Estoc Trials Season 1 - The Rancor Wars *Updated*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. 12 wars a week!!! I'm going to get no sleep
  2. Deat ATA, I don't want to loose my Level to 0 when i go on vocation last 2 weeks, its too unfair. Why just not to collect all winning points during 8 weeks from all players and distribute them evenly between 5 levels at the end. So much easier, 2 weeks timer has no sense in those Season wars.
  3. I admit i am quite confused about the rancor level system.
    First I would like a definitive answer if the rancor levels are cumulative over the course of the season, or if they expire as ee levels do.
    If they are cumulative then once achieving max 50, then the player may be forced to stop or risk losing an earned achievement, which hardly seems fair to the player or their clan.
    If they expire in two weeks as ee levels do, which is what i believe is written, doesn't that negate the majority of the season? Why would anyone war the first six weeks if any levels earned will have expired by the conclusion of the season?
  4. Really?!? That is filtered... grrr... the * words in my post are the present tense adverb meaning to accumulate or collect. I would hate to bypass the filter attempting to explain what my post was about.
  5. I'm confused :s

    What time is war today?
  6. @Kaw_admin

    Where can i find the direction to participate in that season 1 war? I want to join in the fray!
  7. I hate how so many people complain about war times. There is a time zone for every hour and you want ATA to make a time that works for every single one? Are you kidding? Ata is limited to how many countries they can make a time work for. And a few people have said while complaining that they "realize this is an American centered game." Whether or not that is true is beside the point, but you are literally going against yourself on the one important point. If they can only match a handful of time zones, wouldn't they match the one they "are centered in?"
  8. Kaw admin please read page 25
  9. All the complaints about war times. The devs keep adding wars. There becomes a point when you need to make an effort. Continually adding more wars and lowering standards just makes it easier and easier to win. Then what's the point? It's no longer about actually being good. Give away all the fancy equipment to any noob who can hit an opt in button and it becomes less desirable.
  10. I do like the idea of no cap on the ammount of rancor levels you can get I wouldn't mind trying to break 100
  11. Take out bfa from matchup process. It caused MANY more non matchups and the clans that did get matched up got hammered. Please take bfa out of process it's making it worse.
  12. I mean every winning clan I look at won by an outrageous ammount of gold. More than 30 bill at times. :(
  13. I have a pet peave that's happened twice now. The war starts I'm two hits into my opening attack and the rate this game tag opens. By the time I can say No Thanks I'm half way to KO already. Is there anyway to fix this?
  14. Please add the dates of wars 11
  15. How about put a lock button on the rancor spell that once cast the level is locked until end of season? Ppl can go on holiday and cast not lose anything and ppl who acquire 50 will carry on warring to help there clan mates increasing amount warring? This would b simple and easy make you more money
  16. I still don't get it devs. Rancor expires after two weeks so what's the point of giving it out in weeks 1-6. Any Rancor earned in that period will expire before the end of the season.

    There is still good reason to participate in wars in order to earn mithril but for the point of view of trying to earn items weeks 1-6 Rancor won't contribute. Only weeks 7 and 8 matter.

    Anyone actually figured how difficult it would be to earn the max? Basically anyone else did the calculation?

    To be at maximum in the last two weeks you would need to win 13 wars without any defeats.

    If you have any defeats in last two weeks it would mean you need to win:

    1 defeat = 13 wins
    2 defeats = 13 wins
    3 defeats = 14 wins
    4 defeats = 14 wins
    5 defeats = 14 wins
    6 defeats = 14 wins

    So in simple terms I guess that if you want max equipment you need 14 wins! A big ask. Gonna be lots of people warring at all sorts of ungodly hours of the night.

    Love the concept. Keep putting in incentives to war!
  17. Put the lock button next to the reset button if you do lol
  18. @Camerooney I'm pretty sure it's like the estocs edge, when you war and win the two weeks will reset. Therefore you don't have to do the last week of you don't want or don't need to.
  19. We will update this, but you can look at the other times (which aren't changing) to see the actual time for the event. Sorry about the confusion!
  20. When you win, the timer resets, just like the edge. Apologies for the confusion, this has been updated in the original post.