Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3 *Updated*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Thank u devs for fixing the EE bonus for my clan! i finally got the EE after a bombardment of notifications saying i didnt do enough in war :D
  2. Not many clans fought on Thursday so the matchups seemed worse than usual. The time lags were severe at times and players were being kicked out of the game. The glitches greatly distracted from the enjoyment of the war. Given that many clanmates were forced to leave because of the short notice given by the devs (and they lost their estoc) the overall war effort did not seem worthwhile. Too many drawbacks, not enough reward.
  3. Please fix the mithril payout from our war yesterday. Somw of the clan got an appropriate amount while others like me were high in plunder and only got 10-11 pieces.
  4. I like the curfew idea, wish payout was better.
    Btw thx devs for a great game and the constant improvements to make it better. 
  5. The payout is not all about plunder. You could get top plunder with all attacks and get a bad payout. It's based on different actions not just plunder.
  6. devs i wrote you many times. I still have not gotten my estocs edge level 2 although my clan mercs landing won the last estoc war. Pls give it to me i need it;)
  7. It would be nice if you make your Bonuses or Rewards you plan on giving out next week retro-active like you did in the Summer Tournament. The Clans who fought in the First 3 Weeks endured the 'Trials'. And that was a fitting name for the Beta tests so far. I personally give up on your Beta Tests. The more we moved forward, the more problems we encountered. And a Badge isn't what anyone in my Clan is looking for. We were looking to ensure the new War system was flawless. Rewards should go along with it however, if that was your intention in the first place. Which it was.
    Nice tweak on the Moving Plunder Roster. But warning it was going to be a moving Roster would have been nice. Just another mid War headache we went through on that last one. Wow.
    Give a 24-48 hour EE grace period for those to come back to their Clan. Or an in-clan voting system for the various dates and times to make the Owners life easier. If the minimum is met, the Clan can war if the owner has opened the voting system for a given weekend. If 2 dates meet the minimum, the owner chooses one. Or both. Or the one with most confirmations wins. Then those who didn't vote for the winning date can stay in the clan and not lose Estoc. Just 5 hours of downtime, as opposed to a mind-numbing disaster.
    Lag was horrible this week. Don't need to tell you.
    Hope these issues can be resolved quickly. We Want To War.
  8. @kaw_admin

    You did the most epic fail on new system war.

    1. Clan are not match properly

    2. Lagging

    3. There are player who did suggest good strategies and changes but you did not use them and remember one thing, we are playing the game not you devs.

    4. 34 clan out of 500 clan warring? PATHETIC !!!

    5. Rewards only to winner and low reward, loser should get some rewards too as this will bring up more fun and more clan will take part. if not people will rather go for eb with better reward. ( HUMAN ARE REALISTIC AND MATERIALISTIC !!! JUST IN CASE YOU FORGOT )

    6. Estoc Edge negative drops ! (nice spell pic but sucks) Same timing hit with my friend and he got drop more and me with Estoc Edge got nothing. HAHA very funny. Totally useless and make us no moral to war.

    7. Plunder Base to win a war is totally unfair and inbalance. Please think another ways to determine win.

    8. You keep come out new things that annoyed us alot.


    1- self ko msg in cc

    2- war roaster rank jumping and dancing around. ( you had grant our wish but it is stupid to add more, we want simple rank numbered and that is more then enough).

    Lastly, i can assure you, no clan will sign up the war if the critical issue is not done. Haha maybe you just don't give a damn because you are not the one playing.
  9. What annoys me even worse than lag is idiots like you 

    Did you even read the damn thread? I bet you skimmed OP and then posted. Everything you said has already been covered.

    1. Match ups terrible.
    34 clans out of top 500. Do you think they're all going to be perfect matchups? Only an ignorant child would believe such a thing.

    2. Only 34 clans warring?
    Can the devs force clans to war? No. Will they? No. This statement just screams stupidity.

    3. Lagging.
    The devs have said multiple times they are working on it. They can't make everything perfect. Give them a chance. They are taking all our feedback and have made changes that we asked for. An online game without lag is inexistent.
  10. Cont.

    5. Loser get rewards too.
    :lol: :lol: worst one yet. What would be the point of warring if losers got rewards too? That'd be like a two-way pwar. When you lose an attack do you get a reward? Hell no. So why would it make sense to give losers of a war rewards? It baffles me your thinking.

    6. Negative drops.
    Devs have already gone over this. The pot drops don't show in cc so you don't see all the drops.
    Plus, like I've pointed out before, the drop rate already is only about 3-5%. So if you add the Estoc Edge bonus of 25% that's only a max of 30%. That's not even 1/3. Why would you expect a drop every single EB? That's insane. That would make this game WAY too easy for players.

    7. Plunder based wins.
    I don't even get this one. You want wars to be decided by something other than plunder?? How else would you do it? You can't do it by successful actions. That'd be dumb cause it would turn into an xtal test with all scouts. There's no other way to do it....
  11. Wow. Open to top 500 clan and only 30 some odd join up. This tells us one important thing that has been said over and over again. The pay out / reward is way off. If you can fix that then you will have a winner. Btw Devs. Good work on the war sys. It's looking better and better with every update.
  12. @IIllIlI_l_Love_KaW_IIlllIl

    Such A nice dog of kaw. Four words for you TALK TO MY HAND
  13. bwahahahahaha ^^
    Go Go...use some sophisticated words :p

    Not opening next level of EE can be a reason why there is so less participation. Why would a clan with lvl3 EE would go for war and risk getting it lowered, other than the HUGE fun during the war....
  14. Just a thought, lower it to 20-25 Kingdom Minimum so we can rely on the Clan, not outside help when we can't get 30 Perms to join. We are a Global Clan which limits us to roughly half the Roster once we take account for ppl being busy or sleeping. Take out our Alts, even a smaller field. 20 to 25 minimum won't hurt anyone. Will just make it easier to qualify. And even more Clans will War. Even very small ones.
    And again, I assume you will modify the way EE is managed. 24-48 hour curfew sounds like the easy way. If you don't want to have Kingdoms individually sign-up for Wars made available each week so those that don't sign up can stay but won't be auto-joined. Would have to let the Owner decide which dates and times are put on the Agenda tho, in my opinion. Obviously more complicated than just an additional 24-48 hour pop-up curfew. But a whole lot easier for an Owner to manage. Just have to make the vote transparent for the Owner. That would be incredible.
  15. Need to be able to use more XTALs or an auto-regen once KO. More Xtals in my opinion. It's too easy to be clocked by the enemy. It's still a Turtle War. Just not as severe as the last system
  16. Every clan has the chance to use up to 200 crystals in 1 war. I think that's perfect, considering its 4hrs.
  17. Bro, the Clans that are participating are using on average 40 Kingdoms. Max 80 Xtals. Not 200. No Clan is fighting with 100 Kingdoms. Gimme a Break. And of those 40, many use 0 Xtals. Please
  18. War system sucks, why have a locked roster but then allow ppl to be kicked, forcing a ff
  19. The matchups are horrible. The system is weak...time to find a new game
  20. I feel timing of xtl is the only or most complex part in new war system. It makes us think hard and be more strategic on when to use them. Usage of more xtls will take the fun away.