Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Yes I know and that's what I don't wanna see. We can easily do the same but what's the good about it? If we keep compromising ourselves to comply with the system, it will only get worse so eventually clans will have no choice but either quit warring or join the club of roster tweaking to compete for the master of the roster maker. Is that what you really want?
  2. as a response to your note about our equipment, perhaps you should look a little closer, and try to see what we see needfood. i dont feel the need to explain why. im sorry you've lost respect for ds lately, though we are working hard to keep our members happy and warring, report/test our findings, and we continue to work hard to find out out the cause of these mismatches by checking things that happen. im fairly sure that you both know that ds does numbers on just about everything, in every war here and some that we find interesting outside of the sanctuary - would you rather us not bring up our findings? either way, it is not just what happens here that we are concenred about, though as a warleader and council of ds i can tell you that the mismatching is disparaging from warleader to member and its affects can be seen all over matchups and throughout ee clans all over kaw. the last thing we want is for our past time to be destroyed. a lot of us say that war is one of the reasons why we play this game. we'd merely like to make it clear that we've noticed something is VERY wrong with the system.
  3. Everyone in KaW (with maybe the exception of the devs themself) knows that the current matchup system doesn't work.
    And I think it's great that you are trying to test the system and trying to find what's wrong with it.

    But let me enlighten you a little of what the community outside DS sees.

    We see one member of DS, or owner even, running amoc on the forums crying and ranting on the matchup's that didn't put DS in favor. Not once have I seen some constructive information about your findings that didn't come in the same post as starry cried about your recent bad matchup (and that's bad matchup for you.....never when it's bad for your opponent).
    And I will be the first to admit that I can have missed posts done by you or starry that actually was some valid information and not just crying, but if so, please direct me to those treadhs.

    I am sure that you are trying to help, but what the rest of the community sees is that you are complaining about the system but in the same time trying very hard to exploit it in your favor. We never see any posts from you when you downgrades and got an easy match, we don't see any posts from you when you used a high-low tactic to get plunderadvantages. The only posts we see from you is when you have been down in combined stats.
    So right now, it doesn't really matter what your intentions are, the community see a clan trying to exploit the system and only give "reports" when it didn't quite go your way.

    Now, since most of the warring community only sees starry_nights posts as complains when things go bad for you, you will most likely never get support from the community as a whole if you acctually reported some valid information couse we would think it's just another attempt to tip the scale in your favor.

    Now if you want to listen to an eb noob or not is completely up to you but if you want to help make the system better I have three advices for you:
    1. Keep starry_night off the forums, he does NOT help your case
    2. Stop boycotting every other war that you think is a bad matchup, you loose all respect from the opposing clan and many other clans with it.
    3. Make a treadh or two about these "findings" you are talking about without at the same time focusing on how KaW was made to screw YOUR clan over but favor every other clan.

    All the best, I hope I will see you in a well written, intelligent and constructive post about the matchup system in a near future.
  4. Lol you know what's worth the time and what's not, right?
  5. ๎‘‡๎Œƒthe hit ratio doesn't work. Just because an account can hit another what's the chance of any successful actions? We had a member that was unable to hit any of opposing roster. Our member had to drop bb pots and rl money to buy loads in allies half way thru war just to be able to actually hit opposing roster! So really u match 29 to 29 we were outmatched combined stats, bfa
  6. Too much crying on forums lately.
    I find it funny that an "EB noob" can make the point when some experienced "EE warriors" seem unable to.

    A warrior is expected (even by "eb noobs") to fight whatever the odds and not cry on forums! That's a fact, accept it. One time u get a bad match up. Next one may be better. yet as a warrior, well... It's a challenge! Accept it and ur victory will taste great, your defeat excusable. Complain in feedback, it's made for it.

    War 2. We hardly made numbers and were matched 26 VS 29. Counting we had an inactive (our fault) we were down 4. I have no clue how many CS on either side and I really don't care. We fought, it was obvious we would! We had a tough fight and a real blast!

    Forum crybabies, man up and fight those "bad matches"! Crying is for kids and war for grown ups.
    Happy kawing!๎€‘