Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1/2/3 *update*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. When is t6 lvl 2
  2. And 3 being released. Lol
  3. I stand corrected. We did have two walk in the park wars this week. The first one against RH we dominated the whole war. Our screen was filled with greens to a KO victory of 144-60... Oh wait, we lost that war  the second walk in the park war was against RH again and this option is even better... 0 actions.. Thanks for the miths devs  until match ups and GH issues are fixed, we will stick to option 2 and get our free miths. Oh did I mention that u just lost 58 xstal usage in this war by us and possibly 58 by RH? Nothing against RH as a clan. Afterall, it's the devs that allows this to continue. Match like clans together. We are too big to plunder off these guys, in fact a smaller clan has a better chance of winning cuz at least they make something when they hit the GH.... Think about it devs.. U just lost ~$80 off one war... And more to come if this continues

    Kings castle members refrain from posting please.
  4. More awful match ups, why don't you devs give a cs comparison on these wars. Show all of kaw how awful your match ups are, maybe that's why 36 clans war and not 60 anymore
  5. Sadness factories all around. Best algorithm ever 
  6. 204 mil CS v 346 mil CS?
    Lol. Didn't end well for us again. Please look into combined stats especially in 2 hour wars. I'd like to see how many lowers CS stat clans won in 2 hour wars.
    Cheers, devs. I like the efforts and all the experimenting tho:) also happy with the class of our opponents lately:)
  7. one more thing devs shud clarify are prestige..... i dont know if this happens to other clans too... but when u win ull get 1 prestige but if u loose u will loose 2-3 ees.... how could that be??? someone tell me why?
  8. What everyone seems to fail to realize is guild hansels with towers add to your strength. Where in season 1 those same clans like s.o.r.t a and others had gh with out towers making ur strength lower. Now that everyone is drawing bigger clans and still using those same guild hansel builds that now have towers its unfair.....u got to be kidding upgrade or sell the towers and go back to beating on small clans
  9. No disrespect meant to s.o.r.t.a or any of u just my thoughts
  10. I’m going to pre-face my post with… I have the utmost respect for NCU Dominion. They beat us fair and square in the current matchup system. However, we should have never matched you in the first place. Here is why:
    NCU Dominion Clan Rank in Strength: 27th
    Killers United Clan Rank in Strength: 302nd
    Difference: 275 ranks (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Dominion Attack CS: 89.1 Million – 141% of KU’s Attack CS
    Killers United Attack CS: 63.2 Million
    Difference: 25.9 Million (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Dominion Defense CS: 101.8 Million – 161% of KU’s Defense CS
    Killers United Defense CS: 63.4 Million
    Difference: 38.4 Million (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Dominion Spy Atk CS: 42.6 Million
    Killers United Spy Atk CS: 40.5 Million
    Difference: 2.1 Million (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Dominion Spy Def CS: 82.5 Million
    Killers United Spy Def CS: 78.5 Million
    Difference: 4 Million (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Dominion Headcount: 26 (additionally had 2 inactives… which would put adjusted headcount at 24)
    Killers United Headcount: 29
    Difference: KU had 10 more xtals than NCU Dominion… Note… see below before thinking this actually was an advantage.

    NCU Dominion Total CS: 316 Million
    Killers United Total CS: 246 Million
    Difference: 70 Million (In Favor of NCU)

    NCU Average CS per Player: 12.1Million – 142% of KU’s Average CS
    KU Average CS per Player: 8.5 Million
    Difference: 3.6 Million (In Favor of NCU)
    X the10 more xstals… = 36 Million CS…. So we are still 34 Million CS at a disadvantage if we could get successes with those attacks/assassinations.

    If you think that BFA and BFE could have affected the matchup… note that KU has the lowest BFA in our clan strength range. We do have BFE, but not enough BFE that would be significant enough to give us a chance at winning. We also took screenshots of ours and NCU’s BFA and BFE for posterity, but this post is already getting too long.

    Other factors to note:
    Killers United Success Rate on Actions: 65%
    NCU Dominion Success Rate on Actions: 89%
    Difference: 24% (In Favor of NCU Dominion)

    Conclusion: Killers United… No matter what strategy they used, could not win. We had no chance. You need to fix your matchup system before Season 2. The same team that beat Warthog Strafe Run earlier in the day… lost by 26 billion to NCU Dominion. This was not a fair fight. If you match us like this again, expect us to war without xstals and do the mith eb --- see how that works for your statistics and your revenue stream. We are warring addicts and love to war, but we deserve a fighting chance for the $58 in xstals that we used for KU in War 4. In summary, much respect to NCU Dominion and congratulations on a solid victory over us with 2 inactives.
    --- To the devs...Please make more no matches:
    It isn’t fair to either the side that gets killed or the side that does the killing. We have been on the other side of these matchups also… it wasn’t fair to them either. We SHOULD have no matches in every war. Consistently having not a single no match only lines the devs pockets with more money and discourages more clans from warring. I mean as an EE war clan, we have members sitting out warring until this is fixed as they see warring as a waste of money under the current system.

    ~~~ḲɩḶḶэṜṢ - ɄᴎɩㄊэḌ~~~
  11. Run some wars for ee on monday / tuesday pls.. If going to make it so u must participate in ee to get mith/equip... Make it every day so everyone has a fair chance to play. Stupid that your ability to grasp that has failed still to this day.
  12. Great work devs .continue like this & u'll find no more clan for season2 , verry bad match up . Match up vs clan almost X2 our size . what the hit ratio ur talking about .
    Those match up is like david vs golath 
  13. I find it amusing that people always seem to blame their losses on the devs. The matchup algorithm changed. What used to work towards your advantage may not anymore. Rather than blame the matchup itself, why not spend some time looking at how you build your roster and adjust your team and tactics to meet the challenges of the new system. I can only speak for my own clan, but we struggled early on, identified our weaknesses, and adapted to the new system. We've had some successes, some failures, but rather than complain about the system we looked to ourselves on how we could better work within it. We've had some great fights recently, and have a lot of respect for all the fine warriors we've been chosen to fight. We look forwards to many more great fights to come 
  14. I war all over and in very different size clans with very different builds and strategies. The weeks prior to weeks 9&10 were good matches(and by good I dont mean we won them) Even on losses they we're close and kept everyone engaged. These last two weeks I fought warlor from la res and was only time I felt like I was fighting rh again middle of season 1. Complete slaughter for at least 1 1/2 hours. Then just fought er which at least kept us engaged but end plunder is signifigantly different. In silver most of our members do not have complete paladin gear like er,warlor, mwar, etc. I dont know if it is bfa, bfe, or cs but these kind of wars make even someone like me who has warred most wars since preseason 1, not even want to put in the 2 hours of prewar prep and 2 hours of 20 seconds of action every 10 mins, wonder why Im wasting my time and money on something so dull and obviously flawed. I dont have the solution to this but I think that is what we pay you for. ;)
  15. GH with towers are not the issue, even with them there are several matches each war that have a huge CS disparity which is always in favor of the larger clan.

    This hit ratio algorithm is not matching based on strength but how much plunder one would receive if they "could" hit the other clan. But hitting someone with 2-5mil CS higher is impossible for almost anyone.
  16. Where's the transparency we were promised? You throw Helen Keller plunder graphs up, a useless and vague chart, and totally ignore your own game mechanics and avoid all the tough questions. You aren't running for political office, you're running a business that's open to the public.

    I find it hilarious huge clans complain about GH mechanics when they lose, and also tell clans that get heavily outmatched that they need to adjust to the new system. We've gone many routes with war entry size - common sense is common sense.

    "Plunder potential" should be an actually obtainable. My plunder potential for winning the lottery is high, but should I base my life on the plunder potential of something with astronomical odds?
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Maybe u sat on them for too long, wasted ur xtals and made no gold. then they mass xtal, ko u, steal all ur plunder and sit on u.
  18. Our wars were great, matched against V-Hawks twice, won once, lost once for wars 1 and 4.
  19. Awww come on cal. You know they camt show the real data, we already know it wont look as pretty as plunder gap.

    Although that plunder gap is getting blown out of the water a few times here this weekend.

    We could all build like rising hawks (not a slam. I respect what they have that works) and then every new clan that wants to war will not have a chance at all. But diversity of builds and the people behind them would be hindered imo.
  20. @king of knights- we didn't need to xstal to sit on them.... And we sat on them the whole war...Even at the end of the war.. We ate up every xstal run they did, but damage was done, they got to plunder 50 mil per hit on every GH when they xstal'ed before we could re-KO them... You weren't in the war... So I wouldn't sit there and tell us that our strategy was flawed. I now hope u face rising hawks and see how u like making 1-9 mil on 19 of their GH's and only being able to plunder on 10 of their roster.