If it's not possible to evenly match clans for war, perhaps a handicap system? Possibly a plunder bonus or extra xtal allowance for smaller clans? Just a thought.
Our clan mate from Faith just have a very interesting question. Since most of us got the EE level 2 which 35% more drop rate, doesn't that make it null and void?
war was great fun enjoyed it fully! unfort the loss, losing on mith never mind the pot costs is quite astromonical also after first 15 mins it became apperent my clan was lossing with no way catch wars seem be decided in first 15-30mins now this lead unforunitly clan i was in forefit the war too my anouynce as i wanted fight till bitter end and make them pay (ps well done those who won) any way make it so clan can regain the lead after first few salvos as towards end cc was full of we quite cant win talk! not sure how this cam be archvided due to self pin loose plunder and enermy sit on players to rekill them took lot of fun out the war the four hour length was great!!!
Ken - Drop Rates are on an indivudual basis. Each person has a stadard % to earn an item per sucessful action. These numbers are very low in some cases like less than 1%. However this 35% increase does not turn a 1% drop rate to 36% it turns a 1% to a 1.35% drop rate. So the name of the game is still hit as many effective sucessful actions as possible and you have a LITTLE bit better chance to win something.
The only thing I don't like is losing the estoc edge. I know EE is there to create clan loyalty, but what happens when I can only do one war with my home clan and they are going to do another war? My clan is made up of players from different time zones, so we can't always war at the same time. Other than that I think the new war system is good.