Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1 *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Doing estoc wars over the last couple of weekends I wanted to put in input in.
    I would have to say week 0 was the worst match up that I have seen. Not to mention the lag I experienced was the worst.
    I will start with the match up issue. It was a good match up number wise. The issue that I have experienced is this. A clan of hybrid builds, with attack builds and some hansel builds being matched up with a clan that is all hansels or the huge majority being hansels with very few other builds. As we all know you can assassinate and scout with out knowing who did it. In war this allows a person to freely attack you and not being known so you can not even try to hit that person back getting a ko. Also being hansel means normally your a "defender to weak" when you attack them. So it should be the same way with spies. This makes the only option in war for hansels is to scout bomb them till we are self ko and barely putting a dent in the war. This giving them an unfair advantage. Along with that most successful clans that are hansel heavy have learned to use more towers which makes it even harder for a hybrid or attack build to win against them.
    In my opinion the match ups should be adjusted to allow like clans to war against each other. Many people will disagree and argue that this is all mechanics of the game, ehich is true. Just sucks to plan for war and be assassinated and scouted to death with out being able to return the hit. :(

    The second issue was lag. I only experienced this when there was a large number of incoming hits during the war. It would show I had troops and spies but when I tried to perform an action it would say not enough units. Then show in cc that I was ko'd by someone..lastly the incoming hits would show up in my announcements.

    So if the devs could fix these two items. Then wars would be amazing.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Thx kaw admin for addressing bfa issues! Last 3 wars have all been great, we had some good wins and losses, but exciting fights! I also notice looking at other clans history the matchs are good all round. So that's again for listening.
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Again the Aussies are absolutely disregarded in war timing this is crap to say the least, even a 1 or 2 hour bump up on the wars starting at 1pm Aussie time would give us alot more possibility of warring, but instead all I see is catering for the us.
    I understand completely why this happens but come on, even on the weekend we get stuffed over give us a consistently fair war time, I can do 4 of 12 or however many wars, most people can do 8? How is this fair! People have jobs or go to school!
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Why cant you sort out the war times? Why does everyone outside of north america have to war either in the early hours or later evening?

    You place us at an extreme disadvantage over everyone else!!!

    I have left you feedback and asked this many times.

    Why cant you set the wars better. Its relatively easy to do. Morning in US is afternoon in europe. Mid day in US is early evening in europe. Mid afternoon in US late evening in europe.

    Come in Devs, resolve this issue please. Its not rocket science guys....
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    I hope it goes well
  6. Q to kaw admin, there was talk earlier that you might introduce a few of the wars to be non xtals wars. Have you had anymore consideration to this concept?
  7. We may run a few as exhibition wars between seasons. It won't be fair to players for us to change wars now when we are in an official season. The strategies change too much, and it can result in a loss of Rancor Levels.
  8. @ Kaw_admin Thanks for not addressing the time issues posted above regarding almost everyone outside USA
  9. Kaw admin
    Please dont put xtals out of the war. Without the xtals its just boring and almost non strategy in the war. The xtal make it a lot interesting, but although u say thay u work out on an xtal idea that will help players in the game but u dont say anything about it latly. So please even do a poll or something cause now the xtals burn a lot more faster with all the wars around. Please give a poll or something cause many players need that.
  10. Gg this hours but we had change ours hours in Europe so again i CAN 't war ( summer hours) ......
  11. I responded to this VERY early in this post.
  12. @ kaw admin you must spoon feed it to some people, reading and thinking before typing is an epidemic on your forum posts lol
  13. How do you pronounse the name of the mystic material you get from war? I see the name but can't pronounse it
  14. Fair enough thx for the reply
  15. I believe it's mithril (miTHril)

    Mi like miss.
    THril like thrill.
  16. Or maybe mithril (miTH rōōl)

    miTH like myth
    rōōl like rule

  17. When do the rancor wars end?
  18. Is it me or is this weeks war times for GMT wrong by 1 hour
  19. GMT times are correct, but if you're in the UK, you need to add an hour to those times as the UK has now moved its timezone to GMT 1 for "summer"