc can actually make plunder of a super equipped guild equalising a lot of the imbalance between builds and equipment
    As for match ups use your prior matching algorithm with revised tweaks to create divisions. Have a no repeat matchups between the same clans in the same week allowing some flexibility in matches and rivals.
    For example if you had Manchester United and Liverpool at the top of the league in football they aren't forced to play each other every week because they are the top teams. Or strongest athletes. They play every team in division.
    Aside from uneven numbers you could eliminate all no matches and enough variety matches will swing up and down making it even out across the board over time.
    No two clans are the same. They never will be and people need to accept that so try divisions on total strengths with some give and take for a weekend and see how clans actually Match up.
    Only restriction is make it 30 players each clan. Even numbers removes the extra player and xtal scenario and evens as much as possible.
    Liverpool doesn't get an extra player after all (unless Man U cheat during game) .
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - WEEK 5

    Did I miss the 10 min ko season 1 no wonder I was always ko I thought it was 15 min
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - WEEK 5

    Eh, not able to see players actions is just a stupid idea, how the hell does that give people a advantage? You moron kaw admin. Now were not able to see inactives and top plunderers. Your just ruining the war "fixing" things that don't need fixing.
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - WEEK 5

    Devs are damn retarded, it's seems like they want to destroy wars rather than fix them
  6. @title: clarification*
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - WEEK 5

    I so rarely post, but this is getting ridiculous. Taking all tactics out of the war, making everything even and making everyone blind -- might as well install a dice roller and call this a game of chance not skill. If folks are boting, put your energies into finding ways of tracking that -- not ruining the game for all.
  8. A clarification on the KO timers have been made. It is 10 minutes long with a 5 minute advantage.

    With regards to the plunder and successful actions display, it was necessary to do this so that we can combat the unfair advantages that could be gained by certain players. Unfortunately, due to the technological constraints that are out of our control, this is the only surefire way of combating this.

    Bottom line, if you want a fair environment to war in, this is what needs to be done. If we could have kept it in, we would have. We understand the value this adds to our players, and it wasn't a easy decision to make.
  9. Ok but how is someone taking advantage of the war rooster list?? Everyone can see it, if some players are botting or scripting just punish them. Why you gotta go change things that don't need fixing.
  10. As already stated, due to technological constraints out of our control, this was the only solution.
  11. Thank you Devs!!! This was needed in order to keep things fair.
  12. Totally support this move, kaw_admin! It will really help to even the playing field and prevent exploits or illegal activity.

    What move do you support, belle?

    Oh. The one where they are removing actions and individual plunder.

    Why is that good? I mean, I like to see in real time who has top plunder and stuff! Now I can't and that sucks <sad face>

    Well, I've noticed in my vast ee experience <sarcasm> that there have been some spreadsheets passed around that show info that contain info that a player couldn't get from just staring at their screen.

    When you give these real time plunder updates, it allows naughty people to be able to "see" via illegal scripts every single action that people do, including spy actions that aren't recorded, whether they are successful or not, when players go into ko and record all of it into a spreadsheet.

    Why is that bad?

    Well, while the rest of us mere mortals with morals and standards are manually plugging in data or using a pen and paper just to track ko actions- these immoral bastards are just reading what their pretty script tells them. Which is everything.... They can know which accts are weak and close to ko so they know who to target and when and how much without any effort on their part. And they can do this way more accurately than human error could ever do.

    I don't get it, belle. How can they see stuff? I can see plunder and stuff too.

    Oh well. You can see some stuff. But think about eb's. you see little snippets in the battle log and on the eb screen. But you don't see all of the actions in the eb. However, those actions are still logged if you could read the coding language instead of the screen that the devs want you to see. Think "the matrix"- you see a simulated world until Neo is able to look past what his eyes see to see the coding behind the matrix. Get it?

    Um, okay, but now I can't see plunder updates.

    True that. But would you rather be fighting a computer program or other fallible people?

    Way to go devs! Love it. You guys rock.
  13. @people who didn't read the actual message- you will be able to see plunder actions at the end of the war. So, you can figure out who wasn't pulling their weight. You can't kick them mid-war anyway. So it's not necessary.
  14. If you don't understand why they needed to make this change. That's good, that means you're not one of the cheaters... But if you're noob raging because of the change, maybe you shuold just accept that you don't understand how it works and those who do are saying it's the only way.
  15. Nice fix on the scripts !!! Total support , give everyone a fighting chance .  Great explanation Belle
  16. first id like to thank you for prompt replies tonight. so i have another question for you. is bfa factored into matchups this weekend?
  17. Why don't you all just make us war with 27?? Really, 26-29 member roster? Used to be 25-33! You all are gonna tweak and restrict system so much you'll choke the fun and challenge out of it. Guess you are just trying to make your job easier so you can count all that money from xtal sales.
  18. These are test wars for a reason. Chill.
  19. Can you clarify what 5 min KO advantage mean? Thanks
  20. Hmm noobs who don't understand?
    Fully see what and why this was done. But blindfolding the whole of kaw due to some cheating garbage that should be banned has damaged tactics for a lot of clans.
    Fair system by doing this. Everyone suffers for the sake of a few. Yes action needs to be taken and if this is the only way then it sucks.
    That's not noob rage that's understanding that a few cheats have damaged kaw for their own selfish gain.
    All cheaters should be banned and accounts deleted.
    If there is a better system it needs to be found.
    As to who pulls their weight after war. That's not the point. It's who's doing the damage during the war people needed to know and now that has been taken away from the innocent majority. Or are we now saying that wars are 90% cheats now. Or is it just the top clans?
    No choice in this and no reason stated to the kaw community initially. Poor communication does not help when Large changes are made that potentially drastically alter the war structure.