Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 11 - War 4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. The matching system complaints have exponentially increased since your last dtw/dts hit ratio tweek. Good game. Keep the good times rolling kaw !!!!

  2. did you even check the CS and bfa of the war between dragons sanctuary and ncu dominion? it was within 11mcs and bfa in ncu's favor.
  3. Whats the problem??

    lots of complaints about bfe,


    complained about gh,

    they cant hit the top of roster anymore,

    all is fixed and everyone happy.

    be careful of what you ask for you may just get it
  4. A clan's plunder tends to be higher when all of its members maximize their crystal usage. Based on my active-war study, your clan did not fully maximize crystal usage (although I could be wrong, my usual margin of error still would not account for all xtals not used).
  5. Matchups have indeed been much worse this past war
  6. Devs are you actually listening to what people are saying? I see no replies of acknowledgement to let people know you are listening to them, let alone answering their concerns. People... Devs will not listen... Seems they dont change their war system yet we all still war. And seems they wont listen. Anyone care for a weekend boycott? Lol how much would u lose with a weekend of no war devs.... 6-10k easy? Hmmm listen to people and talk to clan owners please.
  7. @ king of thieves kaw admin have replied on week 11 war3
    To thank everyone for the great feedback keep it coming 
  8. Just a quick question KaW_Admin,

    Are you guys actually going to do anything about the well known, well publicised Guild Hansel problem. So far it seems nothing has been done to limit their effectiveness, except for introducing dtw as an extra form of help for them.
    This was really one of the top gripes about EE wars since early season 1. I expect many smaller CS clans are put off warring due to the number of small clans taking advantage of this.
    You have said since end of season 1, that you're looking into it, but 11 weeks later you've announced season 2 and yet still no actual change in this basic issue.
    I'd appreciate some form of answer. M
    Thanks guys/gals 
  9. It's the weekend they are out on their big boats and beach houses we've all payed for by "testing" this screwed up system lol. It seems they don't read these posts and this one will disappear as soon as the war 5 update comes out so you all are wasting your breath just as IMF myself and many others have posting in these threads.
  10. These are test wars you dont have to do them you are testing a system its not going to be perfect because its a test or am I being an idiot here.
  11. Yes yes please keep posting the good ideas, kaw_admin sees and reads all!!

    Same as kaw_admin read all good ideas on the 9 weeks of War data thread of course they read it, it is important data!

    And on all the Week 10 wars threads!! All those good suggestions there about matchup problems. Yes they read them, keep posting!

    Post on the Week 11 War thread, they read they read, keep up giving them good ideas!

    Post on the thread where they released the info on the upcoming season, they read there! Of course they read it, they posted funny pics did they not??

    And all the emails, they read those very well. They mustvread because they alway reply: thanks for good suggestions, post on forums, we read that!! Don't reply here, post and we will read on forums!!

    And all the good ideas on Week 11 war 1 and war 2 threads, yes yes they read those good ideas too post them, post them!

    And all the data on the wars, they analyze and put in graphs and read those yes yes! They just forget to post half of them, but hey, that can happen, they are read for sure!

    And the information on dropping participation rates, they read that too! They must read it, it is so obvious is it not?

    And the outcomes of the wars, they see those for sure! They see how NWoCB and RH abuse the system, of course they do. They are working on eliminating blowouts very hard, so they read.

    And keep boycotting!! Kaw_admin sees it and they care, the whole EE system hinges on participation after all?? So they have to care, no doubt about it!

    And guess what... all those good ideas and suggestions, they are all the same or similar! All ideas posted this week have been brought up multiple times before. But no worries, kaw_admin reads them all, again and again, because they are good ideas and suggestions!!

    And then they decide season 2 will have the same matchup system! Yes yes, keep the hit ratio where guild hansels rule and stacking LB is the only strategy you need if only ZAFT ends the osw, they can just pick up all items on day one

    Am I a statless alt fail trolling? Yes for sure.

    The 1 million dollar question is however, is kaw_admin trolling all of you?? Please keep posting and repeating the great ideas, they read for sure.... for sure it helps.... for sure they are good... for sure
  12. And please keep buying xstals for 11 weeks of trials and morekaw_admin really really really listens!!
  13. No matches are a tool that can fix this all. Don't allow a clan to be 30% bigger and get a match give the larger clan a no match. Check the smaller clan with others for a 10% bigger or less match. Since your not doing this you create lopsided matchups for many clans, rather than giving a few more no matches and having clans closely matched. So my suggestion is start at top and have the focus on creating the best wars rather than the most.
  14. Agreed with . While your at it tweak the whole bfa and GH being able to still plunder bigger players cause it's broken. Giving clans that can get LB players to war with them is destroying wars. Those without them get stomped on steady so spend your time fixing this broken system before season 2 or you'll find participation goes way down. Work on fair matchups. If its a no match its a no match. Rather have that than getting sat on all war cause you want is all to use xstals. Pretty lame.
    Make sure LB players and GH can't actually hit ppl who can't hit them. That's what you said you were doing. FIX it!!! Don't say your doing it and this still keeps happening. This is probably the last time I'll post cause you devs don't seem to be doing what you say your doing or it would be fixed by now.12 weeks and still broken..really????
  15. You know what would be good? During war, all BFA, BFE and bonuses are removed in doing actions. We all war using only our raw stats, our CS, and our clan strategies. Do not factor in anything just raw stats. Now with that, everything boils down to your skills as a player and the superior strategy of your clan leaders. What do you think? You all up for this kind of war?
  16. GH 'exploit' is easily addressed by adding ADT high enough that even maxed BFE GH can't hit you effectively, which many clans have already done.

    Instead of sacrificing and adding proper towers, (some of) the player base whines about GH plunder ability, and we now have this horrible dts/dtw hit ratio garbage, rendering those whom built to stop Opposing GH virtually useless with this horrible matching system.

    In our war against RH weeks ago, I was sitting on near full troops and only had to sko when their bigs did an xtal run ... It used to be about building smart against other clans in your bracket, now it's more about hoping you don't get easily outmatched most every war and try to claw an scratch your way to a respectable loss.
  17. agreed adt is the solution to gh, but that would require more sacrifice as some of us have done,

    easier to just keep complaining til devs mess things up worse then they are to "help" them out
  18. The problem is small clans that face alot of these gh clans can't do that u can't ask a player with 4 mill total stats to have that kinda def they would be useless in war totally rh is a whole other issue to gh but the problem in general encompasses all clans at all sizes specially the medium and small clans
  19. The problem is u guys keep looking at things from ur own prospective wat ur dealing with only and not as a whole to ee or kaw in general the problems lathers clans face and the problem smaller clans face are usually two different set of issues and the devs fixes keep making new issues

    The old system needed a few tweaks and would have been good enough by changing the whole system they just left old issues or made them worse and now added new ones with no place or start to fix now need to start over and actually take players who understand the mechanics and system into the fold to trouble shoot the ideas .. After all we are the most resourceful and finding the holes in it
  20. LOL nobody wants to take my suggestion. All the whining on GH with maxed BFE and multiple LB players in one clan is resolved by this one warring with just the raw stats! Do you think a HLC GH can hit a HLBC attk build? No way! No BFA means you can hit any of the LB players roughly within your stat range, with a higher level of success! So why not take my suggestion? Is it because your hard-earned items and allies becomes of no use to wars? Well, everybody is complaining anyways when somebody has a better item or a better BFA. Let's all war with just our CS, that's the most elegant solution to all the whiners out there!