Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - Wars 4 & 5 & 6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. Match ups have been awful for 3 weeks now, devs need to fix it, some awesome wars the first few weeks of trials, these last three weeks have been the worst match ups i have ever seen. 100m plus cs difference is just stupid. Go back to matching on strength and bfa not done lame hit ratio crap.
  2. Ya hell raiser I know we had 3 leaks I wasn't complaining I was just stating to the rh guy who said we shouldn't complain cause we were 100m cs stronger. But against 17 gh u can't make plunder off them unless u ko them: ) it was a great war rh is the best warring clan out there.
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - Wars 4

    Well we said before the weekend started that variable ko times just masked the bad matches didn't have a result on overall outcome ( ie predetermined winners) this weekend test shows that for the most part we were right new algorithm is as bad if not worse then old

    I still think its real simple add cs add bfa add bfe compare the two keep it within 1-2 players and devs job done ... 1 number that accounts for overall strength

    Yeah their will be no matches at first but we self regulate well we did it all season one we will do it in season 2 .... and some clans can't be matched or shouldn't if they are just going to 1 kill everyone signed up in their class or 2 be killed by everyone in their class that's no fun for either side
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - Wars 4

    What I don't understand is why Kaw admin can respond with dumb witty comments on the new eb thread, but remain absent on these EE war result threads or EE war week # threads, Dev's everyone is waiting for your input and answers to questions! STEP UP PLEASE!
  5. Dev's must fix a bug from war 5.. Spartans of The under world vs Mutiara Pandawa.. 27 vs 30 warring people.. our last member cast WoC after matchups.. he should be cast for war 6.. Devs must give back all xtals + pots they use and free miths for compensation for Sotuw's warring people.. and not grab back Mutiara Pandawa plunder or miths.. we use xtals, miths and lots of pots too.. we deserve get that.. we want a fair matchups and fair wars next.. support for Spartans of The under world clan..
  6. @ sotow... I wish wud come out and tell u what happened with the 27 vs 30 match.....
  7. I hope devs wud come out and explain that match....
  8. Well I am with a main. King WSP @ Kings Castle....yea,...RH have advantage, and we have lost to them....but we FOUGHT them.....we have lost past 21 wars....but we FOUGHT for those of you that think you are sending a message to devs-you are NOT! You are screwing your opponent out of more mith by not casting, and pouting at an injustice. Yea, I have posted the match ups are wrong-as they are. But at least FIGHT your wars. Send the feedback, email them, but it's not your opponent fault for a mis match. System broken, as I have said before, but don't punish your opponent. Would an explanation be nice? For Sure! Why is BFA not factored more, why are you hanging on DTW/DTS? but for those fo you that think you prove a point by not warring? What point does that prove? Devs don't care.......but your opponent loses more. Well Done guys! Those of you winning......look at your war history-where is the injustice when you win? It's not no need to post your drabble. Just push ya buttons, and complain after. Why Punish clans that are matched with you?

    ~As I understand Mith pay out is lower if your opponent is not cast~If I am wrong....then so be it....but ya still lame for not trying~
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - Wars 4

    Check out their mith winnings and tell me we screwed them out of miths. They made more miths than I ever do even when I am in the top 3 in actions and plunder. We made a statement to devs not to RH. And yes we did fight them once. Check out history if u want. Why waste miths and xstals when u can get free ones during bad matches?
  10. Devs all I have to say is u guys have done great matchups much more even then pre season and season 1 wars plz don't take away advantage ko for season 2 set ko times are crap even when we won all of them we did its just not as excitng or as fun as the advantage wars
  11. Why? Ummmmm, maybe cuz its a war game? Idk, don't like match up- then do nothing? We have been on your end, many times, but we fight.....we fight like we have a chance, even if we don't. Maybe try fighting your wars? $80 loss,as you said to devs means nothing.......fight your wars, and send feedback as needed. The point you tried to make-Failed. Unless it's-"If we feel its unfair, we will do nothing, Then you succeeded. :)
  12. WTF we get matched to a clan with 30 members at SOTOW for war 5 and don't receive at least reimbursement?
  13. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - Wars 4

    Lol ok I believe we have done over 100 matches. Never have never once complained about a match. Even when faced against astronomical odds.. And we fought each one to the best of our ability. Your argument is like going to trial with 100% certainty u will lose ur case and the DA gives u an option of fighting the case or a plea bargain. I'd take the plea bargain. Having said that, we will not be sitting out on wars when we match GH clans moving forward. We will adjust to better match against a clan like that. But what my main point in sitting out the war was 1) to show how much a clan full of GH can plunder off us (wow 112 mil is a lot) and 2) to help generate discussions like these to a point where we get some sort of a response from the devs. For all I care, it can be "we won't fix it, or we don't know how to fix it" ... Just something
  14. Good for you WSP....I don't care if you have done 100, or 1000.....just war your fights. The only loss is not trying-and that my friend, you did. Your plan of impact Failed. GH are already hated, so you just helped your clan lose more-well done. GL in future matches, hope they are good, or you will do nothing again. ;)
  15. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - Wars 4

    Oh? I didn't know wars were about collecting pretty good job/ good luck wall posts. Can I get some with hearts and flowers too?

    I'm done with my thread. You can troll on if you want but rather than worrying about our strategies, you might want to focus on urs. We made our statement. We won't be making that statement again. And to those at RH, none of this was in any way to disrespect you. Tbh, u guys are brilliant in putting together ur roster the way you have as long as devs continue to allow it, I don't see why u would need to change it. I take this more of a challenge.. And eagerly await our next match.
  16. TO: A Thinking Ape and KAW_Admin

    This post is in regards to:
    Spartans of the Over World
    Test Wars
    Week 10
    War 5

    I would like to start off by saying this is not a matching complaint but a system error complaint.

    I had a very troubling News Feed after sign-up . In particular just after the notice to cast Mith spells.
    My News Feed had included a notification about players who have joined my opponent in war.
    To my understanding this is not allowed, also the addition moved their roster size up to 30.
    Unless I am incorrect the sign up size is restricted to be between 26 and 29.
    We fought through the entire war and used our full mithril spells along with both xtals for each member in war. That war was a blowout, we were annihilated I felt sorry for my clan members who fought along side me.

    I'm sure I speak for my entire clan and most of the community (EE War Participants) when I say:

    Why should I pay for your mistakes?

    Sure its only 2 dollars gone but ESTOC EDGE levels and Mith are priceless. TVP was Ran and some mith was recovered. I honestly believe if the system has a flaw full refunds are in order.

    Please look into this issue and fix the problem.

    For all you trolls out there: I don't expect the refund. I don't care for the pots lost. Im not very concerned about prestige. I care for the system to run without error in order to make the game experience better
  17. You didn't know wars were about pretty wall art? Thats your problem you know-you can finally fight! I could care less about your strategy, i just hate whiners that complain and don't try, like y'all. Lemme guess you had no problem with your wins in season 1? LOL, ppl like you make me laugh.....and I mean Laugh :p The Only place 'success' comes before 'work' is the dictionary .....stop posting your drabble and fight your wars. Might help ;)
  18. War 5 was a shocker. The war between Spartans Of The Over World Vs Mutiara Pandawa was damned from the start. 27 Vs 30? Wth? Please look into this and let us know whatyou are willing to do about it. We lost crystals and miths in this war.
  19. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - Wars 4

    Yes we did have some success in season 1 as well as well as this preseason regardless of match ups. Were there some easy mismatches in there? Yes.. But a vast majority of wars very close and could have gone either way. We did exactly what u wrote... We worked and achieved our success. We sit 1 war out of over 100 and u call that whining? Lol... Go focus on ur own clan.. I know u can't help ur 18 out of 19 mismatches but there's gotta be a way to win right? Maybe it's time you do what u suggest and "work" and figure a new strategy cuz obviously the current one is flawed.