Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1/2/3 *update*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1

    Sorry thought i was on tuc but that was 4 station hiney
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1

    Another horrible mismatch in our war vs Spartans of the underworld. You should actually address and correct the underlying problems with your match making blunders, which isn't based on ending plunder.
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1

    Thank you. We appreciate the quick response.


  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1

    Devs any reason my EE has just vanished right now, after its just been refreshed by winning war??
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Any response to the mismatch devs what was changed in this one and no it wasnt from inactives we only had one but he gave up after not being able to hit and can we bring back random ko times just not as long as 5 min maybe 2 min would be plenty
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Devs what kind of crack are y'all smoking with these matchup our opponents are consistently 2-3x bigger than us it is rediculus we want fair fights this will not cut it
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    That's the result of strategy Anarchy. Don't fret it, just learn.
  8. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Hmm devs are you sure the hit ratio was 90% because most of us couldn't hit majority of the clan we went up against. When u KO the opponent 144 times compared to their 60 and we lose by over 10 bil.. Something is wrong with your system. I know many has brought this up but ur efforts to fix this has been poor at best.
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Devs can I get a summary of the war sotra vs og alliance with an explanation to how that match is able to go ahead? I understand there's always going to be a clan at a disadvantage but I would say there at least 100m cs bigger than us. Bfe simply cannot account for raw stats, look into it as stated by numerous amounts of players already!!
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Speaking on behalf of Spartans of the Over World we would like to say that the match ups have been quite even for us. We do not try to cheat the system and the result is a fair match for each war. Keep up the Good work ATA.
  11. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Could you please post median and quartile stats for each war please? With such skewed data it would be good to get a better view of the results than the mean. Thanks.
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    I was just thinking the same thing. Mean would be better than average because clans like New Age wouldn't skew the results to much. After all they are clearing in it for the Mith eb.
  13. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Guys, the devs can't prevent your inactives. You can't blamr them if you have inactives. No one can prevent that except you.
    Cheers :)
  14. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    I would have to say the matchups didn't seem nearly as good as under the system for the last couple of weeks. World War Z was smaller at the top and bottom of the rosters and we lost by a good margin even with the other side having some in actives for most of the war. We really didn't stand a chance from the beginning.
  15. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Kudos devs on making closer matches. In general they are much more enjoyable than blowouts:)

    However, our last 2 matches were a bit uneven. We were down 110 mil CS in one and over 60 mil in the other. Mind you, our bfe was likely larger in both which made it "fair" for hit ratios. In fact, both wars were very close at the 1 hour mark. But with us losing higher % of troops hitting larger builds (2-3 mil per player) we simply wore down and could not keep the wars close. Being down 53% CS and 34% in those wars showed us it can be "fair" in 1 hour wars and unacceptable in 2 hour wars. Please look into a fix. I'd propose a higher weight on CS in 2 hour wars to make them more even.

    Thank you for all the efforts to make EE a better experience!
  16. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Thanks devs doin good job far more enjoyable wars with static ko times :) keep it up
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    They are not doing a good job lol, how do you all justify garbage stats?

    Hit ratio isn't based on ability to SUCCESSFULLY HIT!

    Matchups should be based on 75% CS and 25% bfe/bfa. CS determines more than anything else on your ability to hit and these matches with over 40m CS differences are a joke and need to stop. Your no putting out no matches where you should and just letting people fight losing situations which isn't the way this system is supposed to work.
  18. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    I agree with many others who have posted - DTW/DTS is not indicative of ability to successfully hit, just that you are allowed to try to hit. Therefore it is awful for war matching because many smaller players have no realistic ability to hit the big players, especially LB. Clans should be matched up mostly on combined CS - no more than 40 mil CS difference, and then by BFA
  19. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Weird, my post cut off...

    By CS, BFA, and BFE...with limits on how much difference is allowed in each category.

    Thank you - I know you are trying hard on the matching algorithm, with a few more limits I think it will be working very well.
  20. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 10 - WAR 1 *update*

    Perhaps I need to be educated, if so, someone explain it to me.

    Some people say BFE/BFA/CS need to be treated differently in matchups with LESS emphasis on BFA and BFE. But with the exception of percentage based equipment (Abyssal Blade/Pinioned boots) aren't the stats from BFE and BFA static? In other words, unlike the power of CS which decreases with a percentage of troop/spy levels, BFE and BFA remain largely static.

    Because much of the EE wars are fought from at or near pin (except at the beginning or when crystalling) I would think that differences in the BFE and BFA stats that don't change should be MORE closely regulated than differences in CS.

    By way of comparison lets imagine two kingdoms. One with larger CS, one with larger BFA/BFE. For this example we will assume a kingdom with NO BFA/BFE but 144 M in raw stats (convert to CS if you wish). Lets compare it to a kingdom with 48M raw build stats and 96M in BFA/BFE. For ease of math, lets assume that the reduction in build strength is linear for each of the 24 attack hits). The kingdoms would compare as such:

    The punching power of the kingdom without equipment would decay as such: 144, 138, 132, 126, 130, 114, 108, 102, 96, 90, 84, 78, 72, 66, 60, 54, 48, 42, 36, 30, 24, 18, 12, 6. With the last hit being equivalent of a 6M raw stat punch.

    The punching power of the kingdom with BFA/BFE would decay as follows: 144, 142, 140, 138, 136, 134, 132, 130, 128, 126, 124, 122, 120, 118, 116, 114, 112, 110, 108, 106, 104, 102, 100, 98 with the last hit being the equivalent of a 96M raw stat punch.

    From this example, after a 1/2 unload the kingdom without equipment/BFA is hitting with 78M power while the kingdom with BFA/BFE is hitting with 120M power.

    At 1/4 power (or about the strength you would be when you come out of pin at 15 minutes) the difference is even more pronounced. The kingdom without BFE/BFA would hit with 36 M power, while the kingdom with BFA/BFE hits with 108 (triple the power of the other kingdom).

    So in this admittedly simplified scenario, the kingdom with the equipment (although appearing to be equal in strength at the start) is in reality significantly stronger than the kingdom without the equipment.

    If I am incorrect in my understating of this, please point it out, but if anything it seems that equipment and BFA should be taken into account even MORE, not less, than CS.

