Estoc Trials - Long User Names

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 2, 2013.

  1. They have the right to change terms of use but not where it invalidates a purchase without first offering an exchange or refund for the said purchased item.
    In this case the name purchased.
    Or they can stop running ee wars or battle list or ebs whatever.
    They cannot remove nobility points xtals or any other product that was purchased with real money without offering to reimburse the purchaser
  2. And while you're reading those TOU you seem to know so much about. Check out the part that talks about not letting outside apps/parties play kaw for you.

    If a program is tracking your targets in EE.....๎…
  3. Hey you're preaching to the converted here - my clan does not use it. Same question as before: because there are other exploits do we ignore this one?
  4. Dark they are not removing anything or taking your crystals. They are changing the rules that govern the rewards for Estoc Wars. I'm not sure how that is akin to taking your crystals. None is forced to change their names.
  5. LEGIT tracking programs do NOT do the work for you. They require manual manipulation much like an excel sheet or pen and paper.

    I emailed ATA about the tracking program I developed and recieved the following reply.

  6. It's not a matter of if it's an exploit or not. Compared to the many clans using outside tracking programs this is pretty low in the priority list.

    Let's get real. Any type of "barcode" is extremely easy to get around now.

    How come back when kaw was iPhone only wasn't the original barcode IIllllII style wasn't address then. There was literally no way to track it.

    But now all of the sudden Barcoding is a huge exploit that needs addressing? Ha. Ata is way behind the power curve. 90% of kaw knows how to get around them already. This system is nothing but exploits and these silly barcode names are the least of these so called exploits.
  7. So what you are saying is that names that can be read are valid? Well I can read my name on PC and Android. I however can not easily distinguish the difference between I's and L's on either device. So is this not an exploit because Idevices have a different font pack and can see the difference easier? What you are saying is hypocritical as name display is fine for some but not for others in both cases.
  8. @ashvar
    Read my first post and theirs.
    They are removing rewards from players that war in estoc trials.
    Those players
    1 paid for their names.
    2 paid for their xtals to war
    3 are thus being excluded from a part of the game due to a product that was on offer within the confines of the rules as established and offered by the developers at the time of purchase.
    4 as such the developers are required to offer a refund or exchange of name as they have changed the rules to exclude those legitimate purchases
    Regardless of tactics of players or whatever you may think the players brought a product and ata is trying to extort money from customers to continue playing. Try to read my posts before commenting on them please.
    Any other exploits devs want to exclude should be announced in good time with proper consideration for the players in advance rather than knee jerk reactions like this.
  9. I dont think ATA thinks this is a HUGE exploit. it's just an easy one to fix.
    WWWW... if ATA gave u the go ahead my bad - you're obviously fine to use it.
  10. Wwl boy. No what I'm saying is exactly what I said in my post. Put words where you want.

    You talking about android and pc trying to compare it to what I said "when kaw was iPhone only". Lol just making stuff up for the sake of debating....bored much?

    If this is such an exploit than it should have been addressed long before you could play on your android. When simple lllIIiI names were impossible to trace. Not sure what you dont get about that or how you construed it into your post.

    Btw I'm on iPhone and I see your name just fine๎…
  11. Dark
    1. Players may have paid for a name change (agree)
    2. Crystals are designed to regenerate troops - not necessarily in war so, definitely wrong here - no implied or explicit statement is made that nobs and/or crystals are for Estoc War use (remember players can still war in both Estoc and non-Estoc this only affects rewards)
    3. you own absolutely nothing on your account - think of opening your app as walking into a movie theatre - you pay for a service (projection, access to a server) crystals augment your range of activities on the server that is all. Limiting you rewards from Estoc Wars would not constitute and infringement of your 'quiet use' of the service even if quiet use was not explicitly excluded as it is in the ToU
  12. Ash. You clearly don't understand civil law.

    Ata can put anything they want in their TOU to Prevent legal actions. However in civil court it doesn't matter what the TOU states. If the judge finds the company to be unethical in its doing, the plaintiff gets paid. that doesn't apply to just ata. It applies to any company.
  13. Oh I understand civil law. I would love to see anyone prove this to be unethical.
  14. I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone, and I agree with your sentiment.

    Barcode names, www names, mid war name changes and roster number changes do use the systems weaknesses to exploit the ability to identify your enemy. The reason so many people have done this is because:

    1. it is effective
    2. Alot of others have put this into play (making this a tactic that many need to use as well.)

    However to make this change with a "As of now!" post is rediculous especially as it has been allowed for months durring EE wars, which Kaw_Admin described as "Beta testing for season wars." If this is being changed now then allow time for it to be changed and furthermore since no one has broken ToS, offer a way to change our names for no cost in order to comply.

    ATA's poor programming QA team should be taking the blame for this and UI issues are becoming all too frequent. Why place blame on the consumer who uses the product as many others are doing in order to stay competative? Prior to this ATA has not just condoned these actions but encouraged them. I changed my name to WWW while in Spankers. Before the change we checked with the devs to make sure this name scheme would not hinder our progress in EE wars. We were told that our names were allowed as long as they were not offensive. I have forwarded this email back to the devs and am still awaiting a response.
  15. Furthermore using your movie analogy -

    If you go to a theatre and buy tickets. Then at intermission the usher comes in and says "We have a new policy here, nobody with a name starting with W is allowed to use our facility." you think they can just kick out all the people there named Will, who have already paid for this service, mid-show? Get real.
  16. Ash how moronic are you gonna play here?

    Customers spend money to buy a product within the regulations of the company.

    The company now says all you who have spent money on this product are now breaking a new rule we made. We will not repay you for the money you spent on this product prior to us changing our policy on this product. However if you wish to continue service with our company you must repay to correct yourself due to our changes.

    Wait you're right. That's totally ethical.
  17. @ ashvar
    As IProphet states you clearly don't understand civil law.

    2 crystals are used I'm war to aid winning to earn a reward if you win. Players with long names are excluded from rewards as such their legitimate purchases are of no merit unlike everyone else that wins.
    They are excluded due to purchasing a product that was on offer by ata that they purchased with real money.

    3 I run a movie theatre and half way through it I decide I don't like people eating popcorn so prefer them to eat candy instead or not be allowed to see the end of the movie.
    Stupid example you used but hey

    Ata are extorting money from players
    They are fixing players to use real money or be excluded from a reward every other player in kaw is entitled to.

    All they are legally required to do is offer an exchange ( of name ) or refund ( nobility points ) used to purchase name.

    If they are to continue to act in this manner they are acting illegally and they would lose in court.
    Is it not far easier just to say free name change as we changed the rules.
  18. Www I agree with most of your points and I am not saying that the policy could not be improved it can and it should. Still something should be done here my sense is that ATA will ultimately allow free name changes for a limited period of time - say 2 days - after that laggards will be on their own.
    Prophet try not strawman my argument. The usher will not ask you to leave if your name starts with W but he will ask you to move your hockey bag if it occupies three seats and other people cannot sit down.
    Plus I don't see asking people to change name in 24-48 hours as this 'intermission' analogy.
  19. I guess my mistake. Both Dark and IProphet are princes of the Law Courts (although they seem to have graduated from Mouseton Law rather than Yale Law) I guess you guys will be suing ATA and banking considerable damages in short order good for u. Keep us posted on how that goes.
  20. Dark you keep confusing services and goods. My example was not stupid you just did not get it.
    PS writing that someone is extorting money without having proof of it ain't terribly kosher