Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 11 - War 4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. Mio that's a horrible idea. A lot of time effort n money went into getting the bfa and bfe. Why punish those that have them to subside those to lazy to work for it.
    The hit ratio formula would work if it was curtailed to % of success than % of ability to hit a player at certain stats. Just cause a 14 mil cs atk build with low bfa can technically hit an ally lb player with same stats doesn't mean he can win. You have about a 1% chance of winning. I tested it did a full unload on someone of similar size and won only 1 hit by chance I assume lol. The fact is if you can't win hits on opponent you can't get plunder. No plunder = loss. Working on a better system of matching these things is far more better for the masses than punishing the few who's worked long n hard to get what they have.
  2. U can't use ratio of successful hits either otherwise there would be no point in building towers .... Why build them if ur only going to be matched with someone twice ur size to get thru
    ... Think before u make a suggestion these forums to cluttered with bad ideas exactly why we ended up with the current system to begin with

    If matches were calculated by true strength of the clan (all the members added together) and the gh problem handled sensibly then all these issues would be null and u would still be free to build and play as u like
  3. Good point I wasn't thinking about that lol half asleep and that didnt even cross my mind. Thanks for pointing out that over site. Nvm then that won't work either 