Estoc Trials - Long User Names

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 2, 2013.

  1. Ty for the response about the 30 characters. I was just coming to that. Isnt it the dev's fault for letting 30 characters in the first place? Now they dont want us warring too.
  2. Definitely cannot to respond to all of the questions and issues brought up so far, but here are some general responses:

    1) Although we have the ability to change the rules of the game at any time, we made this decision because it was beneficial to the community as a whole. This was an exploit that we did not foresee, and therefore, we did not make a rule against it initially. Upon seeing what players were doing, we realized the consequences of this and moved to stop it from happening.

    2) On the matter of a free name change back. It is clear that the players who did this, did so because they wanted to gain a clear, unfair advantage in Estoc Trials. If that was not the case, you would not need to change your name, since you aren't playing in Estoc Trials. You are allowed to keep the rewards you have earned so far, which is more than fair. In the future, instead of trying to gain an unfair advantage over your opponents, rise above that and help us make the system better. Exploiting it for your personal gain, at the cost of others, is your choice. We are not going to help you when we change the rules because of your exploits.
  3. Clearly it is not personal gain as rewards are not "real" and to pick out one UNFAIR atvantage over another is not well "fair" to allow barcodes that cant be read on i devices but ban WM is hipocritical
  4. ^Clearly didn't read the whole post.
  5. Bonzo, at least with barcode names it's possible to track(with a little more work.) with WM names it's impossible because of the "..."s
  6. Barcodes say track them by.ownership or quests ect than why cant wmwm guys be tracked the same way?
  7. Then can, but they are cheating because their names do this "WWWWMWWWWWWWMWWWWW....." On iDevice, making it difficult to track in EE war.
  8. Re: lost main accounts

    How can i get my main back cause my other phone broke and i was wondering if i can get it back by any chance.
  9. @Naruto
    Email and tell them exactly what you wish to accomplish. Also post any future questions in CoS-Dillybar's thread for questions or feel free to ask me
  10. I agree with dev this round but to be fair per team shall not appear similar name, this is part of confusing others during the war.