Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1/2/3 *update*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Dear KAW Admin, what if you guys created 'weight classes' for war? And let clans fill slot with the appropriate members to meet the requirements. That way you wouldn't match 'Little Mac' with 'Tyson'. Just a thought. Things to consider would be removing Dts/Dtw. You guys are doing great. All the best.
  2. War 2, 40 sign ups and 1 no match? 

    Did we miss the 2v1 lol?
  3. Kage,

    You make a valid point if its a noob clan vs a veteran clan. But for the most part there isn't a BFE advantage unless your Rising Hawks.

    Most EE warriors have good BFE so like mith spells we are canceling it out for the most part and CS is the biggest factor.

    Same with BFA, how many top BFA LB players are there in EE, not that many and when usually they get matched with other clans that have high LB BFA players. Again canceling it out for the most part and CS becoming the biggest matchup factor.
  4. Regarding this week wars, we meet battleground, silver and WARLOR.... is this called fair matches... Please show us how you calculate the bfe, bfa and stats. We really appreciate you to give us a better match for the upcoming wars.. As we have been big spenders in kaw , dont let us think that this is just another games that suck our money. Cheers !

  5. LOL - welcome to the club - don't calculate overall's a joke half the time. I'll admit we've had a joke or two IN OUR FAVOR as a clan...where the other clan is a dwarf of our's crazy. BUT - we all know what devs are looking at: if you want better matches - kaw says: do nothing in war and be blown out and we'll fix it. Rewarding laziness? really?

    Both analysis of wars in general (had like 10 plunder charts - 0 for bfe/bfa/cs...yes, 0!) and this new post is only looking at one thing: PLUNDER. If you blow out your opponents expect super hard matches where opponent is 1 and 1/2 times your cs with the same bfe and even better bfa mind you.

    I understand and don't think wars should consistently be blow outs...just think the current system is counterproductive all the way around. If one clan spends all week and all kaw preparing for war and another clan has eb builds, etc and they meet in war - what do you think would happen? blowout! If devs reward laziness and lack of dedication of wars - it will not turn out well for kaw. I'm NOT saying throw out plunder consideration...if a clan does well they may need to get moved up - but pls add cs/bfe/bfa back into the charts and consideration. Thx!
  6. @ guild hansel

    Your first issue is you try to load your roster up with guild hansels,but that's a ploy that either plays directly in your favor or completely against it depending on the match. But that's a choice you guys make and can control.( though the GH really needs to be addressed but that's a whole different topic)

    Secondly the idea behind analyzing plunder is
    Because they are thinking that it's a definitive number that can be analyzed and used as a means of judging their algorithms. Honestly what else could you go by to evaluate a statistical data set such as this . I mean I have taken a basic stat class in undergrad but I'm far from the expert on data analysis, but I am kind of agree with using it as a
    Means to evaluate matches.
  7. @Knight,

    I've taken undergrad stats too and aced it. I can tell you plunder is not a definitive number. For one it changed depending on build vs build. Also who's to say how many assassinates vs fights vs fails there are as well as fight KO vs spy KO. You talking about the most fluid number in EE wars being definitive when it's the least! All other build numbers don't change, or change much(bfa) so that should be the calculating factor and the CONTROL NUMBERS for experimenting.

    If they went went by hit ratio, it should be based off of successful attacks and not just there calculations of dts/dtwechs which don't guarentee success at all.
  8. Congrats on passing a stat class but I feel as your missing a few factors here. Devs originally tried matching based purely on stats and we reached this end pass where the matches still were not very good.

    Ever since this new system everyone one of our matches have been far from easy wins and I feel they are overall done better. Yes there will always be poor matches,but that's due to lack of better matching options. It really comes down to needing more clans to war in order to
    Be able to match them with a more narrow window of cs difference.

    We calculate the cs of every match and we do see variations of upwards of 70 cs difference amongst matches but it can be overcome , though not easily.

    Devs are constantly trying to change things and keep that data public how much can you really complain considering over the past 2 months they have created an entirely new system of matching in order to adjust for poor matching.

  9. One thing I keep seeing is basing on successful hit... Really not possible if u did that wat would be the point in towers ? To have say 90% successful hits against a towered clan ud have to be 3x their size right not ur complaining about 30% cs advantage not a good move

    Builds should be free to be built like they want if our cs is equal and u choose a softer build that's on u as a clan or individual

    I'm not in fan of dts/dtw it left the windows to wide in matches period and ur right doesn't reflect if two clans are really a good match

    Adding all the major things that make a build and totaling them and keeping with in a margin is only good way to do it devs went way complicated and backwards with dts/dtw but would be taking another step back with successful hit ratio
  10. I agree St4tion,

    But the fact is they base off of hit ratio like this:

    4mil CS player and 8mil CS player. Both can hit each other since they are "close enough" on CS. But who will win? We all know that answer. That's the problem with hit ratio, it only favors higher CS players.

    And the person that tries to say some bs about bfe is out of their minds. Most war clans bfe have evened out since the end of season 1. With a minor exception of a few with bad equips here and there, bfe is really just a canceling factor now in strength along with mith spells and pots. There is only so much bfe anyone can get and only one clan out does the rest of us and that's RH. BFA according to devs is added in to the hit ratio so we "shouldn't" see anything too outlandish even though some clans do. And CS, there have been wars topping over 100mil CS difference. That's over 3mil CS average per person on the larger team! That's all but impossible to overcome considering most of the CS is on the upper half of the team giving them builds that are more likely 5-6mil over their counterpart on the opponents team.

    Devs need to go back to matching based on CS, at least for another trial week and see what happen. I guarantee you will see closer matches!
  11. I do have to agree with knight that our matches have not been a walk in the park since the new algorithm has been put in place. And it is great that the devs are showing us these graphs and figures. But as anyone who has done any sort of statistical analysis, u know that u can show one part of the analysis and not others to prove ur point. The devs current analysis only tries to prove one thing, which is that match up and blow outs have gone down (although i really can't see that much of a change from the graphs), if you did an ANOVA analysis from those graphs, there is too much noise to conclude anything I bet. Again, I don't have the full set of data in front of me. Secondly, the devs need to go one step further and dive in at what is causing those 100% plunder blow outs and correlate it with some factor to help tweak their algorithm. It's been better, but more work needs to be put in devs.
  12. This isn't about current conversation ... But LMFAO REALLY? Just wow
  13. Doc,

    I agree that most experienced clans will have BFE which is similar (but even then 50M raw stats, or 1 M CS equivalent--per player--is not uncommon. And sometimes much more. Individually that is small to be sure, but added up over the whole clan, and the differences are significant).

    However, I was referring to the elements of a matchup system in toto. If the system is being designed for making appropriate matches between all clans (noobs to veterans and all points in between), then the BFE/BFA component must be part of the consideration.

    It is likely true that between experienced clans, BFE will be a wash, but if the algorithm is going to be applied to all clans who choose to war, I think BFE/BFA and the fact that it is a static component (for the most part) should be considered as such.


  14. This stat just in: not enough clans participating in EE. Please fix !
  15. @kaw_admin,

    please confirm the interpretation of "avg"... what i interpret is that on average, all wars are a blown out!!! but from a handful of clans that i checked on, it is pretty obvious that the hit ratio thing only allow you to match up more clans to earn more from xtal use but not improving the match gap!!!

    I am sure more would sit out wars eventually (as a protest or totally given up)!!!
  16. BG vs Warlor at 7pm,both r good/great EE out for one or two lb you can't or able to hit with any success but they can or able to destroy you with 100% success.
  17. Seems like some of LB going for easy win too,what a joke or I say pathetic lol
  18. Rising Hawk vs King Castle,sry guys/gal but that's the way EE work.i am butthurt too lol
  19. Using hit ratio is a joke. A 5yr old could hit me in RL, but since I'm 6'5 and 245pounds I could step on him, but in kaw land a 1.2mil cs GH can make more plunder in a ee war? That's laughable at best for a dev war. At least we should make same off them! How can you lose every stat of a war but have highest plunder? Use a GH army. Its an exploit that was "fixed" by the devs, but wasn't. You,devs, address every other exploit but not this? Odd. But maybe it will be
  20. A t4hlbc can't beat a t5hlbc, but a towered GH beats them both. Lol. And I've got gh's n I still find it laughable n war