Estoc Trials Season 1 - The Rancor Wars *Updated*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Worm, it was four no matches. I was there for all four.
  2. Stacking is still allowed the b3ast, look at RCA even though their bfa is threw the roof, devs allow match ups with clans 15 spots lower on the lb, even if they have 4 extra players then the smaller clans. I think the more real $ your clan spends, the more they favour your! All I can say is "dirty devs"!
  3. The problem with no match TheB3AST is that Kingdoms want to participate and are having trouble doing so. My concern is that the Developers are strongly favouring homogenous Clans and quite frankly not every crew is put together that way. The stacked Clans you referenced were too strong, then those same Kingdoms paired up with much smaller Kingdoms proactively trying to balance the scales and folks are crying exploitation.

    You are lucky if you belong to a Clan now that happens to fit the accepted Estoc Trials mold, not all of us are so fortunate.
  4. All we need to know is why do you wait til the last minute to post updated war times for the following week? We have lifers and no-lifers over here. We need to know when the updated war times will come each week so we can organize these wars with less stress on our lives(in-game, and out).
  5. Oz. This is round 9. SK didn't sign up or the first war. That leaves 8 wars that they did sign up for. They have 5 wars in their history. The had no match 3 times so far.

    Anyways, didn't you just join SK the 28th, which was 3 days ago, and SK was made 5 days ago.

    The only other no match that could've happened was the first war, which means you could've only been there for 3 no matches.

    Nice lie.
  6. waits for the bait work
  7. It's actually kind of dumb if you have no match and whining about it, what does everyone want? Mith. What happens if too many people joins? No match. Simple? Solution? Ask commander to limit numbers, problem solved. Look around you, those with a match, then adjust to them. :D
  8. Worm - you forgot wars #11 and #12 making 11 so far not 9 - lol - so it's not a lie - just saying 
  9. I'm really great a stating obvious points. If you continue to put the same team together and continue to get the same results of a no match then You're an idiot.
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    -Albert Einstein
  10. Some of the clans crying about no match up and asking Devs for an explanation need to use a little common sense first. The clans that I have seen getting the no match the most are some of the clans comprised of a large number of guild hansels. Before the no match was put in place it worked out fantastic for you....because you were "weak" it was allowing you to fight opponents and badly outnumber them for easy wins. You are getting no match because your strength is calculated as very weak and not matching the strength of the majority of clans using that number of players in war that are currently participating in Rancor Wars. When -RCA- was getting no matches they clearly were too strong or had too many players and starting using two clans to war and have been pulling matches pretty well lately. Although it is a new trend, the issue is not many clans have done the majority guild approach. When you see one that is that type of clan my suggestion is seeing about how many participants they are using and let about that number sign up in your clan for war. I realize there are others getting occasional no matches as well but I just wanted to comment on the completely obvious ones.
  11. If You Leave The Clan You Warred With, Do You Lose Your Rancor Rage?
  12. No not ur rage but u will lose ur EE
  13. @King_of_all_the_Lands

    At -RCA- we rarely have over 4 of our top 10 members opted in per war, don't know how you can be crying about LB stacking when we put 3-4 LB in per war. You can only blame it on unfair match ups for so long...
  14. War 9 and 10 GMT times need to be corrected. .They should be 10-10:30 am and 10-10:30 pm respectively. ....

    Thanxx ;)
  15. Kaw_admin can u please verify gmt timing before posting ? Its really difficult to manage time if it aint perfect. Please look into this next time before posting. Thx
  16. Eye of the tiger

    The last war with you having 4 extra players as well wasn't a unfair match up? You should have had a no match.
  17. Great point Jayde on page 52
  18. ******* ********.

    6 no matches this week. 3 decent matches. And 2 Complete unbalanced matches against rising hawks with 2x the amount of LBers..
  19. :lol: :lol: rob took the bait. :lol:

  20. @King of the land, just like some ppl can't help that they're pretty some clans can't help that they are big and strong. Don't hate. 
    4 ppl is nothing, over 5 difference becomes unfair. Recruit or learn a strategy, crying on forums for the devs to help you win is embarrassing. You win some , you lose some. Suck it up its war.