If you leave a clan, you only lose 1level, so if you had level 5, it'd drop to 4 if you left a clan. That's how I read it anyway ........
@ ILK that's exactly what this thread is for. We were told that feedback is wanted-*newsflash* all feedback is not positive. As for estoc edge, drop rate is hard to quantify with such a small sample size, but it was intended to be this huge incentive to make war attractive to the masses and the difference it makes is so unnoticeable that this has not done the job, also, the plunder bonus seems to be only applied to plunder not ally bonus or spy actions (not 100% sure on spy actions) so is it really significant? I think not. Not when the difference in payout can't even replace one set of pots per day.
clans are multinational, I don't want to lose a bonus because a war is in the middle of the night. If that's the way it's join to work people will be forced into clans consisting of their own timezone so they don't lose bonuses. I like the fact that clans are multinational
That's true, I know I couldn't do a 1-5am war, even every other weekend. Sometimes yes. But not all the time. Dunno how to balance everything for such a short war. But war length was great. Soooooo ..... Good luck devs
Would be nice to see the knockout info added in the war history details. Like number of knockout by each person and how much gold they gained for the knockouts.
After someone is knocked out make it to where does the most damage after they are opened again gets the knock out not the last person who hit it
And also, since you, the devs, are trying to make system wars a lot more fun and appealing to players. I think there should be a chance at an inferno or aqua drop. Maybe if you get, maybe 10 KO's you have a good chance at an inferno dropping to you. The mith payout definitely has to be highered though. Many people have stated that.
I think in locked roster wars, we should be allowed to stay within the clan and join the war when ready. I think the player, inside the clan, should be dormant until entry into the war so they enter the war at full regen.
Players already entered the war at full regen. The system prevented anyone from doing any actions that lost troops for an hour before the war. I like how everyone is active at first; means you have to get ready and be active.
No that is a terrible idea. Devs put auto-join in for a reason. So people can't put alts in there clan to fillip spots and never go active in the war with them. Clans did that in the Summer War tournament. And plus, they made it so you can't do any actions an hour before the war so everyone goes in full, your point is invalid.
Liked the new war system, congrats to Faith they showed team work and coordinated attacks are a must. Loved the 4hr time, couldn't imagine doing that longer. Things I noticed were it seems to be an offensive war system and nothing much available for defensive reaction. Limit 2 xtals didn't seem enough and once a clan got the upper hand there was nothing you could really do. 15min wait is a killer and once KO the other clan just keeps you there, with only 2 xtal efforts you can't break free. Auto-join is horrible. Estoc edge should be individual based on war effort and not whole clan. Why should someone who never logged onto war or had zero actions be rewarded for a war win they didn't contribute to? Reward should travel with player as spoils of war. If an active player can war all week but has to miss one war they shouldn't be penalized by loss of bonus earned. Didn't like the self KO penalty plunder loss, you're under attack you should have a way to defend yourself without losing your plunder. If its a rightful KO from the opposing team then they should take some of your plunder. Would like to be notified when opposing team self KO and avoided KO because you're left with them dtw and KO and not knowing what happened. Good job devs.
Great New System Devs! needs some tweeking, but the only improvements i can think of are huge changes. one idea would be to let a clan do an EB while warring at the same time. this is one reason a lot of people like OSWs. also, i think the Estoc Edge should be given out according to participation, not which clan wins, but could maybe be easier for members on winning team to earn. only other thing i want to know is, Do We Get The Beta Test Achievement?
I fully agree. there should be a way to defend yourself against the bigger hittters that can beat you in spite of full pots.
Estoc Trials was really fun and a really good experience. i personally liked seeing who got knocked out and if the enemy knocked someone out of my clan. by the way... they only thing i didnt like was that the enemy forfeited the war because they were losing and my clan had to wait 1.5hours without doing nothing.. we couldnt start an eb or anything but this new war system is definately better than pin or turtle wars,
Fix the clan ranking at end of war and ill be happy. Run it off successful actions and plunder not just plunder
First off. Just like everyone has said. 4 hours is perfect. This type of war is 4 hours of insanity.. My Phone would have melted at anymore pace. The payout complaints are reasonable. The being pinned because people were timing the 20 minute thing was rough for clan mates. I agree that discussions to help a player get back into the war should occur to see if there can be solution to limit that. I saw two strategies being used by clan mates and I ended up being curious of the bonuses and penalties. Strategy 1: attack and kill until you KO... Get out of the war as quick as possible doing as much damage and then relax for 20 minutes or xtal. Strategy 2: maintain troops, skim 50% and kill trying to KO everyone and keep from being KO'd. This seemed to be quite a challenge to do and the people having the best time. I weighed the benefits of each as I was trying to coordinate and stay alive during the war. What I found was the guys self KO weren't getting penalized very much at all. They were also stopping the other team from scoring anything. This defeated the fun of getting to KO an opponent. A version of turtling implemented in the new system. Should there be a much larger penalty for self KO? (yes, my KO's were all self imposed during the war. It only made sense... )
1. Please change the scout mechenism ! IT IS RIDICULOUS THAT 1m Combine Stats SPY CAN TAKE OUT/PIN 6m combine stats SPY BUILD BY Scout bomb with full SpyAtk pots !!! I know the spydef pots don't burn when scout and make it pentrate enemy spy easily but this will make unbalance and unfair to the hansel/spy build in game. 2. Why is pots being burn when building power is enough to block an attacker? It is not logic since your building tower can take the attacking power. 3. Either you nerf by selecting pots to scout or input a setting whether to trigger on or off def/spy def pots.
Hats off to the devs on a new, really exciting war system. Was fun, fast paced and just refreshing. Makes everyone want to war. As Lovely Axle said, the refresh rate needs to be increased so players in war are given immediate notice when they have incoming. A few times, players were rush pinned and didn't have a chance to even respond to try to self pin or make plunder as your ship was sinking. A few times, players were KO'd before incoming would even show up in their news. Time zones are important. Kaw is an international game. Owners should be given the ability to mark a percentage of inactives on roster until the player manually joins the war. We have people in clan from all over the world. The choice to either leave clan, or having to kick them is hard. We should simply be ableto, as owners, mark or opt a player out for a specific time. Of course those marked out of war would not get the bonus unless they participated 50% of the war or more. Outside pinning: love the feature. Turning off quests, shutting off the ability to to pin leakers in clan is the best feature yet. Evens up the odds and makes it great! You always have a target and can focus on war instead of getting bored on trying to find opens on self-pinners. 4 hours is perfect! It's great fun for those who have a life and can't be glued to your phone for 1-2 days straight. Count down timer for KO victims. We need to have a timer or a way to know when troops are regenned and we can start fighting again. Maybe something when you throw an attack, a notice that says "You are still Knocked out, will be able to fight in 10:15" Plunder needs to be fixed. Either drop war tax rates, or give cash bonus for wars to top 10% of clan that put in the best effort. Will give incentive, and will pay for some pots. Ability to chose from a list of clans in your war ranking. Would be a nice touch to get a list of clans (maybe 2-3) that you can vote to go up against. It's fun that it's a surprise, but our alliance is warring as well. Would just be nice to have a say in who you're going to war. Even though I wouldn't change for a minute who we battled. A note to ZAFT Carnage. Thank you all for an excellent war! You guys were beasts and was an honor fighting such a great clan. Lots of respect to you guys and we made some more friends along the way. Would love to war against you guys again in the future.
I absolutely enjoyed this devs! But my thoughts afterwards. War I was in was forfeited after 2 hours. This whole idea is to get system wars going again, correct? I did some quick math to figure out why ebs dominate and hard to even find a 12 hour war anymore. Does anyone 48 hour war anymore? I would like to osw more, but job and family obligations hinder that so I look forward to getting free time every so often to join friends and commit time to a system war. This is based off my own build stats and recent haunting. Cost/Profit to Haunt 1 hour haunting. 74 actions, use no pots, use no milthril. Profit = $2,008,579,587. Gain $27,142,967/per action Based from last war Milthril cost = 600,000,000 Battle fury = 1 milthril. Lasts 4 hours. Cost $600 mil Blood Lust = 6 milthril. Lasts 12 hours. $3.6 bil Fog of War = 1 milthril. Lasts 4 hours. $600 mil Veil of darkness = 6 milthril. Lasts 12 hours. $3.6 bil Cost of milthril used = $8.4 bil Cost per action = $57,534,246 Payout 146 actions = $3,321,637,115 10 milthril @$600mil value = $6 bil Value of return = $9,321,637,115 Gain = $921,637,115 for a 2 hour war. Average profit = $6,312,582/per action Now lets figure cost of using all attack pots. I used all 14 per action. Each action with all pots = $69,940,000/per action. X 146 actions = $10,211,240,000 Recap (Using my 146 actions) Cost to War based on this one beta Milthril $8,400,000,000 Attack Pots $10,211,240,000 *Not even figuring dp, sp or sdp War Investment = $18,611,240,000 Earnings from war (gold payout plus milthril value) = $9,321,637,115 Total Loss = -$9,289,602,885 Average loss per hour = -$4,644,801,442. *if this had been a 12 hour war I'd lost almost $28 billion /-for a victory. If I used particular haunting at top I'd make $24 bill without having to buy pots or milthril. I love to war, but new items, enchantments and lowering T4 costs have allowed growing to accelerate and ultimately a rat race to T5 completion. Of course majority of eb era players and noobs will shy away from war. They are all trying to catch up statistically in a matter of months that took many of us years, are also forced to eb to grow and stay at a competitive level. Obvious solution to gain war support is to give a profitable incentive. I'll wrap up rant by saying this definitely on the right path devs. Action packed, eliminates self pinning to a extent, promotes teamwork and very active cc I liked seeing. Most clans are full of once a hour hitters and you rarely see most clan mates. Hopefully this will bring back importance of clan loyalty along the way.