Estoc Trials Season 1 - The Rancor Wars *Updated*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. I second that shy of being a ee war it makes the first 6 weeks of wars null and void if a players has 50 by week 6 and for some unseen reason can't war for 2 weeks ( work , birth of a child , someone sick ) they get nothing ?? And with your added rewards a person can war in the 8th week and win all items ? Please reconsider don't expire the bonus
  2. These items that we get are permanent right?
  3. European clocks change at the end of this week, If you are going to keep those times, 40% of the wars will be starting at 3am or later, another 30% 11pm or later. You are basically excluding the vast majority of European players from taking part in the wars. Any European players can make a maximum of 6 levels per week provided they win all the wars. Poor customer service devs! I don't see why you can't push the times back a couple of hours.
  4. Re: Estoc Trials Season 1 - The Rancor Wars

    I realise that you have had problems getting folks to sign up but maybe that was because the folks in the USA timezones didn't HAVE to sign up. Maybe now that you have to actually get to a certain level to get the eq you might get more participation. Otherwise all I see is that because the timezones are heavily stacked in the favour of the American countries they will get to their level 50 then wind back and only do enough wars to maintain their level. That will stuff up the rest of the countries.

    At least consider changing some of the weekend times to suit other places.
    EG War 5, add 2.5 hrs - yes still early for Asia but it at least gives them a chance and adding 2.5 hrs will still be ok for USA & UK. Add the same time to War 6 (due to its close procimity to war 5 and while you might stuff it up for East Coast USA you are still ok for others (except UK sorry).
    Pull war 8 back by 3 hours & you might get some late night peeps from UK in and still not too early for Asia.
    Add 2 hrs to war 9 and pick up West coast USA while still not too late for Asia
  5. Seriously? A total of 8 wars on this new schedule starting at 10pm or later for Europeans? 4 of those Wars starting at 2am or later! Are you for real? Nothing like closing the competition off is there? Guess the new equipment/rewards are for Americans only then??
  6. Why do we all think devs care about what WE want? They don't. There is absolutely no incentive to play this game, unlike so many others, because it completely revolves around a select core of players who pay dev's bills with xtal and nob purchased. They don't care about the rest of us.
  7. Until you figure in bfa into matchups you will have unfair wars. No reason for alot of clans to war and waste mith and xtalz fighting a clan that is ally lb when you cant touch them n war. Like all in this game, people have found ways to make EE unfair to common players. Bfa should b figured into matchup, or bonus from bfa negated during EE war, since ur allies r not actually on the field of battle with u
  8. I'm from europe, I find this outrageous, I'm limited to only a few wars and that means I can't help my clan. How about making it fair devs!?!?!?!!
  9. Thanks for the new update, am looking forward to smashing some opponents (hopefully) on my way to winning a ton of new equip!!! 
    Also, whilst the new times are terrible for me as a Brit, Tuesdays/Thursdays happen to be my football nights, I quite understand why the times are as they are, I only hope that if you stick with these time slots you at least vary the Monday - Thursday wars so I can do some weekday wars as well.
    Ps- thanks for reading an responding to our feedback! 
  10. You want more ppl to war regarding free xtals how about an option were the user can choose wether they want to buy xtals or not and if they don't as maybe can't afford make them watch 10 seconds of advertising each upload and get real money from views and give imaginary xtals to ppl earning you the money maybe 2-3 a week just a thought x
  11. Maybe too avoid a court case with Lucas or Disney over the name, they should be renamed the 'equipment wars for Americans only trials'
  12. Does any clan want me and my alt pal1
  13. Gmt time zones are pants once again get it sorted devs!!!!!! 
  14. I think the times for gmt are good just imagine if you were sgt those times suck.
  15. Will there be any bonuses with the rancor fury achievement?
  16. Like percentage bonuses, not just the items
  17. What Haappens If We Get a No Match
  18. Thanks devs, now bad part is I need a EE war clan :(