Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1 *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Kaw Admin, you said "European times - We will look into adjusting these times, if possible, for next week. We may shift the more euro-centric times over by 2 hours or so. Hopefully this will help players out!" any news on this? War times are currently unchanged from what I see.
  2. Wait kaw_admin released the Season 1 - Week 2 , it's kinda useless to bump this thread since it's about week 1.
  3. @kaw_admin
    Why did you guys stop doing the no match updates?
  4. If bfa is included in match up why then are ppl allowed to buy allies to increase there bfa.
    Therefore making match up unfair should allies buying not be locked during war as in the summer wars