I used xrstal and mith my clan ff how is that going to work. We were even before crash and by the time i got back in 20 bil behind. Cc is extremely slow with updates.
Thank you Devs for looking into the bugs.I was not able to gain access to game for 15 min.in middle of war.This is what beta is for.Fixing the bugs.
Same issue as others... Crappy match up of clans, so other team forfeits, net loss of 11 mith, plus $ spent on pots...
Ok i know a lot of people are saying its stupid to forfiet but my clan got matched against a clan 400 ranks ahead of us on leaderboards and we got crushed. Its a lot eisier to FF than to be in the rest of the two hours of your when they are just sitting on you keeping you pinned
CC is slow of updates SOMETIMES by around 10-20s. Please, if roster is locked just auto disable the join option. We see people at door yet we cannot accept them. There is something wrong with knockouts. Truthfully I was supposed to be knocked out by opponent but it ended up as me knocking myself out. News update is sorta slow. If my troops are shown going down then the news should appear too. Instead the news just comes as a HUGE chunk of notifications. Otherwise, very good.
No ultimate that's the name Of the game and new war system u wouldn't say that if ur clan was the 1 doing the sitting. You know the rules to the new wars if U can't handle it don't join them
Dadawg im saying the matchup system is messed up to be putting us against someone who is 400 slots in front of us
Thank you ATA on another glorious mess up. Can I ask, what do you do with all the money you make from this game? Do you bother to invest it in decent servers?, or do you just enjoy conning the Kaw community as you have done for 3 years, and just fill your pockets instead of giving back for once?
I enjoy war weather the clan I'm with wins or loses. And yes, it is a test to fix bugs. So complaining isn't going to help. Just make suggestions, so the debate can focus on making the wars better for e1.
Uneven matchups single biggest problem. 3 wars to date. Combined plunder scores 239 billion to 43 bilion thats not a skill problem its a matchup problem.
you guys did it again... my clan got matched up with such a weak clan, i feel so bad for them... but they didnt give up ... also i noticed my clan got less mith than b4 wars but u guys said we shud get more
Enjoyed myself till I couldn't get back on, feel go the clan I was fighting with, pulled the plug (ff) was out matched sorry for the loss of the clans prestige, maybe since it was a BETA test it can b compensated, GREAT HEART HERO's! Looking forward to playing tomorrow n Sunday.
Enjoyed the war, got a little slow with the server down. We won and got no payout. We used mith with the understanding we would get that back if we won. Kudos to Holy Roman Empire, great try.
Idk we were up by over 10 bil b4 outages, afterwards the other team had had time to regen and kept us pinned, first comeback I've seen so far
My issues start with this, the rank and numbering of the clan should stay as it was. Not based on plunder for the war. All though recording it during the war is nice. But by ranking us according to this makes the roster shift every update , including wile attacking. I had multiple issues where I was attacking and the person shifted, making me attack a different person. This is a problem and I hope to see it worked out. My other main issue is with ko ing. With the lag, I was practically unable to be active. I log on 5 min before I'm out of ko, I spam the attack or spy button untill I can hit, then I'm pinned before my second attack try. I apologize for lack of sentence structure but I'm tired and wanted to give my feedback before I forgot. Love the new system minus the flaws but I'm confident the next war will be worked better. The server crash was defiantly inconvenient but I'm guessing unexpected . But I'll war agen to give it another try