Estoc Trials Season 1 - Week 8 - Final Week

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 20, 2013.

  1. @KawAdmin, you need to make sure the rewards super duper very very good that will be attract people to join season 2. Not otherwise. So think first before post.
  2. Just to clear confusion or questions people might have.

    Will they require mith(similar to the Red Paladin Equipment) or Inferno/Aqua to Enchant?
    How powerful with this equipment be in comparison to the current ones available at the moment?

    Possible slots and stats for the new equipment?

    It will most likely be a set reward already. If you were able to pick it, you could just pick the best equipment and only won 1 war the whole season. That's not fair to everyone who worked harder for it.
  3. Just a suggestion kaw_admin. If you have people who get no match this week due to odd man out then you should consider giving those people 1 level of rancor. This week is about getting more levels and not really about making mith. And with 4 for a win giving out 1 level seems fairly reasonable.
  4. @kaw_admin what about the message I received earlier? It was about warring tonight for a special prize.
  5. Please a good war clan should please take me, please i need the equipment
  6. Devs fix your match ups... How can a clan out strength and out number an opponent.. Has to be one or the other you can't give give a clan that much power over an opponent.. To dum it down for you we had about 25 million extra combined stats over Worms top ten warring..

    This war was a great fight like always from worms, but common I know it wasn't fun for them, plus we had nearly 3 more than them.. Please do something about some of these match ups..

    Can talk about strategy all day buy can't over come some of these ods you throw at clans..
  7. Your match up systems sucks to say the least.. I sure hope the next set of wars are better matches than these were..... U guys need to do a better job, period.
  8. Woah hell raiser you just earned my respect. Seriously I never heard an opposing clan say something like that.

  9. How do I join trials ?? Ive never been in war
  10. No season 2 soon let us rest and build up
  11. When I log in I get a message saying last week..and telling me to sign up for estotic trials..however ive never been in any war..please could someone explain and help me
  12. What happens if ur rancor level runs out of time. Etc i have 28hr left. If i dont war does this mean i loose all my points some or what?
  13. Can Season 2 Start 2014?
  14. Why are so any still complaining. The debate said they understand their are problems with the match making system but to properly fix the problem, it would be to drastic to do with season over. Instead of complaining either don't war or change whatever it is u need for better matches. No ones making us war.
  15. Can we please have a preview of the equip already? I'm impatient lol 
  16. Can we have a preview? :(
  17. There needs to be better notification of up coming wars or battles. There is no way an unknown player can advance. The same battles over and over only benefit the stronger players who feed off the others, very frustrating
  18. Please make it so if someone casts WoC after 33 members it says "You cannot do this as your clan is at the maximum number of participants already" or something!!
  19. Bump for Nathaniel
  20. Still waiting for the preview of the items for season 1 estoc wars which were promised ASAP! Come on Devs! 