Estoc Trials Season 1 - Week 2 - *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. Start time for war #7 was also 6 pm gmt last week? Don't know why but I thought it was 7 pm. Or the devs are playing tricks again ?
  2. Just checked in the news post for week #1. War 7 was at 7 pm gmt last week. Can you please restore the same time as you said you would (instead of 6 pm gmt) ?
  3. Yes Maniackis, still waiting on that answer too.
  4. Another week, another totally ignored european time zone
  5. 2 things: #1) Thank you for saying sorry rather than glossing over the issue, but horrible you didn't even try to rectify an obvious blunder on your part (war 3 early start that caused many clans to have inactives or people who had to leave clan and lose lvls of EE) least you could do is give em back what they lost. #2) would you please do us a favor while in kaw dungeon? Re-check war times on kaw server and make sure they line up - thx :)
  6. Still in the KAW Dungeon :( But war #7's time has been fixed. it is the same as week #1
  7. @kaw_admin Thanks for changing times for war 7 back to week 1 times. Will you be changing war 3 next week too?

    I hope they are feeding you well & letting you see some sunshine.
  8. @kaw admin. Will you be giving all the players who want to war ( but cannot since you ignore their times zones ) any way of keeping up with the rest of kaw in terms of Rancor, mith and EE?

    Why has this issue not even made it to your FAQ section yet?

    Do we (non US) player have to face up to the fact that KaW is not a game we can play anymore since half of it will be more advanced than us?

    How are you going to redress this imbalance ?
  9. Hey kaw admin if the worms made a thread about our previous suggested ideas that have gained support would you then consider them?
  10. Still noob
  11. How about double rancor lvl for war3 next week as compensation for euro players that could not war?
  12. What's going on? There's no match ups at all yet and it was supposed to start matching up 45mins ago
  13. @kawadmin
    How about a different color spell for each level you go up in rancor.
    For ex:
    1-9 blue
    10-19 red
    And so on
  14. I think u should move the wars 1,4,8
  15. @kaw admin, in the last two weeks you are increasing the rancour levels gained when you win a war from 2 to 4, if we lose a war in those last two weeks then do we also lose double the rancour level (in this case 4) or do we still only lose one level of rancour?
  16. *(in this case it would be 2)
  17. Devs why are your match ups getting worse? out numbered by 4 and not even close on bfa wtf. sort it out 5th time this as happend this week