Estoc Trials Season 1 - The Rancor Wars *Updated*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Who told u gmt is uk time ?gmt is a standard time which doesn't changes during day light savings. UK having gmt+1 now. Please check google if u dont believe me.
  2. GMT times for estoc trials suck thay need to have more in later a.m. times
  3. Give people a war number to help us find the barcodes in war please devs And also make guilds pay more give the smaller clans a fighting chance that war them you stopped the tower glitch being exploited so can even the playing field again plz
  4. ^^ there is such thing called a clan roster. ;)
  5. So if Ur an Australian and work your stuffed because the times arnt staggered or friendly to Australians that work for a living kinda unfair and one sided when u offer pieces of equipment for these wars yet only post times that benifiet certain countries lame if u ask me times should be more staggered to suit all and bare in mind I post this at 12:14 am
  6. @ King - I got your back.

    Devs are trying to make even wars. Those are the fun ones. If we wanted "strongest clan wins", they would just match clans randomly with no regard to numbers or stats.

    To those who say stop complaining about the matchups, I say that without helping Devs improve their methods, matchups will never improve. Clearly there are some issues with how troops are weighted as opposed towers and bfa. Why else is it that clans with extremely high bfa and lots of towers have high win percentages? Why else are their clans recruiting only guild hansels? Why else do some clans try hard to avoid being matched with particular others - if the matching method were really fair this would be unnecessary.

    The best suggestions I have seen are to reduce the weight given to troops (maybe assume troop buildings are quarter strength or less) when calculating a player or clans strength. Make the strength of a building for matching purposes depend both on its stats and on the plunder it gives (eliminate the guild hansel exploit)

    As for the bar-code names, I like so many others favor including a clan rank along with the names in the cc KO message: barcodes are an pointless annoyance. I personally would like to have familiarity with members of the KAW community; the proliferation of similar barcode names makes this difficult and makes the game less personal.
  7. Lol everyone someone comes up with a good strategy than it has to be taken away. Barcodes are easy to War against. Of course is going to take a little strategy to win. The devs aren't going to hand you a win. Overcome it. Don't complain about it.
  8. Dev's,
    1. please remove the maximum number of Rancor points you can receive in the season (so it would be 50 or above) or you will lose some of your most active players in the end since they don't want the possibility to lose that sixth piece of armor.
    2. Please tell us what the pieces of armor are that are going to be distributed so we can plan ahead. It will give us a goal to shoot for and will help us plan how we use our mith now and after the season. Thanks.
    3. The matchups are getting better. Thanks. Now we need to find out how you can give us some feedback on why we got a no matchup. Were we too strong, too weak, too many people, too few???? We are only guessing unless you give us a feedback method... for example, you had 39 kingdoms with a strength or rank of xx and the nearest potential clan had +/- strength, numbers, etc.... This would give us something to go on at least.
    4. As for no matchups, if possible, you can ask the stronger clan if they want to remove kingdoms to be close enough to war. Don't tell them the clan name, just what they need to do to be close enough for a match. Then have these rematchups start their war 30 minutes after the normal war time start.

    #4 may or may not work out, but you can give it some thought. It is easier for the stronger clan to remove kingdoms than the weaker clan to add them. i.e. Remove 4 kingdoms with attk strength totalling xx. I would prefer to have the weaker clan add the kingdoms, but many times that is not possible. And if you do this, make sure the stronger clan does not have more kingdoms than the weaker clan. Equal number or less. Give them 15 minutes and after they remove a kingdom, give them a button to push to check the matchup again. If they are still not there, they can continue to remove people until the matchup button gives them a green light...

    5. As stated before, make system wars practice EE wars. Give each participant 2 xtals or something equivalent that is only good for that war. Adjust payout so it is not abused as a gold mine. That way people can have fun for free, practice for real EE wars, get hooked, etc.

    Anyway, you are getting the process much better refined. Keep listening to reasonable input from your customer base. Thanks.
  9. @barcode

    Goal of even matchup is just that - even matchups. Having each clan start the war with similar numbers and equipment. The matchups are getting better, but still not perfect. Ideally wars would be decided by activity and tactics, not builds and matchups. Why would anyone be afraid of a fair war?

    Barcodes are easy to war against, just an annoyance (harder to handle from those who want to war from a phone or a tablet). They are also impersonal, and in my opinion thus diminish the camaraderie of the KAW community.

    Keep the silly name if you like it, but Devs can still include a clan rank with the knockout notice in cc. Heck, devs could ignore the name all together and replace it with a clan rank ... whats in a name anyway if clan is just a bunch of barcodes?
  11. Hey its all good. let them change it. We have won with them and without them so its no big deal. plus CC is a lot more fun this way lol. But how hard is it to write down the barcodes and their owners and their roster number and doing it that way? I believe so far the matchups have been great. Not much else needs changed. The only things that need to be changed are the clans themselves...adjustments here and there on builds and number of people. I do agree however that it would help those that get no matches would get feedback from devs on where they went wrong. . other than that it should be up to the clans to figure out tactics and strategies.
  12. :eek: omg all u need to do is add 1hr to gmt time how hard is that surley peeps in uk ain't that dum :shock: