Estoc Trials - Long User Names

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 2, 2013.

  1. No.
    They can war.
    just like an athlete who blood dopes can compete (if he wants to lose his rewards)
  2. Wulf....blah, blah, blah, blah!
  3. Read first post on page 9.
    this issue isnt that the names look the same
    its that they are using characters that are so long that they are outside of the User Interface.
  4. Kaw_Admin, Is this effective for season one, or for future season and ee wars? Please be clear. Also what have you done about penalizing exploiters like BFA Jumpers? It seems to me that this is still a regular occurance and nothing has been done about it.
  5. what the hell is the point in warring if they'd lose everything????""" be senseable
  6. Wulf why do you always kiss the devs rear end? This game is run by clans who spend
    Money on xtalls like us and yet they are hiring their paying customers and you side with them
  7. It would take all of 30 minutes to add this feature. All you are adding is a new field from a database it isn't rocket science. Source: (Me: 15 years of video game programing as a profession)
  8. @Dienekes
    The only people giving crap about this new rule is your clan. It's making you guys look bad, and you're in a respectable clan too.
  9. So it appears obvious to all where devs got idea to ban WWW names??? Anything else you want changed in the game Wulf?
  10. Wulf we never track like that to me their name is " barcode " and if it is longer than allowed they why was it not in system that " that user name exceeds the allowed amount " ?
  12. Do I need a name change wulf?
  13. We will just change to barcodes if u like devs, but then in a week u might ban that.
  14. Thank u devs tho it cost money for nobility and to Change there name it's cost money and might no be possible for some I suggest sending all players 1 free name change to make this possible.
  15. 2 dollars isn't the point. If you are not saying this violates ToS, but require a change then it should be a credit. This is ATA's lack luster UI's issue not our own. Why would you allow for a full character set that does not display properly. This is just poor quality control.
  16. @kaw admin: so how many letters stay within the game interface? Can u please tell me before I go out ans spend more money? Cuz my interface shows everything.... Even when I KO another wwwwwww.... Please be clear on what is acceptable and what is not.... Why even allow 30 characters if u think can be exploited? Why not reduce it so someone doesn't accidently "exploit"
  17. its their own fault, they shoulda thought about these kinda things before they started EE. u cant just change the rules of the games half way
  18. Just trying to explain the difference between "barcodes" and "Long names"

    and WWWWW guy - I went to bat for you to get a name change or to at least get 10 or so W's removed from your names so you didn't have to spend money.

    So don't go dumping all your woes on me.

    Yeah, I believe what you are doing is an exploit.
    Yeah, I think it should stop.
    Yeah, I was pretty vocal about it to the devs.
    Yeah, I think you should get your name changed (though not to one of your choice - you should pay for that)

  19. If you are a worm, you DO NOT need to change your name. Only people that use the length of their name to skirt the system and that EE war with those advantages need a name change
  20. So what your saying because wulf cried about it the devs changed the rules of the game for everyone.

    Great devs makes me want to keep playing