Estoc Trials - Open Beta - Round 3 *Updated*

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. I have done a few of these trials and here are a few suggestions.
    1. Current system is great but lag needs to go.

    2. Take AUTOJOIN away and replace that with minimum 30 players joining/sign up war( each player will have option similar to clan sign up option) before matchup. This way the following things will happen
    A. People wont scramble to find and join clans that can war.
    B. Clan strength won't change overnight hence better matchup. (Suggest running kaw LB update minutes before start of each War)
    C. More clan can participate as they won't have to worry about people leaving their clan, in-actives hurting the outcome of war and headache of finding and assembling enough for wars.

    3. Please include inferno or tax as part of reward too. New Pots are very expensive and even over 4 hrs you can burn a few billions easy :(

    I think those are the main concerns. Others before me have pointed out the rest :)
    Keep up the good work
  2. @ridge coyote - we also got destroyed, our opponents were bigger and better organised. More experienced in these wars. Despite plenty of organising we still had a few inactives. however, I looked at your result and I think I counted 5, out 55 players having more then 20actions. How on earth you can complain I really don't know when at least 50% of your clan didn't show up at all, and most the other couldn't be bothered to actually fight because you were losing. I'm proud to say that, despite getting whooped, most my clan mates and allies were still there, at the end fighting and drinking! lol. Congratulations Se7en S1ns on a well deserved and well earned victory! We learnt a lot from this and will come back better for it. (Just hopefully not against against you guys again just yet!! Lol)
  3. You really need to resolve the new look of clan chat after the last update. CC is awful in its new format.
  4. Will be it for clans in top 750?
  5. Ty Ryan. Global kept on fighting till the last few secs in war lol. It could be the lag and hits came in even like 10-15secs after the war timer ran out.

    In wars there's always a winner and loser. (except osw where only dev is winning lol) important thing is both sides had fun and cont to enjoy kaw as it is supposed to be enjoyed.

    Ty all opponents and merc Frds of se7en s1ns !
  6. Haha, sorry for any incoming you received after it'd finished, probs the lag/drink/using the clan member list (as opposed to war roster which shows the war finished!) combo. You guys were tough. ;-)
  7. Concerning missing FoD Treasure, from the Devs 3 weeks ago: 'Treasure drops have not been removed. We are still in the process of improving our beta wars. We ask for your patience as we calibrate the game. '. Well we have been patient. Please put the Treasure Drops back in the FoD's.
  8. Devs,
    Just another thought, food for the mind... and this has been a consistent thought for me since the first estoc beta war was announced.

    You say they're designed to promote clan unity - and I feel it's a double edged sword. I think it doesn't promote clan unity - not in the way that you intend. Here's the precise challenge.

    1. Lets say your admins/chiefs of staff can't war for one of the wars... so there would be no management. Okay. so clan opts out of that war.
    Players who wanted to war go to some other clan to war because they want to war, and the time is convenient for them. That clan wins, now your players don't come back and they don't come back because you penalize them from leaving the clan they won the edge at.

    Let's face it. What I see in general in the clan match ups is a BUNCH of haphazardly collected "MERC" clans warring and what I mean by that is , say I could only get 20 of my people to war because of timing, the other 20 are people looking to war because their clan can't. You are promoting players to stay at the clans they merc'd at because they want to maintain that advantage of bonus in gold that they won there.
    I don't see it promoting clan unity whatsoever.

    Now, if instead, the clan was awarded the edge with a level dropping every 2 weeks (so as to further promote the clan to continue warring) then we might have a system that promotes clan unity. And everyone who is in the clan gets the bonus - not just those who warred.

    Realistically, you announce a war for thursday night last week 12-15 hours prior to the war, people have real lives - is it fair that my top player who had to go to his sister's wedding who would be at every war the clan has and has been at every war ever, should get beat out of the clan's bonus because he had to be a responsible human being? Wouldn't it be better that his clan pulled through for him this time and won the bonus so all is well and he gets to reap the benefits?

    Another scenario for example is multiple family clans. I for example have 5 clans in the towers family. We train our players and help grow them to make it to the main clan. Alot of clan families are set up like this. Clan 2 needs help to complete a difficult EB from clan 1, but now the members won't leave to help because they'll lose 2 levels of their edge - trying to do the right thing for their smaller brothers and sisters.

    The EE bonus given to players was a good idea but it isn't working. That's what beta tests are for.
    Better that the concept is, the clan triumphed and as such a feeling of the ability to accomplish anything has swept over the realm. As such trade has increased, everyone is making more gold and its like a period of golden age for a civilization where commerce and success just booms.

    Award it to the clans instead. - Give people a reason to come there. Take a level away every 2 weeks to promote the necessity for clans to continue to war.

    And as for the mitril payouts, For the winning clan, the algorhythm should start with:
    If player 1 used 12 mith during the last 6 hrs for war, then payout should equal 12Mith+ bonus. Otherwise you never really won any mith to begin with.

    -=The Towers=-
  9. My suggestion for EE.

    The great thing about KAW is wandering around, meeting new people, being a merc, forming new alliances and visiting with friends. I understand that EE is suppose to promote clan unity, however it has some problems. It is very discouraging to people when they are penalized by losing EE if they decide to do any of the above-mentioned things. My solution is to allow everyone to move in and out of a clan without losing EE. However, when a person leaves the clan EE is earned in the timer continues to run and they are not permitted to use the EE outside of the clan they earned it in. When the player returns to the clan the EE was earned they will be able to use their EE again, minus the hours they were gone from the clan. This was there is always an incentive to return to the clan, promoting clan unity, and yet they aren't penalized for leaving the clan.

    #2 rewards must be higher, still not high enough to compensate for the amount lost during wars.
    #3 Fix the lag issue. It is terrible when you believe you have troops, only to find out 5 minutes later you were ko'd but nothing ever showed up in news.

    Overall keep up the good work
  10. Since I have had the EE all 3 levels and only 2 drops. When I don't have it I get 3 drops in one day. I think you set EE to take away % in drops bc other ppl are leaving a clan to lose it so they get their drops again. They noticed the same thing.
  11. First time trying out the new system, I gotta say I enjoyed it but
    1-) needs some fixing, to begin with the match up is terrible, and it wasn't just the clan lb ranking, going down the list and comparing you could tell it was way outmatched.

    2-)Please fix the lag, its horrible getting a KO while still showing troops and no incoming, no chance whatsoever of defending yourself if you don't know what's coming, and sometimes it showed I KO'd myself and I hadn't done any actions

    3-) I like Merlin's idea for EE . You have to remember some players are not interested in warring, there's players in different time zones, so it's hard for clan with a diversity to make a war so they're forced to go to other clans, auto join needs to go

    I think that's all I got for now. It's a step in the right direction keep at it. Thank you
  12. Auto-Join is the way to go, but it should only be for those who Agreed to Join the War. Shouldn't have to move Kingdoms in and out of a Clan everyday when there will be 3 Wars every week-end.
  13. How do I get people to hire me and how do I use normal chat it says I need a speaker
  14. ^^^^^^^^^
    Noobs, can't live with em, can't kill em.
  15. Can i just say that auto join has to stay, ALL OR NOTHING @xxx(())xxx{}::::::::::::::::::::::::>
  16. estoc war is great hope we had an equal matchup according to clan tnx... evry1,wants to experiwnce it tnx kaw...