Estoc Trials - Saturday War 2 (normal duration)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. fun except i had kaw stop working on me 12times in the last 2 hrs. Never happened before. Whats the deal?
  2. Just in case the thought was missed, make an eb like a simulated war with sko/ko. Eb ppl would need to 1) have def pots, 2) have towers, 3) coordinate. Mith for payout so ppl will want to do it, at a lower payout than actual war, of course. Could have some cool equip to go with it.
  3. Love it :) no more complaining that they sat on u whole war
  4. Lol. Sat on myself....complaining.
  5. U notice the vast majority of people who actually like this system are eb/plunder builds?

    As I stated before that won't last long if this system is the one they use war clans will quickly adapt and dominate again with no hope of the plunder builds doing anything .... They will then quit or be forced to make war builds then we end up right back where we were before .... And with less strategy possible

    When these ee wars were introduced part of the manifesto was that these "wars" would take and encourage clans teamwork to win .. This system doesn't do that at all

    The forced time out of ko/sko had 3 purposes 1 to make everyone aware when u were coming up as a type of penalty for being koed
    2 made builds get much improved u can't war a regular ee war with a plunder build ill get sat on ... Which I think is purposeful and a great part of wat made wars and kaw better the last few months ...
    3 made ur whole clan work together to try to avoid ko and to work on strategy to counter if u got put there

    Both the second two made for a much better and smart player base IMO
  6. Fought my first war under the new trial system last night, and enjoyed it for the following reasons:

    1) Didn't get bored from either being pinned or keeping them pinned for 15 minutes.

    2) CC was much more active, and kept everyone engaged the entire war.

    3) New strategies are being developed, and
    wars are less predictable from match making than before.

    I agree 5-10 mins is short for a 2 hour war, perhaps 8-15 in 2 hour wars. It was fun coordinating times for small groups to come out on targets. Sko is easier for sure, as I never got KO'd once, and I give our opponents last night major kudos for always finding me when I popped out of KO, I just was a little faster.

    All in all I enjoyed this system more because it required people to pay more attention, and not be a 2 hour snore fest for either side.