Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. 10 min ko time sucks. Random time much better.
  2. Still waiting for a response from devs ad to what they base match up on clearly not combined status at all chaos reborn 343m TGIA 221m gets a nice spread sheet to see.
  3. Fish stop complaining. Half of my roster couldn't hit half of yours it was really annoying and almost got you a victory. Don't war with so many gh if you don't want a crap match up!
  4. First of all,if you couldn't hit them they couldn't hit you, making your point invalid. You out matched us by 122m CS which is a joke on devs match making system. We almost won because we are better prepared and had a better strategy. Your size was only thing we couldn't over come.
  5. Let me just take a moment and laugh before posting.


    Had a better strategy and couldn't win? Strange? Never heard of such a thing.

    The only reason you were even remotely close was because we couldn't make plunder off your 13? GH. Cute attempt to make a comeback to turtle wars tho 
  6. And did you even think to complain about the fact that we were vastly outmatched by your equipment? Or did you forget that one?
  7. Darn. Forgot how much equipment ads to plunder score. I suppose if you had better equipment you would have plundered more???
  8. I was gonna make a witty reply. Really I was.

    But you know when you just let a stupid comment hang in the air and everything gets real awkward and people avoid eye contact?

  9. Yup.exactly what i thought about your comment the plunder score was close because of the clans equipment. I mean you pit that fact out there. Man im just a believer.
  10. Perhaps the point is so obvious it simply needs to be stated to be appreciated.

    If you succeed in an attack, you get plunder, if you fail you do not.

    Equipment allows you to succeed in attacks where you would otherwise fail, so equipment does help kingdoms obtain plunder.

    **grabs bag of popcorn to watch how the rest of this plays out**


  11. Lol Kage. I get a feel fir how much bigger a clan is by looking at same rank in other clan you get a rough average quickly at size difference.

    In my case. Same number is aprox 4mil cs bigger than me. Minimal equipment would be needed to have successfull attacks.

    We keep giving up large cs and squeek some through.Like with taka targets had to be very selectiveto avoid fails. Equipent does not equal out cs for plunder.

    The dts/dtw took away the equipment advantage the gh had. Now to give equipment such a high wieght to matchup devs are making it impossible. There can be no mistakes to pull off a win.

    Some clans we all inow would not even try at those ods or a lot less.

    But thanks for your input Kage.
  12. Devs please make it so when someone opts in I can click alert and takes me to player not to clan.
  13. We dont see no matches for bfe like we do with bfa. A cap needs to be put on building cs difference if bfe is too high to find a suitable match.

    Instead of just calculating the bfe into the overall cs. If they do that i think they can find a mid ground where the benefit from bfe is not negated by an cs difference that is not able to be overcome.

    If that happens i think we will see some good wars and everyone will have a good time.
  14. We have got 3 back to back BS matches. We match clans full of medium builds while all of us being GH.

    Is that a benefit some of u will say. No it's not. We can't assass them, which means we get say on like a *****. And sat on all war = Loss. The system needs to go back to Strength matching. Not hit ratio
  15. Yet another joke of a match up. Same number as me in war has 5 m cs more, same way across the board. Tired of being out matched by 100m cs every war. Impossible to win
  16. To increase the odds that the devs read this, I have posted this also on the war 1,2,3 thread:

    I’m going to pre-face my post with… I have the utmost respect for NCU Dominion. They beat us fair and square in the current matchup system. However, we should have never matched you in the first place. Here is why:
    NCU Dominion Clan Rank in Strength: 27th
    Killers United Clan Rank in Strength: 302nd
    Difference: 275 ranks (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Dominion Attack CS: 89.1 Million – 141% of KU’s Attack CS
    Killers United Attack CS: 63.2 Million
    Difference: 25.9 Million (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Dominion Defense CS: 101.8 Million – 161% of KU’s Defense CS
    Killers United Defense CS: 63.4 Million
    Difference: 38.4 Million (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Dominion Spy Atk CS: 42.6 Million
    Killers United Spy Atk CS: 40.5 Million
    Difference: 2.1 Million (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Dominion Spy Def CS: 82.5 Million
    Killers United Spy Def CS: 78.5 Million
    Difference: 4 Million (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Dominion Headcount: 26 (additionally had 2 inactives… which would put adjusted headcount at 24)
    Killers United Headcount: 29
    Difference: KU had 10 more xtals than NCU Dominion… Note… see below before thinking this actually was an advantage.

    NCU Dominion Total CS: 316 Million
    Killers United Total CS: 246 Million
    Difference: 70 Million (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Average CS per Player: 12.1Million – 142% of KU’s Average CS
    KU Average CS per Player: 8.5 Million
    Difference: 3.6 Million (In Favor of NCU)
    X the10 more xstals… = 36 Million CS…. So we are still 34 Million CS at a disadvantage if we could get successes with those attacks/assassinations.

    If you think that BFA and BFE could have affected the matchup… note that KU has the lowest BFA in our clan strength range. We do have BFE, but not enough BFE that would be significant enough to give us a chance at winning. We also took screenshots of ours and NCU’s BFA and BFE for posterity, but this post is already getting too long.

    Other factors to note:
    Killers United Success Rate on Actions: 65%
    NCU Dominion Success Rate on Actions: 89%
    Difference: 24% (In Favor of NCU Dominion)

    Conclusion: Killers United… No matter what strategy they used, could not win. We had no chance. You need to fix your matchup system before Season 2. The same team that beat Warthog Strafe Run earlier in the day… lost by 26 billion to NCU Dominion. This was not a fair fight. If you match us like this again, expect us to war without xstals and do the mith eb --- see how that works for your statistics and your revenue stream. We are warring addicts and love to war, but we deserve a fighting chance for the $58 in xstals that we used for KU in War 4. In summary, much respect to NCU Dominion and congratulations on a solid victory over us with 2 inactives.
    --- To the devs...Please make more no matches:
    It isn’t fair to either the side that gets killed or the side that does the killing. We have been on the other side of these matchups also… it wasn’t fair to them either. We SHOULD have no matches in every war. Consistently having not a single no match only lines the devs pockets with more money and discourages more clans from warring. I mean as an EE war clan, we have members sitting out warring until this is fixed as they see warring as a waste of money under the current system.

    ~~~ḲɩḶḶэṜṢ - ɄᴎɩㄊэḌ~~~
  17. I do find it interesting that many of the clans complaining about matchups now are the same ones who got their BFE by dropping builds to GH and slapping around small clans during season 1. Now when the BFE is factored in you end up with your BFE advantage but lower CS than the opposing team. Fair? I don't know but why not grow into the CS difference? I doubt the matchups would change for the most part but the CS difference would be minimized to an extent or wear eb gear and I bet the matches would change back down to closer to what you originally had...minus your BFE advantage obviously.

    The devs seemed to try and level the playing field and it could be argued they the teams with higher cs advantage now buy and enchant mith gear they will draw higher matchups...and using hit ratio eventually this will give them a bigger pool of clans to match with because BFE heavy clans can/would face new clans starting out with EB gear but in exchange would have a CS advantage.

    Right or Wrong I dunno...but that appears to be what the devs aimed for and accomplished.
  18. Damn it!!! I hate it!! I can't hit anything below my belly(GH) I'm to weak. Can u change it back where anyone can hit anyone during WarsI promise I won't cry over non-stoppable hitter
  19. I think kings castle has the solution to bad matchups. May see more and more of that.
  20. How are we up against 30 opponents pls devs ???????