Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 13 - WAR 3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Matches are much better then season 1 so quit whining that being said matches this week haven't been nearly as close as let's say season 6-11 probably mainly cuz yall been insisting on set kos which are crap people talk about oh set lost take more strategy how hard is it to write a name down add 10min from got knocked out and inform clan like 1min to 30sec there up in a real life war u don't know when enemy is gonna atk u just have to be ready for it bring back advantage ko and 1hr wars
  2. Wow bad auto correct and grammar excuse me for that but u get the point
  3. When are you all gonna reimburse me the money you stole?
  4. LaR wont war again if this
    matchup system stay in place for season 2
  5. I will have better things to do than waste
    My time in Bad unfair Matchups