Estoc Trials - Long User Names

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 2, 2013.

  1. Oh ash you nub

    Don't you know who I am? The guy who actually did go through with pushing legal actions against ata for the wrongful ban of my account? Wait how can I do that when they own everything in this game? .

    And wtf are you talking about hockey bags an what not.

    24-48h like an intermission. Umm hello this is mid EE season is it not?

    I can already see you just ramble mindlessly trying to dodge and weave.
  2. Oh I know who u are - I actually thought u were right then I just think you are not now. Or you though the comment on suing was random?
  3. Haha funny. Ata better bring cookies to court
  4. Anyways have it your way - we shall see doon enough what happens
  5. Why def dont delete 5-8 w par example and all Its good  There are not so many 
  6. @Ash

    You wouldn't really have to go to court, really lengthy emails that scream "lawsuit" will get APPLE reading.
  7. This is quite an interesting forum discussion, so you are banning WWWW and MMMMM and whatever other BC names that are too long because they can't be seen fully on whatever screen you are using and disadvantages those who are trying to track them in war right?

    Well how about those who use i devices who cant see the difference between the line barcodes such as |||IIIlll111? On an i device all these look the same, but on PC and android you can see the difference. So are you going to ban those barcodes too because people who use i devices are at a disadvantage to those who don't and this makes it impossible for anyone using an i devices to track line barcodes as there is no way of telling the difference between the lines.....

    If you are trying to make things fair for everyone, then please get rid of line barcodes as well.
  8. @Rose
    The reason they don't ban barcode names is because its a war strategy, and a good one. It makes them harder to track in an EE war. As for why the MMMMM and WWWWW names are banned, is because they take advantage of the system which doesn't let you see the whole word. Since you can't see the whole word it's almost impossible to track in war. Note, these names are not banned UNLESS you EE war. If you EE war with those names, you will lose rewards.
  9. Post on p27 by Babybird. Beautifully put
  10. @Avatar
    I understand that and I understand that it causes a disadvantage to all as no one can see the full name. However with the standard BC names, i devices (iphones, ipads, and ipods) can not differentiate between i's l's |'s etc (all the characters BC name users use- they all look the same) So that too causes a disadvantage for a lot of people also, because there are a lot of i device users on here who have no way of working out the difference with opponent clan members who all have the same length barcode names when they use i's, l's |'s etc.

    So why not ban those too and make it fair for all i device, android and pc users alike - it provides a fair playing ground for all, as the comments on this forum are showing that people want the ee wars to be fair for all involved right? So that would involve making names that are readable on all devices that people use.
  11. @Rose
    I understand what you're saying, but it is a war game and there are strategies. What I mean by saying that is the barcode names are a strategy, and when you're EE warring you have to figure out how to track them. It makes it more challenging and some people like doing it. It makes them work for their gold instead of it just being handed to them. WWWWWW and MMMMMMM names are banned because the made their names like so just to skirt the system. As long as you can see the name on the screen, you can figure out how to track it.
  12. @ Avatar
    You can see all the name on pc, just not on iPhone or android, it's the very same as the 1l barcode because u can't see it properly on iPhone or android and you can see it on the laptop, there both war strategys, the only difference is with the wm barcode is some people find it harder to track
  13. @Avatar
    Ok as you keep saying this is a strategy game, then why disallow WWWW and MMMM's to use their strategy if you are allowing other clans to use their BC names? All the WWW and MMM BCs are readable on PC, just not other devices. They are not too long for PCs so why are they being banned. And yes I have warred against them, and no our trackers had no problem with the WWW MMM names or the other barcode names when they used a pc.

    If you think it's not ok to disadvantage some people because they can't see the full MMM and WWW names on their KaWing device, then why are you refusing to acknowledged that iphone, ipad and ipod users are being disadvantaged in war by not being able to differentiate between BCs who use i's l's and |'s?
  14. Because it's going against the system..
  15. @ lurking, lol
    The devs clearly state what is a disadvantage .
    Having a username that can not be fit into the profile, making part of the name un see able .
    Bar code names have been apart of the game and players strategies for a long time.
    It's ment to make tracking more difficult , but not impossible . That's key to why devs ban the WWV names.
    It is not a valid argument to say that it's tough for I device users. Tough is apart of the game.
    Everything isn't handed to us. Sometimes extra work is needed to counter another strategy.
    What's next, foreign names ganna be put in question for the difficulty in pronouncing or spelling them too?
    Come on man
  16. Dear @dev, if u say www exploiting ur system, i think is very easy for u to fix this, just shorten name input form, thats it. But why u exploiting www to spend litle money for fixing ur hole system..?
    For elegane way to post this issue after the EE
    Please read all of my posts before posting your comments @ me. I am merely saying if KaW_Admin are trying to make things fair for all players and think long user names are unfair for players when warring (which is crap because they can be fully seen on pc), then why don't KaW_Admin also look at all the other disadvantages people are facing in ee wars ie the disadvantages that ipad, iphone and ipod users have with seeing any difference between i's, l's and |'s. These user names might not be long, but it's impossible to distinguish between them when using an i device.

    Both long user names and other types of BCs are a strategy, so if you ban one, then why not ban the other for the reason that other BC user names disadvantages other KaW players too.

    To be honest I don't have a problem with people using long BC names or line BC names, it's a game - yes it's hard especially when using i devices but again it's just a game. I'm just saying if KaW_Admin are making a rule to stop people from being disadvantaged because not everyone plays on a pc and can't see the long user names, then all strategies that cause similar warring disadvantages (ie i devices that can't see the differences between some letters in BC user names) should be taken into consideration to make it fair for all players regardless of their chosen device.
  18. K devs first i think u wrong cause its isnt a disadvantage cause this only make the trackers a lil harder work thats all. Second if u still want that thw BC will change the name U HAVE TO GIV THEM NOB OR ANYTHING THAT WILL LET THEM DO IT. Cause if not it will look like u done this for the $ . Dont let the whiny ppl win this time. True tracker dont really have problem with that so not come from there side. Also its look like u doing it on purpose to a specific clans so really not fair devs.
  19. @Kaw Admins;

    Just provide us 20nobs if you want us to change our names to regular ones.

    Now, I find this game more annoying! I think devs forgot how to appreciate valued customers (those players who played kaw for years & made them dropped allies because of having higH BFA's).

    Devs, this game are for humans & we are not like robots that only acts the way it programmed! Just Improve your system & compensate us because of your lapses (game mechs).