Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Stary I will try to make this simple. The cs is difference is because of build you decided to use. The cs total of an att build is much more than han. Ganicus cs is a little 21m your cr4 barcode is 15m cs. You also had a gh. We also have a higher% of towers per build. Do you want every match to be given to you. The devs can only do so much. The mistake with mismatch is with clans that have huge lb and many of them.
  2. Constructive suggestion(s):

    1) GH - Everyone complaining and I do have to agree the plunder disparity is, to say the least, large. Look at the atk from both directions and give the average plunder. For example, Gh being hit pays 5m, GH hitting gets 50m, no matter which the direction of atk, pay 27.5m. This would likely help counteract cs differences.

    2) Let more ppl sign up than 26-29. Matchup system would chose the players that get to war and who sits out. Those bumped get 1 rancor and 1 ee. Matchup system would keep track so same ppl don't sit out every time. Now you have a way to close the stat differences.

    3) increase the gold you get in war, eb's pay better so most are doing eb's.

    4) discount on xtals for those warring a minimum amount. If JC Penny can have a sale to drive business, why not KAW? Especially if more war because of it. Make the discount margin loss up in volume.

    Just a few thoughts rather than complaints.
  3. Hmmmm
    GH can't hit me, I can't hit GH. I can't be bothered.
    All get a 5x T6, and the GH is history.

    If you insist on sticking to T5s n don't put up T6s, well the onus of the anus is on you.
  4. @ devs - every single war clan would want a NO MATCH over an obvious mismatch....

    If you then start telling people (like you started to again) how to adjust war roster to encourage matches... Bingo, change happens....

  5. I had lost my ee when i left clan. It was suppose to stay but it did not. Thanks
  6. I STILL HAVE NOT BEEN GIVEN MY ESTOC EDGE backall the the guys that jumped from Angels E clan got theirs back can i get mine back to please devs?
  7. I STILL HAVE NOT BEEN GIVEN MY ESTOC EDGE backall the the guys that jumped from Angels E clan got theirs back can i get mine back to please devs?
  8. Lost my EE war 1
  10. Stary u have to multiply spy cs by 1.5 to calculate ur real cs advantage disadvantage

    A Hlbc spy is worth the same as a Hlbc Att build the way the devs see it that's t5 complete a 6 mill or 1.5 x size difference in stats but not size

    U had spy advantage of 25 mill which really equates to 33.5 mil they had u on Att def by 138 mill Att stats ... That's a 104.5 mill stat advantage give or take

    U also had a huge lb player I'm sure bfa advantage was u but atleast that much

    That match was as close to fair as it gets in this system u just got beat ... I can do math too
  11. Lol u tell em station... Cloud u can't fix stupid so stop trying dear it will only make u stupid too 
  12. For those people throwing out numbers on why DS and Risk match was fair, consider this: even with station hiney's 1.5 adjustment the CS disparity was over 100 mil. Now let's just say that DS's members all had 100 mil advantage in bfe (highly unlikely but possible against a clan with all EB equips) that still leaves u at around anywhere between 30-40 Tril in allies more than risk that DS needed to have to make it an even match. One big lb may bridge that gap but what about the rest of the clan? Can't only look at one player. Looking at the rosters it seems to me like the two clans bfa was probably pretty similar. Any way you look at this, this was probably a bad match. Score doesn't tell it all. The allowable window should not be this big IMO. Tighten up the window and let the clans adjust to find theirselves a match.
  13. How close u think the matches can get?
    And yes DS bfe way is larger then risk ?
    Matches will never be perfect but that was about a close as one as ur going to get ...

    It was a pretty fair fight u want to use lb and gh ur going to get some bigger cs differences that's the price ur going to pay ur got two types of builds that can't be touched for profit

    Rh does this to the extreme and are always out matched cs wise .... U see them in forums?
  14. No but I've seen u in forums complaining about bad matches and now all of a sudden this is acceptable to u. No wonder the devs are confused. It was a closer match than what the CS showed but in no way was it a fair match. DS has a great strategy.. Any other clan in that match would have lost by 15 bil so think of that as well...
  15. Now I do agree if window was closer clans would adjust but devs screwed themselves on that one by bringing out t6 and not leaving enough time for kaw to settle into it thereby making their system more accurate but under current system and all things the way they are that was as good a match a u will get ... A disadvantage to DS maybe but not by that much and remember risk isn't a noob clan they have 3 seasoned clans in there working together
  16. I complain when it's a really unfair match either way for or against us as I see it not just when we get beat .... Yeah are there problems yes .. Was that one of them no .... Devs get confused because people who don't understand the mechanics of how the game work complain about every little thing and not look at the big picture ....

    Devs need to concentrate on real issues the rest will self regulate
  17. What people fail to realize is that plunder alone is not a good determinant of overall match. I stated my opinion on the CS/BFA/BFE window and I stand by the fact that it was uneven. Yes it may have been seen as fair, but looking at raw numbers (CS, BFA, BFE) DS did what they did to keep it close but in no way was it a fair match. @ Devs who look only at plunder score to assess matches - maybe one side didn't have to xstal? Keeping the score closer than it really was? Not saying RISk had xstals to sit on... But i bet there were Some of them full at the end... And in no way am I disrespecting RISk. They have some great people there. Main point was that window of allowable match may have gone too wide to allow for this type of match... Was it closer than what the CS suggested? Yes, but not to the extent as to call this a fair fight
  18. @ king they bfe difference was huge and bfe kinda trumps bfa now especially out of pin - considering bfa is only actually about 2 percent stats -- especially as they had 67 on lb with PROBBLY somewhere in the 35-40 trill ally range and a couple guilds it wasn't a bad match just 2 teams built very different and our gameplan was neutralize their strength ( assa look at their history they assa very well) AND THAT HAS ALOT TO DO WITH THEIR SPY STRAT KEEPT TROOPS HIGH PINNED SPY'S VIA ASSA --- big difference was we weren't spy heavy those hansels couldn't plunder like rabbisdwolves
  19. Crying about a 55-52b war???? And you had 2 LB?? Weak.
  20. King I'd really like to agree with u .. But for all the reasons stated that was a good match ...

    Now onto real issues that still need to be dealt with ... Ur match last nite for 1

    Lb may not be accounted for correctly in ee and gh diffidently are still an issue ... Ur match proves it best

    U guys are a really good ee clan I've fought u twice personally lately and can attest to it

    But u can't beat a broken mechanic and gh are a broken mechanic

    DS didn't get to use that mechanic cause they faced a clan with ADT gh couldn't plunder on and is the only option left to us players since devs have ignored us about the issues since before season 1 even started

    If gh was fixed I think lb players would be matched better since u couldn't try to drop overall clan average that way and clans would have to adjust and to facing other clans their own size ...

    Just saying dont harp on none issues if u don't want the devs even more confused 1 clear message is wats needed or else we as players are just spinning our wheels