Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Re: ESTOC TRIALS SEASON 2: PRE-SEASON, Week 0 - War 1

    wow i see you guys have finally decided to answer some posts in the after war forums? you dont see the system crashing down because you've failed to heed the advice or complaints of many people that have done your wars over the last 14 weeks? how many clans joined your war 1? perhaps thats a result of the new system, and this lack of concern. i see you've decided to snub the clans in reply, that loyally do your wars when you get the chance to take notice - instead of address the initial issue brought up, once more.
  2. Re: ESTOC TRIALS SEASON 2: PRE-SEASON, Week 0 - War 1

    Actually you have a good question. What do YOU define as a fair matchup?
  3. Thanks for the war ds. The difference in cs was because of the many hybrid and hansel u had. Also your top was bigger than us. Lb (67) to no lb on are side. Was a fun war and learned alot from it.
  4. Re: ESTOC TRIALS SEASON 2: PRE-SEASON, Week 0 - War 1

    Did you not read my millions of posts before?

    To define a fair matchup is plain and simple. -- The strength difference between two clans does not exceed a certain range.

    How to consider the strength? By considering dynamic stats and static stats together but not simply adding them up.

    Dynamic stats: Your combined stats (CS) (or bonus to allies in a simple way) which will change as your troops/spies increase or decrease

    Static stats: combined stats from your BFA/BFE which won't change with your troops or spies.

    Static stats usually don't kick in unless your troops/spies go low.

    So to provide a fair matchup, there are two requirements:
    1) the difference in total CS between two clans should not be more than 50mil to 60mil (from our experience) and
    2) the difference in total static stats (BFA+BFE) should not be more than 200%.

    If you can just simply consider these two conditions, a lot of mismatches can be avoided.

    It's not even difficult to code. Just two "if" statements and plus an "AND" logic. I'm sure you know what I mean.
  5. The difference in total CS was about 110mil. This was irrelevant to the type of builds. We had two lbers, one 67 and another around 200, but you have 9 ppl with big bfas. Some were close to ally lb 200 even if they were not ranked. From my experience, in terms of total BFAs, yours were not much less than ours if not bigger.

    I'm sure devs can give you the numbers to prove that.
  6. Re: ESTOC TRIALS SEASON 2: PRE-SEASON, Week 0 - War 1

    Anyone see the nail biter between nwcb and zero tolerance? Zt went up against 10-11 leaderboards versus their 3. It's great matchups like this that really make ya say... im glad that whole no-match thing was tossed out the window. This isn't a one time blowout event either. Been like this for weeks. Okay, all kidding aside. Devs, you may have improved the center but the tail ends in your matching algothrim fail miserably.

    I'm gonna share a simple little "personal" observation with you. If a good clan is down 3 leaderboard accounts in a matchup, they "can" still win. Beyond that and the odds drop dramatically that such a deficit can be overcome.

    See what i just did did there?

    If strongest clan #1 has 3lb difference and the #3 is within the threshold of #2, then #2 and #3 should be the likely match, leaving #1 with a "no-match" and forcing them to scale down to normal levels.

    In season one your formula did a pretty good job of this. I remember sitting out many wars because of an effective no-match, and didnt mind it at all. Gave our lower guys a chance to not ride pine and earn rancor. And if my squad was the strongest we would not have any issue rotating in and out instead of stacking to get a match. The stack currently being allowed to happen only forces us to stack in response knowing full well that if I bring in 29 lbs I can exploit your broken system. I dont want to do that because we can kill EE this way. For example, we stack and take out #2. 2 refuses to war, so we get #3. Now, 2 and 3 refuse to war so we get 4. Then 5,6,7,8 etc all stop warring out of fear. This is what we like to call the negative "domino effect".

    Devs, if there's a pulse out there tap two times and and find your keyboard. I want a response. And not the "Thanks for the suggestion" stuff. Im looking for "We're done rolling around in our cash and we're excited to unveil a brand spanking new formula much like what you saw at season one end...only better!"

    End of rant 
  7. Stary the build does matter. Towered hansels have less cs. You had way more kos than us and more spy actions. What hurt you was we went for plunder and u played catch up. It was a good fair war and only beat you with are xstal runs. You cant look at just cs stats you also have to look at the builds in the war. The bfa and probably the bfe was in your favor. Why complain about a fair match up when there are alot worse ones.
  8. Re: ESTOC TRIALS SEASON 2: PRE-SEASON, Week 0 - War 1

    Thank you. Our system currently works quite close to this though the stat range is larger than you would like. When we tightened the range we got more no matches and we had a lot more frustrated people. We'll continue to review the results and make adjustments where we can, especially on the 'tail ends' as -IMF- mentions.
  9. Re: ESTOC TRIALS SEASON 2: PRE-SEASON, Week 0 - War 1

    Good to know that you're doing something towards the direction. But I'm sure we'd rather get no match than a mismatch.

    If the gap in strength is bigger than what we can overcome, I'm sure a lot of other clans will feel the same.
  10. I Lost my EstocEdge I Finally won a war and I,Lost it when I Jumped my other clannies got theres back can i get mine back to please!!!
  11. Re: ESTOC TRIALS SEASON 2: PRE-SEASON, Week 0 - War 1

    Thank you for looking into the matches for the bigger clans. You need to realize the impact leaderboard accounts has on wars. There are plenty of matches in the last weeks where lb's has stacked up plunder near 10 billion (and several accounts in one war as well) making one account worth 3-5 "normal" players.

    Now I belive that estoc wars should be for everyone, both small and big, but your hitratio doesn't take into account if anyone can acctually successfully hit, just that you are able to make actions towords that target.

    You need to realize that if it takes hundreds of failed actions to take down one player, that will make a huge impact on the outcome of the war....and it's always in favor towords the ones with either the biggest leaderboarder...or the one with the most lb accounts.

    It's not fun, many wars has it's outcome already decided just by looking at the 2-3 biggest players in the opposing clans.
  12. Hello Dev!


    Hope this suggestion helps the KAWmunity.


    Anyway, you will need Excel software and BASIC excel knowledge. It’s gonna be easy.

    Just bear with me :D


    Extract the data of each clans with the including the CS of all the players that will be participating it.

    Sum up the CS and sort it in descending order starting with the clan with the biggest CS.




    Clan 1 – 200m CS

    Clan 2 – 190m CS

    Clan 3 – 180m CS

    Clan 4 – 170m CS


    Pair the clans according to the CS within the range of 5 percent.




    Clan 3 –180m CS ( 5 percent of it is 9m CS )


    That means Clan 3 should be matched with Clan 4 or 2 but not Clan 1 based on that 5 percent range logic.


    Calculate the BFA based on CS and not on value. Some clans have LB players in it although their CS is low. If the BFA difference is too big ( I will let you decide on the definition of big), REJECT the matching.

    Calculate the BFE based on CS too and if their BFE is insanely huge with the clans within their range, REJECT the matching.

    Finally, the hit ratio which you have implemented it. If the hit ratio is not within the acceptable range, REJECT the matching.


    Additional suggestions!


    - Those clans that are on winning streak should be paired with clans of higher CS ( probably a clan with a CS of 10 percent more than them?)

    - Have the favorites tag or the under dogs tag on each clan and if the under dogs win the war, reward them with 50 percent more miths! :D

    - If 5 percent range is too hard to match the clans, too bad,  anything more than that means more noob tears in Kawmunity. At least they get mith for TVP lol.


    That’s all folk!


    PS: You can transfer 10T if my ideas are being implemented. Thank You! :D

  13. Re: ESTOC TRIALS SEASON 2: PRE-SEASON, Week 0 - War 1

    I agree with you completely about the domino effect. It is very frustrating and sad to know what the future holds if things do not change soon. Many clans have put in so much time and effort- to prepare for S2 and will be a shame for it to go to waste. The devs bend over backwards to accommodate "broken" vs remedying or preventing it from occurring in the first place. I do not understand why clans who are known to go overboard are not manually matched or given No Matches when their roster is redonkulous! If we can see beforehand, why can't the devs? :roll:
  14. It's pretty difficult for Devs to match BFA.

    I believe I posted about this quite some time ago.

    I don't know what is Devs acceptable range for BFA. And what happens when someone buys 5-50T in allies after war match up.
    At which point do Devs warn a player that he's buying over acceptable limits.
    Not forgetting that the guy, really has 50T out.

    Agree with -IMF-
    Just look at NWoCB n you'll get the meaning.

    @Starry, I hope you don't mean a fair match up is, when you won the other party.

    I honestly thought that we had a pretty good match up despite us having lower Spy Attack stats than yourselves, our Spy Def sucked compared to you.
    But we trumped you on Attack n Defence.
    We were facing 18 Hybrids from your side compared to us having many Attack Builds.

    In Season One, I was a Hybrid, throughout Season One, I tossed 5T in allies to change my build to become an Attack Build.

    This time between the two seasons, I've been building Attack Defenses.

    Well good luck in future wars.

    As my mentor said, Plunder Trumps EE Wars.
  15. Quote kaw_admin: " When we tightened the range we got more no matches and we had a lot more frustrated people."
    Tihis phrase has the solution of bad matchups problem but obviosly you guys cant see it. This game is played by many thousands of players but still the number of clans sign in is very low compared to total number of players(or at least accounts).
    There are more people in 1 OSW out there than total people warring each war.
    You should make the maximum you can to increase the number of clans sign in for EE if you want to have a successful matchup system.
    Now, i do not have to put here the many good ideas for this purpose becouse forum is flooded with such threads with very good ideas. One for all, the thread for War Crystals is out there for months now with hundred of supporters and in-game feedback. Now, with S2 starting you came out saying "we will try to implement it for the S3". That's a bit too late. But hey, the game is yours. It's your choice. And consumers will make their choices too :)
  16. Lol ofc it was a good matchup to you. Check this stats: (atk/def/spy atk/spy def)

    Yours: 153,508,704 / 177,408,344 / 37,774,180 / 95,968,504 --> total: 464,659,732
    Ours: 88,698,229 / 102,740,189 / 51,346,320 / 108,410,887 --> total: 351,195,625

    Not mentioning your total BFA is over 94 trils not including those didn't show as the first 20 allies.

    Anyone who can count knows what I mean.
  17. devs pls gve atleast 1 rancor reward for the winners in preseason wars plsss..same2 as season 1
  18. The problem is we have forty clans warring now. Why?

    1) The devs suggested that losers get an EE. Forum response forget the losers they deserve nothing.
    2) The devs tried to be fair about the equipment distribution. Forum response, forget the losers they deserve the minimum. Devs changed season 2 to exactly that.
    3) Forum request, we want less no matches. No matches went to almost nil.
    4) Forum request, we want matches to be within some small % of CS, and at the same time X% of BFA/BFE. Statistically improbable with only 40 clans warring.

    If we want to fix the matchups, we need to get more clans warring again. The simple solution is to make it better to war, than to hit eb’s. This means giving people that war an advantage over those that do not.

    No I do not believe that everyone deserves a trophy at the end of a season.

    I do wonder what the next season of FIFA, NBA, or NFL, would look like if only the teams that made the last year’s playoffs received magic shoes making them 10% faster?
  19. @ starry night -- when u war with guilds and a 67 on lb -- but if you wanna talk unfair lets chat-- what about hansel mechanics where spy's cant be hit ,dtw when 0 gold--- how About they make it so I go dtw to Asa/sb when no gold out when - and dtw to attacks from spy so u can't sko on me either lmao I didn't think the match was as bad as you think --- your top guy has as much bfa as about our top-4-6 in war
  20. Please fix the lag. Im getting ko'd with full bars showing etc.and getting ko'd before anything on bars coming out of ko.please fix before s2,