Estoc Trials Season 1 - The Rancor Wars *Updated*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Why is it every time a noob loses a war they are on forum crying to the devs to change the rules??
    Valkyl is 100% correct. Why penalize those clans that have put a lot of time and money into this game. Encourage the weak to invest more of both and they won't be weak.
    To keep changing the rules as we go along so ppl with no or little investment can win is ridiculous .
  2. Agree with Val. People spend months/years building a) build b) bfa c) equipment d) pots for exactly these times and contests. That is the game. If you haven't been doing that, I don't know what game you've been playing. But adjusting the rules so that unprepared people are level with prepared ones is NOT the answer.
  3. This isn't about losing .. I don't mind losing in a fair fight or even a fight of my choosing .. But the devs have set it up so they choose the match ups and they admit there is not real way to make most fair

    All I'm doing is trying to suggest a way that makes this tournament a s equal a footing for all involved and make it about strategy and teamwork and strength of build not about who spent the most money ...

    If I'm such a noob then all u vets shouldn't be so worried about facing me In a fair fight one that the devs force us into if we actually want to war in a war game
  4. Because of the make up of clans, a 100% fair fight is impossible. No 2 clans are the same. If 2 are close , do you want to only fight that clan every single war?? You simply have to accept that some wars you win and some you lose. Learn , change and move on.
  5. There is no changing that my cs is the same as number 8 on the lb .. And we count for the same in devs math for match ups
  6. But there is no possible way we are even
  7. So given those circumstances , should #8 be penalized because you failed to invest the same time and effort as he did?
  8. Ok , that was Circu,mstances lol
  9. No but shouldn't be matched against me
  10. Alright...First off I'm not a noob. I've been involved in all the types of wars KAW has had to offer. I personally like the EE wars when we get a match up that is even close. No I don't expect to win every war, but who doesn't want to at least have a shot at winning. I support station. Using a sports analogy (yes a girl who actually knows sports and Kaw) u wouldn't put an NFL pro team against a highschool football team and expect the highschool team to have a shot at even getting one field goal? Just because they have the same number of players and their combined weight of the team is close? No. That's just silly.
  11. He should either be matched against people his size .. Or not at all .. But to answer ur question the top 200 players if only say 30 of them fight in EE and they fight in 4 clans then yes they should be fighting one another every time
  12. Mathcups aren't always gonna be fair. But if your clan has enough teamwork you could beat a clan that is 30 ranks higher than your clan without a problem. So you can't judge fairness by size, you need to judge it by strategy and teamwork.
  13. Strategy has nothing to do with the fact that 6 lb players had 50 accounts hitting them and only about 10% successful actions
  14. You don't need successful actions to knock a player out. All you need to do is drain their troops and spies. So when you've got 5 lb players that are knocked out, how much help are they?
  15. The war timer for war 3 needs fixed. Roster should lock in 9hrs not 3. Per the schedule on page one.
    -Please disregard this post as I just realized that War #11 comes before War #3
  16. Lol that's just it they weren't ko'ed
  17. It used 1/4 bar of my troops 1 fail hit on him
  18. And I was ranked in top 10 size in that war
  19. But that's not the only one ... I've been in 40 wars about 10 of them were very good matches ... And won 6 ... The others were all blow outs one way or the other
  20. Last nite 32 wars 5 were close ur telling me out of the other 27 wars no one was good or clans weren't using good strategys this far into EE wars?