Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 11 War 3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Down to 25 sign-ups now? The EE ship is sinking faster than I originally expected. So now with us, BG and maybe Kings sitting out, i'm curious to see who is next. Empire Rising? Rising Hawks? Eventually a match with a clan not even LLBC where no side can hit each other? Should make for an interesting finale though lol

    Okay, so enough of the jokes. Here's my multi-point plan for immediate system improvement 1) Put no-match back in place 2) Focus on primarily on bfa and win/loss track record 3) Bfe is less important as you toss out new equipment like candy with stats that are close enough, so don't worry too much about that 4) Why would prestige rankings fall when you lose but not climb when you win. Let us strive for something! 5) If team matching doesn't work, try a weighted measure in EE capability of the individual player (eg, overall KO ratio, plunder, number of successful actions) and then make a team strength profile that way. Heck with this data you could also compile a list which recognizes the best or most efficient EE warriors in the game (even those in the lower tiers could stand out and be recognized). 6) if you keep 1 hour wars you have to significantly boost knockout plunder because too often I see clans getting absolutely destroyed and sat on....yet they still win somehow! KOs simply don't pay enough and ultimately the best turtle team wins.

    I'm just throwing my ideas out there and i'm open to any and all criticism. I see others out there have support these bullet points and offered other ideas as well. If we want a better game it appears we'll have to pound the table harder. Question is... will we be heard?
  2. Well pointed out exactly!
  3. well put.
  4. Uhm... #IMFForKembaInternshipBoss 

    Thats our best shot 
  5. I support both kemba and imf post plz read what they have to say devs they are correct
  6. Support, anything other than the crock of a system we have right now.

    IMF, kemba, others, dozens and perhaps hundreds have echoed the madness of this system.

    1) remove dtw/DTS
    2) supply algorithm so your community can help troubleshoot the issue. Perhaps you've just got a decimal in the wrong place....
    3) plunder isn't the end all, every match has been a mismatch over the last several weeks (either for or against us).
    4) IMF has good suggestions.
    5) please don't begin a season with the failure of a matchmaking system currently in place
    6) no match is better than a mismatch
  7. I've read all of the comments and just want to clear things up, hit ratio means the amount if players that can hit you on the enemy roster. NO WHERE DOES IT SAY SUCCESSFULLY. Just because you can't hit someone successfully doesn't mean the hit ratio is messed up. If I wanted to, I can not most of LB players (without DTS) up to 100, but I may not win a single damn hit. I can still hit them tho.

    Also, IMF has out forth lots and lots of great points again and again on all of your threads kaw, I suggest you listen to them. Thank you, and keep up the hard work!
  8. Would like to see the analysis of that war devs. We saw 3 no matches in war 3 but we were matched to night watch. We gave it a shot the first 10 mins.. Then it became a sko training. Session... To me a combination of what worked from season 1 and what worked so far should be implemented... Match like u did in season with bfe factored in and then use ur hit ratio on top of that. Just using hit ratio is obviously not working as its too broad. Trust me as lvl 2 t6 comes out, it will be even worse... As I stated before, introduction of t6 right before EE season made ur match making that was poor at best even worse. Please I Would like to see a response to this.
  9. I Love Kaw: you obviously missed the point of the whole post. I know what hit ratio is and that's the point. Just because you can hit doesn't make it fair n balanced. Bottom line is if you don't have a chance at successful action then your automatically going to lose.
    You seem mighty quick to trash others but it seem you don't really know what your talking about or understand what points others are trying to make. If it makes it easier I can start using smaller words for you lol.
    IMF always has good points. Well thought out and well said. So do many others. We've all posted constructive ideas and not so constructive criticism and yet non of it was heard from what I see.
    Bfe is a small matter. Match ups were much better under season 1 formula of cs and bfa. Set ko times just meant you had to put in more effort and actually work as a team to achieve the end result. We over came overwhelming odds and we had our (__!__) handed to us by better tracking and teamwork. Sometimes just out right strength n bfa. We took the good with the bad and we had fun. Now the funs over. We tested and provided countless feedback as a community only to see thing progressively get worse not better. We don't ask much as paying customers and kaw addicts we just want to be heard n see results from our feedback that you ask for and money which we gladly give you in the illusion we were helping to make this game better. WE ARE STILL WAITING and growing ever more impatient and frustrated at the pedestrian attempts to make this a better game for all not just the top clans.
  10. First of all, I never directed my post at you :|

    Secondly, just because you can't hit successfully doesn't mean you're going to lose the war. Fails burn pots and troops too. At low troops (enemy) with your size you could hit almost anyone.

    But I do get your point, the hit ratio should work from rate of successful hits instead of just being able to hit.
  11. So suggestion would be to take out the dtw/dts. or at least fix it so that if they can hit you then you can hit back. nothing like having the game protect you from hits so you can sit back and hit whoever you want with stacked bfe and they can't do anything to you.

    Also if no one is built to combat rising hawks, which is pretty obvious, then wouldn't the fix be to give them a no match instead of easy wins? Thought that was the point of a no match system was there was no clan with similar stats then you got a no match with advice on how you need to change to get a match.
  12. Another great match up by the devs in war 4 u lot are a joke 
  13. Just read every post. Great feedback here folks. Keep it coming. We are listening and we are actively working to make the system better.
  14. IMF: the criticism is this: all the ideas you suggested will result in better matches, BUT only with enough clans signing up such that their implementation does not result in more no matches rather than matches.

    As it stands, trying to do all that now will likely result in something like a handful of clans getting matched only.

    So they key question is how to get more clans to participate? Little guys have been brushed aside and ignored by devs, maybe your voice will count for something.

    And war 3 isn't the best gauge for determining participation because it's too early for the western hemisphere. It's always been a low participation war.

    But I've been comparing sign ups for similar time wars since ee started, and have not seen an increase in participation at all. This is based purely on a quick glance, and devs of course have not divulged this information.
  15. ILL: I would say that might be due to the current osw environment going on at the moment - effectively reducing the number of participating clans. Also, im talking about rare no-matches that prevent a clan of 10 LBs from fighting a group with 0 or few LBs and no chance of competing.

    With that said, there should still be a growing number of clans doing EE. This goes back to the old saying of "build it and they will come"...but in order to get more clans involved the infrastructure has to be perfected first and kinks removed. I ask you to kindly to provide some suggestions to the devs as to what incentives not only make sense but will be so necessary/crucial that we'll naturally want to participate in more EEs. Pull people into the process ya know. Devs will just have to think outside the box a little.

    I'll throw out an idea. Maybe introduce auto-generated teams like the ASW (All-Star War) format and distribute 30 players evenly based on strength to a team. If your team wins and is rewarded great. But as an added component, individual performance measured on several levels (plunder, knockouts for, knockouts against, avg. # of successful actions, contribution to team based on combined stats) produces unique rewards/benefits and a new leaderboard ranking of top 200 performing EE warriors. So even if you do lose but perform well, your individual ranking/standing may actually rise! I believe this would encourage you to always fight as hard and smart as you can. This would also reduce unloyalties to the main clan if there is low participation because people feel obligated to stay home due to the fact that their clannies will be upset they warred elsewhere to feed their EE craving. (Not all EE clans are organized well and it does hurt performance). And people can participate with no stress instead of scrambling to organize and recruit to meet minimum war number requirements from within their home clan.

    For example, the asw type war algorithm would take all candidates casting WOC and begins at the top of ally LB, alternating strength until two teams of 30 (or whatever number they want to cap teams at) are matched. Then go down to the next bracket/tier of strength and begin teaming those two teams that will face each other until all members are included. Worst-case scenario, you'll have maybe one 29 vs 30 matchup because of an odd number of participants as a whole signing up.

    Perhaps offer a mix of home clan and asw type war formats much like the offering of 1 and 2 hour wars. Just thinking out loud here. I really want to see these EEs both challenging and fun for all.
  16. Again, the asw-type idea is NOT meant to replace the typical EE format and would be injected at least once a week to spice things up.

    Also, can we be given the ability to sell unwanted equipment back to the store that we'll never use again? It's clogging up my equipment options window. Maybe get some xstals out of it or something?? Thanks 
  17. Agree with comments, match ups need to consider BFA, the match up system during the end the mid to end of season 1 was almost perfect, if it includes bfe then it would result in even closer match ups.

    I don't like the ASW idea as it goes back to the merc war days, there would be too many trying for personal glory and it disadvantages the strong clans who put a lot of effort into strategy etc.

    Couldn't agree more about getting more sign ups, that's the key as even with an average match up system, you get enough sign ups it won't matter. How? make wars more profitable, I would've lost money on my last war just then, with all the pots I used. If you make wars just as profitable as eb's then you'll get those people who just focus on growth as they'll see it as a new way to make a buck.

    Ideas? Make your final plunder score paid out like an eb bonus at the end, that way my in war plunder covers pots to a certain extend, I then get another few bil at the end of the war to make a profit.

    Increase plunder profits? Also gives more fun for those osw's/1v1 players out there.

    Give 1 war xstal to everyone to use, you have to use your first real xstal before using the free war xstal. This means it's less real $$ for those who don't like spending much.

    Just my idea but something needs to change as I haven't seen too many fair match ups since this new match up system began.
  18. DTS/DTW is great invention. It prevents big LB can kill all small ppl. Since matching CS has more than 100mil difference, this dtw/dts is necessary. And small ppl cannot attk such a big ppl/LB. This is totally unfair.

    I think, dtw/dts needs more tight separations, like a boxing. LB should not attk 8mil CS ppl (or 10-11mil CS). Then it will be more fair match up (15 LB problem can be handle with this method)

    ASW system is not auto-generated. Mods are in the strongest team at 2nd asw. I am sure many people will complain "other team has ## more CS, more LBs. Why dev did not split clan equal."
  19. Gold bonus and a free xstal in 2 hour wars are a good idea. It's certainly worth testing for sure.

    As for the addition of an alternative war type.. If it's widely rejected as an idea i'm fine with that. I was simply thinking of a way to divide strength up evenly since the current system is mostly incapable of doing so without resorting to more 1hour wars to reduce plunder score and blowouts. Keep the ideas flowing everyone. The answers are out there.

    Second half of season one did seem okay from what I recall. We won and lost some in the upper tier - but I never felt winning was an impossibility.
  20. The guild mechanic is the root cause of A LOT of bad beatings in these EE wars and has never been directly addressed? Simply remove guilds from highlands no need to re write code, and it greatly reduces their ridiculous advantage.

    I have a thread up now -

    Kaw Admin - work smarter not harder

    IMF I like your thinking, instead of ASW randomly matching people there is another thread I made a while back called:

    Hordes at war

    Once a horde is filled it gives that horde a strength rating - it only locks when another clan of equal strength that's full matches it. You can match easily by removing or changing equipment.

    Lastly a personal war ranking system would be great, and would really get people warring as they try to climb a different type of leader board.

    Lol I made a thread about that - before EE's as a way to get a ticket into ASW's as compared to the half ass first come first serve 10,000 person (mostly EB champs) free for all, can't remember name of that thread though 