Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3 *Updated*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Pretty funny. The Kingdom who found a flaw with the EE Extra Timer idea is at an EB House Clan. Not even an actual Clan. I rest my case.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    AND...Come to think of it, when the losing Clan loses a lvl in the War the Kingdom opted out of, their lower lvl of Estoc resets to 2 Weeks. The timer of the Kingdom that left does not reset. So while he may have an extra lvl for the time being, his clan mates get a full 2 weeks at their new lvl.
    I shouldn't have to fight for this idea to be implemented. It is common sense. IF YOU TRULY WANT TO ENCOURAGE A CLAN MENTALITY.
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Again times are rubbish!!but just get rid of Estoc edge and add a bronze /gold bar drop, the estocs edge system might have looked good on paper but as u can see nobody's happy with it, especially since drops have gone extinct since first lot of open beta wars!!!
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    hey great that u gave us choices on the colors great for team leaders or so i think they should be avaliable with gold purc hase i think atleast for war so "we dont have to waste a milth on color" i like the fact that you added the number and the kos. also again the drop isnt great
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    I think These are good updates, but self K.O shouldn't be shown as loss in the war history, it's looking like 2/13 for me for example, but i'm sure i was only knocked Out twice by the enemy. It makes People Look like they totally failed in that war.

    Just my thought
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    CAN YOU AT LEAST GIVE SOME MORE TIME TO ORGANISE THE CLAN!!!! 1 DAY AINT FREAKING ENOUGH :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Why oh why would you get rid of the Sunday war?? That was the best thing you guy had done in a long time... Offering Sunday wars allows many other people not only time zone restricted, but shift workers, busy people, to enjoy the game to its full potential...Sunday wars should continue... ANYONE can war on a Thursday, but other days like Sundays and Mondays should maybe be offered... Just my thoughts... The estoc system is great, and make war that much more fun, none of that turtle business... It Allows us to use our stats as they Should be used... THANKS DEVS... And please continue with Sunday wars and developing the Estoc system

  8. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Players have the right to have their say on time zones. 3 totally different times is better than two at night.
    As far as skip sleep for war. Yes have, do, and will. Some regardless of life love and work ( crazy people play this). This is a game though not a life requirement. Suitable rounds for all would be good.
    How about two start times a day. Wouldn't be that hard to run and let clans sign up to those that suit them. Fairer on all.
    Hard on devs. Yes some are. They want our money we want value. Same as anything, reduced drops are an issue as many have stated ( drops have always been a cause of contention. Of course anything that affects and reduces drops will be. Treasure v bronze for many is huge annoyance. Myself included). Let them have their say and point out the errors.

    Devs want our feedback it's why we are testing this system.
    All praise we end up with a flawed system full of bugs and no longevity. Lots of critiscm and hopefully constructive views and we should get a much better product that will be enjoyed by more players for far longer ensuring we have a game to play and enjoy for a long time to come. I still think give us a few bigger options to try out. Win or fail at least we would have tried them out.
    As for the names ranked in clan. Yes helpful. Very annoying for a reason I had thought of. 
    Pretty colours for names getting praise. Ok guess it helps those who can't read names quickly and wastes mith but doesn't bother me at all.
    Scoring ko's will be a bit of fun to see, but really doesn't mean much.
    A player was sat on. A player in a team got lucky and got more last hits than others in his team. Big whoop.
    Gold won and lost would be more helpful to owners and clans.
    As for clan loyalty and Estocs. It's breaking clans as it is not helping them. All points that were raised in the original forum about Estocs war system and they are happening as many predicted. 15 minutes out of action when ko bites too. What other war game where you regenerate from being killed (ko) has you come back 15 minutes later with reduced health. I can't think of any??
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Ya. Help keep Clans together. We decided to War on the first day for several important reasons. And now half of my long-standing permanent members want to kill me cos they have Estoc and have to Leave. Notice was way too short, can't turn back once the ball is rolling. They lose 1 lvl against their will. And 2 LVL's if they go to plunder in another Clan. I loved the Estoc Idea. But it is unworkable UNLESS : You give us more notice, and Again, A SEPARATE TIMER FOR 24-48 HOURS TO ALLOW KINGDOMS TO LEAVE AND RETURN WITHOUT PENALTY.
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Where do I sign up?
  11. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    And even if I would have delayed to later dates, still 50% of the Clan can't war because they are busy or due to the fact that we are a GLOBAL CLAN. GLOBAL. Need Grace Period for EE as someone else called it. 24-48 Hour Additional Timer for them to return to Home Clan. Or I will be forced to ditch your EEW's Completely
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Not open to top 500... It says 250... please fix.
  13. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Saying we not qualified for war. Our clan is 351 in rank please sort devs
  14. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Sign up page says only top 250 can join. Please fix soon!!
  15. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Not 500 y ?? U lie!!! Lol
  16. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    Hey devs. I'm personally not happy the way we lose estoc lvl. clan members r from different time zones and some ppl r sleeping or can't war together with its clan. so the person have to leave the clan and loose the estoc. I just think is not right. I had lvl2 estoc and my clan war when I'm asleep. so I have to leave my clan and lose 1 lvl, then I can't join any other clan because when I leave that clan to come back to my own I will lose the other lvl. So tell me what's good in this. Estoc lvl should be active in my own clan, and not to loose it if I have to leave. Thanks for listening
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    This EE thing is a mess. If you don't give a Grace Period Timer, you will have to give each member a button to choose to participate in the War or not. The confirmations should probably be sent to the Owner so the outcome is not a surprise, but that's not my point. Point is Estoc was developed with it's sole purpose being to keep a Clan intact. It does not. It rips Clans apart and causes great distress to those who have previously won the Edge. if you let all permanent members stay in the Clan but only auto-join those who agreed to participate, they would retain the Edge, and only have 4 hours of down time as opposed to 10 hours possibly of questing, or even worse, visiting another Clan, thereby losing a total of 2 LVL's when they return home.
    2 viable proposals. PLEASE FIX FOR NEXT WEEK.
  18. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    * That was supposed to be 'but ton' to choose War or not. An individual join option tab
  19. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

  20. Re: Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3

    would it be like early Australia time or late Australia time