Estoc Trials - Long User Names

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 2, 2013.

  1. You want my name changed refund the nobility points I paid for it.
    It's your rule change I brought my name within the rules allowed. I paid for the right to use my name and will not as pointed out be extorted / blackmailed into buying more nobility points to be allowed to recieve rewards ie gold rancours ans estoc edge from wars. If you want to treat your customers this way dont expect us to buy anymore crystals for wars or anything else for that matter or accept this theft
    I have no problem changing my name I am not complaining that you want shorter names and will comply but as it is at your insistence and not my choice I will only do so if you make it free for me to do so or refund the nobility points I used to purchase the right to use this name that was allowed under your rules at the time of purchase.
    And before anyone else complains exploits ect. War game camouflage duh. Lets send soldiers out to war dressed as mr blobby next grief what are people going to cry over next then demand other players are forced to sacrifice or spend to correct this game system.
  2. Place a limit on amount of letters used and one free name change to all players
  3. Why not make, the player's name, a link when the announcement of a player being KO appears in CC? just an idea.
  4. Cmon devs, give us 20nobs refund or free name change!!! Ffs!
  5. To all those long names complaining, u knew what u were doing when u changed ur name. Y'all knew that it would become impossible to track therefor I don't see why u ask for a refund of nobs. It's only 2 dollars to change anyway.
  6. How about tracking thru ally's or owners ??? Wow what an idea ... and stop whining when u lose .. Instead lets cry make a thread and force people to spend money to fix our own incompetence .. How about u diagram to the letter exactly what names are acceptable and how to have a "fair" name .. Such b/s ... Or better yet why don't u just assign names to players when they join to fit what ever changing criteria u have currently .. Don't stop there assign builds items pots .. Why don't u just decide how everyone plays their own game and spend every single dollar they make .. Just to make sure everything is fair . once again  refund the Nobs or make it cost nothing ..
  7. @ bama .. The point is it was allowed to begin with ... Fine if its now an exploit ( it wasn't b4 ) allow the Change for free .. Don't punish cash spending players b/c after years of being ok now it's not ... Smells like some but hurt clan got beat and cried all the way home b/c their trackers suk
  8. Lol at this entire forum. To be clear I do not EE and don't really have an intention to start so I really have no vested interest in this. With that being said, those long names annoy me anyways, not from a tracking standpoint or anything else other than just sheer annoyance. When people start trying to push parameters to see what they can get away with is exactly when new rules get set to make the parameters that much more controlling. Don't want it to happen? Stay out of "grey" areas and quit trying to push the outer limits of things and you will be just fine. And all the people hollering about being banned, you are not banned and it affects you only if you continue to EE war and use the same name, change it or not quit complaining and go mash some buttons!
  9. If the character limit is 30 characters for a name then how is making your name 30 characters pushing a grey area? Also Bama barcodes are not "impossible" to track. Maybe a tiny bit more of a challenge but still beatable. That being said I agree with the devs about the long names but I also believe they should allow the free name changes. Like they gave the full refundson the towers when they changed the mechanics.
  10. Because a "normal" 30 character name doesn't fall off the screen, these names are not normal hence the grey area comment. I do not disagree that they were being innovative but alas with new innovations come new rules that must be followed.

    I also don't disagree that maybe a free reduction in the amount of letters in their names should happen, but not a totally free name change.
  11. I'm just saying is technically not a very area because 30 characters were allowed. The issue is why is it at 30 characters. This could have been solved long ago by making it 15-20 characters. In the end though someone's going to end up being screwed unfortunately. There are many fixes to this but they want to make them change there names with no compensation. It's tomfoolery.
  12. Get real devs, u cant expect people to spend an extra few dollars to change there name to somthing else, either u give a free name change or deal with it
  13. Byebye most sotra barcodes
  14. I'm sorry but it's kinda unfair to barcodes. They have to spend their money on kaw to change name. What if they are short of cash? At least give them a free name change
  15. Why should they be given a free name change these people who made long barcodes knew what that these long barcodes couldn't be fully seen so they done it on purpose so they now have to deal with the consequences
  16. Same thing with the tower builds though. They knew what they were doing yet they got full refund to all towers. Devs just need to be consistent
  17. They don't have to be consistent it's their game and if people don't like the way they are doing things why don't they just delete the app
  18. Well the situation isn't effecting me but I'm just voicing my opinion. I'm not sure there is much the devs can do short of shutting down the game that would make me delete the app. Consistency would be nice though lol.
  19. @ worm, sure the clan leaders knew they would be beating the system but every other barcode in game was just following thier leaders orders, so yes they should get a free change, or at least meet us half way with 1 x stal
  20. I thought that barcodes weren't effected, only the really long names?