Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 11 - Wars 5 and 6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. I agree, is it even fun for the bigger clans? They should be the no match as they are too big shouldn't be an odd man out if they have stats similar to the ones being paired with the ( untouchables) I love warring but u need to make it fair or there will not be enough clans to do EE wars
  2. War 6 was fun :)
    Got a REALLY good matchup
    It started kinda tight, but evenTually, we gained a decent advantage
    However, they kept trying to the very end, and I just thought that was really cool
  3. i'm sure this had been said before, but since this thread is about a few of the really bad matchups this weekend...

    I looked at some war rosters and found a few which would have been much closer matches to Dragons Sanctuary, if we were to look at stats (we all agree by now stats are not a very important matchup factor). One thing i can tell that stands out as different between them is Dragons Sanctuary has mostly (hard earned) mith/war equip and some of the others i found with very similar CS totals had a mix of eb equips and mith equips. I realize it isn't fair to not count BFE at all or some of the newer clans would never have a chance, but the inverse is that clans that earned their prizes feel that it is now a serious disadvantage to use them, and that possibly BFE is weighted too heavily, causing matchups to clans with much much higher CS totals to "balance out" the bfe difference. unfortunately a 100m+ CS gap is not winnable regardless of bfe. some clans are even now going in naked or swapping in eb equips to try to avoid such serious mismatches.

    This is just another of the questions that needs to be answered, looked at, or proven false... although it is 2nd in line to the unlimited non-factored BFA/LB issue plaguing the system now, and somewhat equal to the DTS/DTW having nothing to do with chance of success instead of able to attempt a failed action. The game has become game of trying to figure out how to get a fair matchup instead of actually a war game.
  4. Shocker!!! U mean to tell me that the devs still haven't figured this out?
  5. Do you all remember when we used to negotiate rosters before system war. It was like well you have 4 lb and we only have 2 so sit 2 of yours and then sit that big hansel and we will sit our number 4. Guess what devs we made better matchups than your system. You're 90% hit ratio does nothing. Yes you can hit the person but if you can actually win a scout against the person you will see that you have a 1-2% chance to win. So can you really hit that person? I'm sure you noticed that there have been a number of boycotts going on. Also clans that have warred most wars aren't even signing up anymore. If you don't fix the matchups EE wars will die just like old system. Truthfully I'm starting to have fond memories of the old system. This may just be me forgetting the bad parts and only remembering the good but either way it means that these wars have been so bad. Lb players deserve to be stronger and harder to hit because of the time, work and money they've put into the game but you also need to match fairer. You're 90% hit ratio doesn't take into account that the bfa can make someone unhittable even though you may hit them. A clan with no lb accounts shouldn't match a team with 2 or 3 and in some cases 6. I don't have a solution for your math problem so I will go **** myself now but try to fix match ups before EE wars die please. 
  6. What are you waiting for? Please give your customers some answers...
  7. Lmao "Hand of God" u were on here earlier in the weekend telling people to quit crying after u had the favorable end of a terrible match Up. Now here u are doing the same thing. Sucks when u are on the bad end if their terrible match ups isn't it hypocrite?
  8. Hit ratio ??? :?: how can a clan where 5 of 29 ppl can not hit the other side be match ??????
    With quick cals that 17% cannot hit anyone on the other side
    therefore you have a war which is 24 vs 29 :eek:
  9. Dont worry if the other clan has some big players. Thier system will only allow them to hit a couple of your meaning they will have little effect.

    Remember that lie.

    Vote for season 1 match system. Those without gh recruit some
  10. Good work devs:) :ugeek:
  11. I am not surprised that devs have chose to ignore all the comments/feedback provided in this thread and all other related threads so far.

    Clearly your new match making algorithm is not working. DTS/DTW and hit ratio is a big joke! Fix this and you "may" see more clans warring or we will see a disappointing end to EE wars as well.

    DEVS WAKE UP! Before its too late
  12. It's ok devs have found a solution to sort all our criticism over ee wars
  13. The past couple weeks of trials have been rough. Maybe we are making progress, but it obviously wasn't evident this weekend. Matter of fact it was even more glaring. We had seen some big variances of strength both for and against us. Granted we are a clan of size and strength but even we could not match our opponents power. We tried several strategies to overcome but still it was futile.

    Season 2 is upon us. Every tier build deserves to participate from new player to LB. we shouldn't limit our options or abilities. Address the issues why more clans do not war! Increasing participation will decrease the percentage of NO MATCH results. Last season worked but did have some issues. Instead of focusing on the whole picture address one at a time. Developers made progress last season, just refine them some more.

    How do we encourage more clans to participate? What are the reasons why more clans don't? Cost, saving for upgrades and lands, inexperience? Why don't we address those issues and further the gameplay. What incentive or reimbursement could we give to allow those to war without some of the burden.

    There are many honorable players that don't wish to take advantage of weaker opponents. We all war with the goal of winning. I respect many KAW players and I to have this addiction.

    We can't limit or ignore bfa or bfe that people have either earned or spent their hard earned money on. We don't want to see KAW die either.

    Developers, please just tell us where we stand an what we can expect for Season 2.


    Here's an idea! How about during EE wars pots aren't needed. Just assume everyone has them. 99% or better that war do. The ones that don't are the new players.
  14. Well put all guild hansels in one clan and all lb in 2 other clans let them match eas other so gh vs gh lb vs lb. What does a lb do in a clan like rh? Its a low tier war clan imo lb has only place in high power war clans like battlegrounds nwocb and warlor and gh in sotra and poc