Estoc Trials Season 1 - The Rancor Wars *Updated*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. I'm thinking ud rather war ... Then sit out cause u all are too strong to get a match
  2. Remove equips and pots as well. People are already getting no matches, why punish clans wherein some people have built up their bfa while others are still small. If Station's suggestion pushes through, I would like ATA to pay me $1.5 for every 3.5b of gold I have in BFA. I'll do EEs with just MP.:)
  3. KAW admin can correct me if I'm wrong, but static bonuses of all types are used to calculate Clan Rankings for EE wars already. However, people don't seem to understand that if your profile shows a 1 mil stat, it is equal to 50 x that in raw stats. BFA has always effected your Raw stats by 2%. Clans and accounts that understand how basic game mechanics work shouldn't be penalized by having our BFA's calculated at any different factor then this, unless the bonuses awarded are the SAME as what's used to calculate the "BFA Factor". So if you take BFA and factor it by 10 to determine a match then we should get 10 times the static bonus our BFA shows, this is only fair. Every person has a choice on how then spend their gold, you can buy floating raw stats for higher plunder, fixed towers for huge static defense bonuses and BFA for static bonuses. I honestly think the ppl complaining are mostly those with huge stats but low BFA/Towers. BFA does DROP your plunder, as do towers, ppl are penalized when they buy towers or allies at high levels.

    If you want to war, build to war. There are a lot of accounts who have spent hundreds of trillion because they understand this, and sacrificed even more then that in lost plunder per hit in order to have effective war builds. BFA should be calculated into matched but at 1/50 or 2%, how it always has been.

    The same holds true for equipment, there are clans and accounts that have done 100's of EE wars and won through a lot of hard work, pots, plunder losses, etc in order to win mythril, to buy and upgrade the new equipment. Now there are clans with a lot of this equipment, providing exactly the same benifits as BFA does. So should ppl with strong equipment also have their equipment bonuses counted at a higher factor then the bonuses provide them in battle?

    Let's be honest. There are clans that are very good at these wars now, full of accounts that have been working together, building, growing and working to do one thing; win EE wars. I for one don't think these clans/accounts who have sacrificed so much should have the fundamental rules of the game changed in order to make it easier for clan/accounts that haven't bothered to get involved until the tournament starts, and the chance at unique equipment is released.
  4. What Valkyl says 
  5. These times are bad for Europe any chance of making them skittles fairer.
  6. A little fairer lol
  7. I would think that BFA should be taken into account in EE match ups to be fair to everyone. Plus BFA is static. Already an advantage. But then devs have to disallow any ally purchase from those who are warring.
  8. First it was a suggestion

    Second ur bfa would count for every other part of the game ... Just not were ata devs have set up a system to were there can be no completely fair match up and make u war that way to be involved ... I am an alt .. A main with decent bfa ...

    All I'm saying is in a system were u can't possible match perfectly why not even the field for all involved

    I have a war build and have done over 40 EE wars and tested in its beta phase

    I also have been playing this game for more then 4 yrs

    If old system rules bfa wouldn't be an issue in this system having 500 mil def bfa or greater makes a huge advantage that ata is ignoring

    I'm saying either take it into account or take it out altogether JUST IN EE
  9. But if bfa get calculated the clans with high bfa will be matched against each other making it fairer. It's no different then putting a hlbc clan against one that isn't, even if both clans have the same number of fighters, the non hlbc clan will get destroyed.
  10. That's my point exactly
  11. Even without BFA involved no two clans are equal because of differences in builds. Why penalize older players who've accumulated gold when matches are already made based on relative strength?
  12. Bfa should be looked at as a factor when matching clans for ewars. For the reason king said
  13. They wouldn't penalised, it would just put the big dawgs against the big dawgs, ie -RCA- being #1 should really be up against anyone outside of the top 5 or top 10 at the max or the other clan is the one being penalised,
  14. This would not be a penalty .. This would make u fight with ur stats .. Every one fight with there stats cs is used now for matchups .. Not relieve strength if relieve strength was used u wouldn't see the match ups u do currently

    If u have 13.5 mil cs if I'm matched I'm accounted for by another 13.5 mill cs player then EE becomes solely aboult build strength (ie war builds) tactics and team work

    Not wether or not u can lb stack a clan

    There is no strategy involved in being equal cs to another player but being untouchable

    All I'm saying is either use bfa more heavy in match up math or don't use bfa in EE wars only two ways to make even match ups

    Only way to make it about skill and strategy

    Again unless ur telling me that lb players can't fight a war using strategy and can I only fight using their bfa ...

    All tournaments or matches have some sorta handicap in place ... In boxing for instance .. U don't see a 230lb fighter fighting a 130lb fighter do u? Would be a slaughter .. Or car racing all the cars are regulated to be close to equal so that it comes to skill of driver

    That being said in a meet up on the street none of that applies.. U would get to use ur bfa just as if u get to use a supped up car in a street race (osw ,bl )
  15. Dont remove anything just count the BFA in the match up thats all.
  16. First the trivial part. You havent played more then 4 years. Would require the game having been in existence more then 4, which it has not.

    Second. These wars are like any wars or even most sports. Not everyone is equal, some have more talent others have more funds. There cant be no 100% equal matchup cause there isnt supposed to be any 100% equal matchup. Like in any situation so it is in kaw, finding a perfect match each time just isnt possible, devs have already said that they do factor in bfa into matchups and not just raw stats. Those with high bfa have worked hard for it, and spent a lot for it to have an advantage against other kingdoms in kaw. This is the point in kaw where that advantage is as most important, taking it away now would be bad business and simply wrong. There are plenty of clans without huge lb bfa player that do extremely well.

    Tldr. Don't fiddle with bfa, it's unreasonable, and if anything would be the only "unfair" thing in this whole matter.
  17. the times of these wars are BS! only one war caters for the australian evening and its on a monday! if your gonna put cool equip up for winning make it so that all parts of the globe can have a chance to attain it. either make loads more wars so that everybody can have a chance or make a friggin down under set of armour cos we cant bloody well get any of it.
  18. Ull have to forgive me 2009 .. Just so no misinformation
  19. Look at kaw admin answer to a question of bfa on page 4 ... Every thing that has been said is that it was not part of the match up math .. Then the story was it was taken but given very little weight ...