Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1 *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Kaw_admin why are the UK/Europe times so bad iv played this game for over 2 years and it's always the UK that gets the sh*t end of the stick .... Sort it out !!! Fast!!!!
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Don't really know why we complain about this nothing gets changed or happens, or if it does it lasts a couple of weeks then slips again! Back to allow some to get max lvls and the rest to be able to war once or twice a week good luck all!
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Europe has it even worse than uk, the wars will start even later.
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Thanks for once again not giving a crap about players in GMT.

    People love to be awake at 2am warring. pffft.

  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Thx devs, but it would still be nice to see all the no matches last week made up for somehow for clans trying to prepare for these ones. And something for the rage if no match would be nice too, as pointed out, like 1 lvl or maybe even just a timer reset to keep current level.
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    1. please remove the maximum number of Rancor points you can receive in the season (so it would be 50 or above) or you will lose some of your most active players in the end since they don't want the possibility to lose that sixth piece of armor.
    2. Please tell us what the pieces of armor are that are going to be distributed so we can plan ahead. It will give us a goal to shoot for and will help us plan how we use our mith now and after the season. Thanks.
    3. The matchups are getting better. Thanks. Now we need to find out how you can give us some feedback on why we got a no matchup. Were we too strong, too weak, too many people, too few???? We are only guessing unless you give us a feedback method... for example, you had 39 kingdoms with a strength or rank of xx and the nearest potential clan had +/- strength, numbers, etc.... This would give us something to go on at least.
    4. As for no matchups, if possible, you can ask the stronger clan if they want to remove kingdoms to be close enough to war. Don't tell them the clan name, just what they need to do to be close enough for a match. Then have these rematchups start their war 30 minutes after the normal war time start.

    #4 may or may not work out, but you can give it some thought. It is easier for the stronger clan to remove kingdoms than the weaker clan to add them. i.e. Remove 4 kingdoms with attk strength totalling xx. I would prefer to have the weaker clan add the kingdoms, but many times that is not possible. And if you do this, make sure the stronger clan does not have more kingdoms than the weaker clan. Equal number or less. Give them 15 minutes and after they remove a kingdom, give them a button to push to check the matchup again. If they are still not there, they can continue to remove people until the matchup button gives them a green light...

    5. As stated before, make system wars practice EE wars. Give each participant 2 xtals or something equivalent that is only good for that war. Adjust payout so it is not abused as a gold mine. That way people can have fun for free, practice for real EE wars, get hooked, etc.

    Anyway, you are getting the process much better refined. Keep listening to reasonable input from your customer base.
  8. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Gmt is Greenwich Mean Time, Greenwich being in London, England atleast make the bloody times reflect this! Very confusing and annoying. Gmt is an absolute time reference and shouldn't ever change
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Where's our rancor rage achievement?
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    War times just got worse for uk players ;( oh well kaw admin I can spend my money elsewhere now !
  11. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Nice. Times are good and accommodate the bulk of the player base. 
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Thanks for the EB for players who joined a no match clan ~ that shows some real class ~ appreciate that : ) Way to look out for us ~ as for the people trying to exploit the system ~ I don't think we should have a problem with that. They will get no rancor points ~ they will get less need for threats ~ those punishments are bad enough
  13. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    I believe if they moved the GMT times to 9pm for war it would encourage alot more UK players
  14. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Europe begged for better wartimes and you responded to that and gave us a couple of wars more suitible for us and for that we are grateful.

    However, we europeans have an a wierd thing that takes place twice per year and that is that we adjust our clocks for summer and wintertime (being a Scandinavian that is basicly what keeps us from turning into werewolfs permently, daylight Yay!)

    But you see, while your theory is very much correct that Gmt stays the same our clocks do not.

    Therefore I once again beg you, please adjust the times of the wars you created for us europeans to in fact suit us europeans again (remember that Scandinavia, Germany and other not so very small KaW communitys are one hour behind UK as well making it quite late for an "evening" war to end 2 am on a weekday).

    Hope you see it from our percpective. Thanks for an otherwise great update.

  15. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    As mentioned by a lot of people, GMT war times sucks and it's even worse for European players who got GMT 1 or GMT 2 which represent way more people than UK.
    Your war times don't accomodate everyone because we all have real life therefore, I suggest you to add few more wars at 7-8-9pm GMT so we have a chance to participate in the season and get mithrils to aim the top rewards.
    Adding new wars time is a great thing for everyone (mithrils-xtals) so I kindly ask you to consider my suggestion.

    Best Regards,
  16. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    1. Posting 1st is against rules now any you will get in trouble for it.

    2. @kaw_admin. Will they LB be reset again? And do we get the achievement for week 0 today or with the awards on may 31?
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    :p im thinking the same thing
  18. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    Just wondering about the Rancor rage that was supposed to be distributed after week 0?
  19. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    I hope it's for individuals instead of clan lol
  20. Re: Estoc Trials - Season 1 - Week 1

    lmbo i didnt think of that. But hopefully its for individuals.