Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3 *Updated*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    hiya daleo, im not moaning about your clan personnally, you did brill, but look at who was my num 1 in war, your num 2 was twice his size with tripel bfa. 6 of us had to jump him to get through lol. I found your clan too big for us. yes my inactives didnt help, i agree on that, but most of em were smaller players who if were active would have struggled more than i did.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    You also have to remember that there was only 8-9 wars going on so not many clans to match with. It's still in beta phase so when more clans are warring there will be betters matches as well.
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    During War 3 of EE our clan won because other clan forfeited 2 hours into war. Never received my EE. Also because they forfeited I got a MSG saying I didn't do enough for reward. At the least I should have gotten my EE. It isn't my fault they forfeited but I am the one being punished.
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    I keep getting news alert saying I don't get reward coz I didn't do enough - I was top plunder lol war: chronos hq vs hotel casino

    Looks like a bug that needs sorting
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    I think that's just an error, I got the same message after last war but still received my bonus
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Hello Devs,

    As you continue to make adjustments, I continue to make suggestions. The first and most major suggestion you need to heed is this:

    It is unfair to all competing teams that there is a random time for the roster lock. Both of the first 2 sets of estoc beta wars locked the roster at precisely 1 hr before the war started and then generated your match up. Last night the roster locked a random amount of time for us before the war started. Approximately 1 hour earlier than the last 2 times the roster locked. We were in the process of booting inactive players and got stuck with 20 inactive members in the clan.

    With your limited amount of notice for the wars - it is imperative that you commit to an offical roster lock time. It cannot be random. I propose roster lock 1HR PRECISELY before the war begins - which is also 1 HR Precisely after the war signups end. This will accomplish several positive things. It will allow clan owners and admins the amount of time necessary to boot out all the inactives and get their last minute players in. It will limit the amount of time each clan has to do recon work on the opposing team (thus adding to the skill-level for warriors in the game) and it will make things fair for all players in the game.) We are liking this new war-system - it only needs so many more tweaks to run very smoothly.

    Another observation has to do with the game lag noticed by all players in our clan last night. I don't know if it was server related, but this lag wasn't present the last 2 weeks. There were times when for at least 2 minutes it said I couldn't hit because I was knocked out but I had half bars in both spies and attack troops. 2 minutes is a long time (and not an exaggeration on my part.) It's also not very good that I'm pinned from 2 half bars before I even know anyone is hitting me. This is a severe deficit to game-play. In the past - it might be 5 hits before you received notice that you were getting hit - acceptable (sort of.) But in war - you know you're fighting another set of warriors - you're ready for that incoming hit - and finding out with a severe delay that the system allowed 25 hits to come in before giving you notice of 1 doesn't really lend itself to fair play for all involved. In an ideal situation we all would know right when the first hit occurred so we could counter-strike. I am unaware if its a server limitation or not, but I'm sure a minor delay on 2nd hit from someone or a group of someones hitting an opponent until system confirmed delivery of 1st hit notification probably wouldn't even be noticed by the attackers and would lend itself to better gameplay.

    You really NEED to fix the PC Back but.ton when browsing clan lists. It is terrible having to load the clan everytime you select an opponent and navigate to their page to hit them - OR (this is rigging mind you) OR, you need to add attack and spy but.tons to the clan list when in system war mode.

    Ideally you would set it on the pc that during warfare, when a clan clicks on the opposing team or types that clan name into the bar on the top right and clicks "clan" that it goes straight to the member list and not to the clan info page. Another unfair delay for everyone in the war systemin which implementing this solution would make for more efficient game play and maximize everyone's preciously invested time.

    Hope you're listening developers!

    -=The Towers=-
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    I had the same complication with lag as Merlin did. I hope you can resolve this issue as it is imperative for PvP play. Also I think that once signed up for war, neither team should be able to forfeit. It's not fair to the other team and the battles are short enough that it shouldn't matter. I know a lot of other players agree. A clan made a decision to war, they shouldn't be able to quit because their losing.
    Other than that I'm loving the updates and fixes that are being made.
  8. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    RYAN, I concede your point about my actives during the war. But even if we were 100% active we had no shot in a #11 vs #300 war. Even if they had 25% inactives. Maybe with the 3 war options it thins out the pool of clans to match up with causing huge spreads. 4 he wars are nice but maybe 1 24 hr war on Saturdays would pull in all the clans for better matches? Of course u will have some inactives with a global clan membership, but that just challenges us to keep a good balance of global friends.
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    I haven't checked stats of everyone in both clans so I couldn't possibly say, and yes, perhaps you'd have lost either way. But in my opinion you can't blame the devs for bad match up whilst that much of your clan is inactive. A few yes maybe. But not that many.
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    I want to thank you for the frequent posting of the ISAF banner in news. It's so great to receive a message every 5-10min saying that I suck at war. It's almost as much of a treat as watching Iraqi forces wear the ISAF badge: "I Suck At Fighting!" Keep up the great work adding all those bugs.
  11. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Isn't this game great?! We test the new system for them and we tell them what's wrong and they don't listen!!! It takes several days for them to post on this forum and it usually only address one problem near the end of that forum.

    Maybe they're busy trying to make up some excuses for the major problems? Right now they're only addressing the minor problems. They're completely ignoring the other problems. They need to still listen to all of us. DEV's need to read ALL post on here and consider all of them and at least attempt to answer our questions.

    I know this post is long so they won't read it and I'm proving that to everyone. If the devs do read this, post and say that you are listening to us. That will get some people to start believing in them again but we all know that they won't reply so we'll just remain mad at them
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    This is great huh so I can't war this weekend because of the stupid war times i have level 2 estoc edge at moment so i have to leave my clan lose a level of the edge join another clan stay there until war finishes then leave that clan and go back to home clan and lose another level of the edge so the last 2 wars were pointless I'm now back to square one?
  13. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Good job devs on yet another £
  14. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    I guess you're proven wrong! :)

    We read every single feedback post, in all the threads. We try to address as many of the issues as we can, while allowing for war times every week.
  15. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

  16. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Still no estoc for me and my clan won our war last night. We are getting bombarded with "you didn't do enough to earn a reward." Emailed ATA support who says we lost, but my clan history says otherwise.
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    You were the only clan that did not get rewarded, we are currently looking into it. Thanks.
  18. Thanks devs for responses! If you guys can figure out the lag, that'd be great. Don't mind the whiny people who complain you don't listen every 5 seconds 

    I love how EE promotes clan loyalty. However, people simply can't be active every war...(who has jobs or school these days ). So if you could set like an 8 hour timer for someone to get back in the clan that'd be amazing!! Or maybe that EE is only effective in 2 clans of your choosing? Something... You'll figure it out  I just hope you remember to keep promoting clan loyalty 
  19. It feels good to be proven wrong. I was really hoping you would read it. Maybe now people will believe in the devs
  20. I like that idea fonzy as yes some ppl can't war as you said rl stops us. A curfew is a good idea stay out to long you lose it