Estoc Trials Season 1 - Week 8 - Final Week

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 20, 2013.

  1. Thank you very much for all your hard work bringing this new feature of the game to us kaw admin. The rancor session has been a great source of entertainment these last few weeks.

    Now you just need to change all the mechanics before season two, so the whiners can have something new to whinge about, and the winners can do as we always do, adapt and overcome!
  2. Modesty :
    1. The state or quality of being modest.
    2. Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior.
    3. Lack of pretentiousness; simplicity.
  3. Ok, so I realize after posting that I posted on the general update for war four only. I meant to post here in the update for the final week so I apologize now for 2 posts that are the same and for bumping both to the AT board. Anyway,
    My post from week 8 war 4 update:
    Devs, please give this some thought..

    Ok, so I have one thought that I would like to share, and kaw admin has said repeatedly that they are looking at feedback in regards to changes that they will be making to season 2. I do hope that they see this post and give it some thought as they figure out what they will be doing with the second season.

    I did not think about this until coming up on this last week of the wars and with 4 levels per win and working on the push to 50 rancor. I imagine several clans are now looking at this and trying to figure out what to do, so if this has already been brought up then I am sorry for being redundant.

    With the max rancor level being 50, and the top award being given out to those who hit 50, players and clans are now stuck with a tough decision. In an effort to get as many clanmates as possible to level 50, those that already have the max level are stuck with the choice of whether or not to put their 50 on the line and risk losing a point if they lose, and as a result risk the sixth piece of equip, or let their clanmates fend for themselves as they try to pull together a roster or even merc to another clan if necessary.

    This is a crappy choice to have to make and I have already seen mates put their already maxed rancor on the line for their friends and then lose the war and are now stuck trying to scramble back to 50 as the number of people available to war is dwindling due to either players not being able to make certain wars or not wanting to risk losing their own maxed level.

    And who can blame them? I don't. But why must players be put in this situation to begin with? Was this done on purpose? And if it was, could someone explain to me why? All the other levels that offer equip have ranges.. 1 equip for levels 1-9, 2 for 10-19, and so on. But for max 6 pieces it is just 50.. Why not give the top level a range also? To help your friends if you are already maxed, you must win or risk not making it back to max.. Not every member of a clan can participate in each war, nor is sign up limit close to being able to include a full clan, so of course the levels clan members have are going to vary. Why put people that make it to max in this situation, when of course people are going to want to help their friends.

    I see it as an unnecessary complication but like I said, maybe there is a valid reason for doing this that I'm just not seeing. Anyway, sorry for the novel, just kinda pisses me off seeing friends put in this tough spot.

    TL;DR - make the max rancor level a range so people that hit max before the rest of their mates are able to continue to war to help the rest of their clan without having to risk losing their own hard earned reward.
  4. How long is 'asap' to the devs? Or did they forget about previews.
  5. By the time they preview it, the season will end and we will already have them.
  6. @Darkblade,

    I agree with you 100%. The max level should not be capped or should have a range up to 59 so those who have made it to 50 can still help the rest of the clan mates reach 50 without the risk of losing that last piece of equipment.

    This was suggested before the season started but the dev's chose to ignore it and continue on with this thoughtless decision. If I remember correctly, the dev's thought this would give other people a chance to fill in at the end. And yes it does but how does that effect the game and team dynamic?

    Unfortunately, the dev's don't realize that it take a lot of work to put together a warring clan with regular members that can win. Adding as few as 1 or 2 guests can screw up the whole match, especially when they are inactive or don't know how to war with the clan. Or when they say they have xtals but don't have them or don't use them. The list goes on. It is just very frustrating, another decision that the dev's have made that creates division and frustration among a group of warriors.

    Dev's, for all the good decisions you have made, good job. For this decision of keeping max rancor at 50 with the possibility of losing it, ranks up there with "stupid" and "needless".

    It just goes to show, that for as smart as you guys are dev's, not all your decisions are well thought out winners.

    Thanks for the putting on the Estoc Trials and I hope everyone learned enough to make some useful improvements.
  7. When can you preview the equipment? Sorry to be impatient but the season is on it's last 2 days and its been nearly 12 weeks(give or take 1) since you first announced the equipment. That's a ton of time to get the artwork done.

    If I had to choose between you just surprising us with the preview or keep us waiting until the last second, I would've chose the surprise.
  8. If we didn't have a rancor level on Thursday but win a war lets say, tonight, would you still get equipment? Just one though? Or how does that work?
  9. The wars are already awesome..I don't think the devs should change anything with these wars :)
  10. Dave, Hello, for the next season Can put the button "Repeat action" on attack phase for cell phones? We are strongly disadvantaged! I've see that when I play against a pc player during the time that I do 1 action I do more then 5/6 action!
    please help phone player!
  11. @luca
    I couldn't agree more. I play on my iPad and have to click off and reselect my items when I try to attack again. It is very frustrating and I wish that you would add a repeat action button to the attack and spy tabs so that mobile users are at a smaller disadvantage. I really hope the devs can do this, but other than that, you guys are doing a great job! Can't wait for season 2 and the improved Estoc Trials!
  12. Devs wouldn't put a repeat action into the wars, simply because the enemy could drop your bars about 75% before you would even get a notification.
  13. Here's my 2 cents on the whole EE system. I did almost all the EE trials, and a great deal of the EE wars until the past few weeks.

    In general, the matchmaking sucks. I've had some good wars, and they are amazing, lots of fun, ups and downs, close calls, all comes down to xstal use and target choices, a GREAT way to war. The problem with that is I can probably count maybe 5 of these that have happened from the 50+ wars I've been in. This is greatly due to the 40 clans signing up of all different sizes, resulting in TERRIBLE option for matchmaking. With only a limited option of opponents you have no choice but to match people that are out of each others league unless you no match both. A war that has no chance, or a war that you sit on a pinned opponent is no fun to play at all.

    So here's my suggestion for season 2:

    Get more clans to sign up - you can do this many ways, offering a "Looking for Group" or mercenary system would help solo's that are wanting to war find clans, and also help clans fill in final spots for a war. Setting up wars in a pain in the ass, when you don't have enough signups, you want to bring in mercs, but not have terrible afk people. or rogue xstaller's. At the other end, when you have too many signups, you have to cut off regular warring people losing their chance for rancor/ee. Our clan has a large network that we work with, and it works great (thanks everyone who's helped) If KaW created a system like this it would help out the smaller clans figure out their rosters.

    No force paid wars - Right now wars cost $2, unless you've reset many times, you're paying for xstals. This sucks. With less than 0.1% of your players participating in wars, you have a problem, and could probably make MORE money by offering "some" freebie xstals in game from a quest or eb. Get players hooked on warring and they'll buy xstals. Also possibly offer a "war xstal" instead that can be gained by EB's, or random player attacks. This won't bring in extra gold, ruining the balance, instead it'd offer players a way to try warring. People will war if they have 12 "war xstals" in their bank.

    Matchmaking -Touchy subject... I said my thoughts above, but here's some suggestions for a fix.
    BFA - This is HUGE in a war. War's are fought at 20%, and that is where BFA helps the most. Don't allow double/triple the BFA to war against eachother, obviously more clans will allow closer matches, but seriously, BFA needs a higher weighting.
    BFE - This is starting to matter, and with more equip coming out the gap between old EB equip and fully enchanted war equip is big. This needs to be factored in, and hopefully without and easy exploit (naked signups).
    Towers - This is another big one for wars - you HAVE to have spy D to war successfully. Some people wont try warring if they are hurting their plunder by building towers. Towers should be weighted fairly high so that clans with tower builds shouldn't be paired against a high "Eb Clan" that has no towers. I agree that towers should hurt plunder, you are building for war, not growth, you shouldn't get the best of both worlds.

    KO's - Don't make random timed KO's (suggested in other thread), that's a terrible idea. It's only compensating for your server lag with incoming hits by trying to add a surprise attack. What could fix this much much better, is the same as other games, and have a "group spawn" where everyone who is ko'd comes up at set times, with a set % of troops (or for more interesting wars, full troops with a longer spawn time). Either that or allow players to have a few hits before they're open, to make up for your server lag.

    General - I know your server lag sucks, but you have to fix incoming attacks. If you could actually do something about incoming attacks, it would make wars far more fun. But since that would require a big change, Would it be possible to show who is viewing your profile, same as other games, by knowing how many people are targeting you? either that or when viewing enemy profiles, show who they are targeting? Might give a bit of heads up, and having 15 people targeting you just before you come out of KO would give you a second to realize that it's a good time to have some team mates xstal. That way you won't need to show instant attack notifications, but they'd still be nice :p

    TL;DR - Get more people to war, it will fix matchmaking.
  14. I'm against la resistance
  15. im leaving kaw. Dropping acct. Tired if stupid peps crying cause they lose. Its a game have fun. Quit being a baby peps and play to enjoy. My 4 year old dont cry as much as i seen yall cry in forums
  16. Why are you quitting because of other people?? That makes about no sense.
  17. I like ICUCMEICU2 ideas. I will like to see more different war evens: EE war for mithrils, EE War for Cystals, EE war for nobility points and of course more Rancor War for Bazooka equipments. Think about it Devs you alway make $$$ from all WARRIORS for all this evens. This won't be boring people out from this game. Warriors all spend $2 each war n expect to earn something back. Just a little input for a future war evens
  18. I only have a quick question... There will still be EE inbetween the seasons ... Correct?
  19. As the long winded ICUCMEICU2 said, we need some changes, a way to get some xtals without paying would be nice. Im a "pro" member which says I've put money on this game. I'd like to see some kind of way to war (the thing you've been trying to encourage) without making us go pro. Yes, I know you want our money but you have to get us to want to give it to you, not by trying to bully us into it either. To some the lack of a mithril payout in system wars was unpopular but maybe you could replace it with the "war crystals" my peers talked about. Just food for thought.
  20. When is the preview of new equipment coming out? I am dying to know what items I'm getting