To make things fair to Europe tz at least war 3 and 5 need to be moved up one hour to 9pm gmt .. That would atleast even the wars that USA and British islands could do if not by 2 hours and include more of Europe .. It wouldn't effect USA day players as they would be on anyway and those of us that work in the east coast and Midwest USA can't do those wars cause it's time to get off work (drive home and dinner) so ur not hurting ur USA pool and only gaining ur European pool of players don't see why this is such an issue to understand
War #3 and #5 are for 6pm EDT, which is the ideal time for players living on the east coast of North America. Given that statement, I'm not sure if I can agree with what you are stating. Please also direct all future discussion of war times to the other thread I just created.
I would like to see more wars during 9am-5pm for EST people.The times for EE aren't the best.But better then nothing!
There are a number of players in Boston without cell service tonight. Is there any intended loss forgiveness as they can be filtered by IP address?
Hey Kaw-Admin, Are the times for War#3 and War #7 correct on this document? Because last week those times were not right. So, if you say, "Times are same as last week, then this document is wrong, I believe?"
Thts about the dumbest thing ive ever heard from kaw... yea guys!! Lets award the people who lost bc the opponent was prepared! While we are at it someone is farming me so give me 5 trillion gold.. high five guys
During Bonus Rancor Weeks, do u still only lose 1 rancor level for a war lost ? Plz answer question, thx
@kaw_admin- I've come to the conclusion, no matter what your team attempts, there will be at least 15 forum trolls complaining about it. To help out, I'm sending a bunch of these . I'm sure you need them worse than I do.